UK Media Disrespects Nigeria Over Prince Harry And Meghan Markle

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UK Media Disrespects Nigeria Over Prince Harry And Meghan Markle

Wongel Zelalem reports on UK Media disrespecting Nigeria over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.



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  1. Some of black Nigerian women are truly excited that a white American bagging a prince is calling Nigeria HOME!!!

    If a black Nigerian called AMERICA home nobody will give them any welcome as how Nigerians welcomed a white woman and loved her for calling Nigeria home!

  2. Some of black Nigerian women are truly excited that a white American bagging a prince is calling Nigeria HOME!!!

    If a black Nigerian called AMERICA home nobody will give them any welcome as how Nigerians welcomed a white woman and loved her for calling Nigeria home!

  3. Harry and Meghan WERE NOT KICKED OUT OF ANYTHING!!! Harry and Meghan STEPPED BACK FROM ROYAL DUTIES in the Monarchy!!! They (H&M), NOW RESIDE IN THE USA 🇺🇸!!!

  4. The foreign office and the American state department calling an Africa country unsafe. So Euro and America are the safest countries on the planet. This is laughable!😂😂😂😂😂

  5. Lady, he was born a Prince so he cannot not be a Prince. Before you give an opinion, please take the opportunity to learn your facts. The man who say that the RF will never go to Nigeria, however, go to your history books and you will read that King Charles and his parents visited Nigeria more than once.

  6. They hate Harry and Meghan so much they can’t help themselves l Haitian but this make me sick to my stomach they trying to trash every place,every country every people that love Harry and Meghanm and welcome them anywhere this how crazy they are they have no respect for black country or black people that’s their treated them specially Meghan that way as a black person that so said

  7. what a shame on them,pple that commits more corruption on human right are now call Nigeria name after all….we learned from them because they're our colonial master and they teach our leader the bad behavior….all the loot,our leader are looting, where did they take it to? what a shame on them.

  8. This is shamful Nations like uk criminals killing Nations to take there Land the evil making morality to dose there have done evil to .we africains. 🤯🤯🥵👺👹💩🤬

  9. You want your reparations? You can have them once you give us back all the European blood spilt freeing you all from yourselves because clearly that wasn’t enough.

    The fact of the matter is Africans would still be slaves without Europe. When Europe left slavery returned to Africa. Hence why it’s still thriving there and not Europe.
    You say nothing to the Arab world regarding reparations because you know you can’t pull at their heartstrings because they have none! You’re a bunch of hypocrites and that’s why no one takes you seriously.

  10. I am glad that Africans remember the horrors of 4 centuries ago with slavery by colonizers. Its unfortunate that Harry yes just Harry who's African Parks charity is responsible for atrocities against the Baka indegenous people at this present time and not 4 centuries ago is given the King treatment. As an African I am disappointed in those few rich Nigerians who perpetuated this farce of a show. The mind of the colonised is what is wrong nowadays and it has nothing to do with thr former colonizer. Africa wake up, ⏰️.

  11. What is going on, still talking about the visit after 10 day. They Sussex’s have done so much since , just drop it, move on everyone

    We know the so called royal family are a bunch or racists with blood stained fingers talking stupid and are so irrelevant in the 21st century.

  12. How disappointing! You should (like the UK tabloids) do a little research… Google is free my friend. Harry is still a prince. He was born so. They agreed not ti use HRH (his royal highest). You a journalist saying “I don’t know what they are…” sound so unintelligent. Camilla & Charles went to Nigeria in 2018… do better than these trash tabloid and do your research.

  13. The UK Media is jealous of the treatment they received. They’re talking as if the UK has no crimes , racism, oppression, etc. it’s because of The White Supremacist who took away the wealth from all the Commonwealth Countries, they’re hypocrites. These European Countries are thieves, that’s how they became wealthy by stealing from the Countries they enslaved. I don’t blame H&M,is the government’s that need to speak up and make the changes.

  14. Why didnt you show a clip of Charles and Camilla in Nigeria a few years back? This would have he debunk some of the crap mentioned by the British commentators. Your video would have been more effective if you took the time to show royalty, prime ministers and high ranking British officials who visited Nigeria recently. This was a missed opportunity.

  15. The British press is in bed with certain members of the Royal Family. So they will use any opportunity to vilify Harry and Meghan for no good reason, but jealousy because people all over the world love them. But, there is bigotry and racism involved. The British media is quick to demonise any black people and black countries. But will forget about the abhorrant slave trade, rape, murder, pillaged of the natural resouces and the lies and ossification of their dirty history 🤔

  16. Oh really , but it was ok for your Country to go there at one point and steal humans and enslave them, also stealing the resources of the Country, you need to keep your mouth shut, mind your business….