TV7 Europa Stands – Is World War III upon us?; Family Values versus Migration – March 3rd, 2024

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TV7 Europa Stands – Is World War III upon us?; Family Values versus Migration – March 3rd, 2024

“Europe is far too weak and divided to stand in for the US strategically;
and, without US leadership the West cannot survive.”
Thus, Joschka Fischer concluded on December 5 th 2016 – merely 11 years after concluding his service as Berlin’s top diplomat and Vice Chancellor – that “the Western world, as virtually everyone alive…



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  1. I’m going to try to make it through this entire podcast without commenting on how the US should start kicking dead beat “allies” out of NATO…check back later

  2. Thanks Jonathan. Excellent analysis showing how Europe has allowed immigration to people who won’t assimilate. I agree they need to recognize who they are and not be embarrassed of their Judeo-Christian heritage. The analysis on Poland was very informative

  3. 🛟⚓️
    🚾گلوبالیست=ادیان و مذاهب،به خصوص اسلام=کمونیست و چپ گرایی=فمنیست=ال جی بی تی کیو=
    سرطان جامعه هستند.
    نماد وحشیگری و ظلم هستند.
    نماد نفهمی و بی‌شعوری هستند.
    نماد بردگی و زشتیها هستند.
    ⚠️A full-scale military attack on the terrorist regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran is strictly necessary to overthrow this tyrannical regime.
    حمله ی نظامی تمام عیار به ایران(جمهوری اسلامی طاغوتی) اکیدا لازم الاجرا میباشد.
    تنها شعار مفید و موثر در تظاهرات فقط:
    "مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی"

    دشمن هر ایرانی،جمهوری اسلامی.

    تسخیر صدا و سیما توسط ما‌ مردم و به درک واصل کردن صدا و سیمایی ها(اصحاب رسانه)=انقلاب کردن=رسیدن به رفاه و آزادی و عدالت همگانی

    ⚠️A full-scale military attack on the terrorist regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran is strictly necessary.
    ⚠️The overthrow and eliminate of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran is equal to Safety, Freedom and Peace for the planet.

    بسیجی و سپاهی،داعش ما شمایی.

    تا اسلام و آخوند کفن نشوند،این مملکت وطن نشود.

    به درک واصل کردن پلیس و بسیجی و سپاهی که در برابر مردم می ایستد=انقلاب کردن=رسیدن به رفاه و آزادی و عدالت همگانی

    مادر تمامی تروریست های خاورمیانه جمهوری اسلامی میباشد بنابراین گروهکهای تروریستی همچون داعش و طالبان و القاعده و حزب‌الله و… ساخته پرداخته جمهوری اسلامی اهریمنی میباشند.

    خامنه‌ ای جاکش،رهبر کل داعش.

    ⚠️Down With the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran.
    ⚠️Down With the Islamic Republic.
    ⚠️The regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a terrorist regime and it breeds terrorists.

    تنها شعار مفید و موثر در تظاهرات فقط:
    "مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی"
    دو چیز اگر اخته و عقیم نشوند همانند سلول های سرطانی درون جامعه و کشور متاستاز میکنند و همانند آفت به جان جامعه و مملکت می افتند و انسانیت،فهم،شعور را ازبین میبرند و جامعه و کشور را رو به تباهی و فساد و تخریب میبرند:
    ۱-دین و مذهب.
    ۲-کمونیست(چپی ها) و گلوبالیست.

    ⚠️The tyrant regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the main cause of the spread of insecurity, terrorism and kidnapping on the planet.
    ⚠️IRGC is a terrorist organization and it breeds terrorists.

    ما مردم ایران اگر آگاه و باخرد باشیم باید دو چیز اصلی و اساسی را از حکومت آینده ایران و قانون اساسی ایران طلب کنیم:
    با وجود این دو اصل و قانون درون قانون اساسی کشور برای مردم، هیچگونه دیکتاتوری و غارتگری بر سر مردم حاکم نمیشود، حتی اگر خود خدا هم حکومت تشکیل بدهد نمی‌تواند بر کشور و مردم ظلم و ستم روا بدارد…
    ۱_قانون آزادی برخوداری از انواع سلاح گرم برای مردم.
    ۲_قانون واریز مستقیم مبالغ و درآمدهای ملی به درون حساب بانکی تک تک ایرانیان، ازجمله درآمدهای حاصله از نفت و گاز و منابع طبیعی و معادن مملکت و…
    It is better and more reasonable for the United States of America government and the Israeli government to stop betraying and lying and deception once and for all.
    The USA government and the Israel government must completely overthrow and destroy the terrorist, criminal and kidnapping regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran as soon as possible.
    کلیسای واتیکان=گلوبالیست=کمونیست(چپی ها)=فمنیست=ال جی بی تی کیو=حزب دموکرات آمریکا=آنتیفا=بلک لایوز متر=اسلامیون=فاشیست=تروریست=ادیان و مذاهب و فرقه ها=جاعش(جمهوری اسلامی و قطر تروریست)=جمهوری اسلامی و قطر(حماس، حزب‌الله، داعش، القاعده، طالبان، دولت بشار اسد، فاطمیون، زینبیون، حشدالشعبی، حوثی ها، و…)=💩☠️💩☠️=مخربان و نابودگران جوامع بشری و سیاره زمین.
    ادیان و مذاهب، اسلام، اسلامیون، کشورها و مناطق اسلامی، کمونیست(چپی ها)=💩☠️💩☠️=تروریست=جانوران وحشی=بی شرف و بی همه چیز=کثافت و لجن
    Once and for all, the government of Israel and the government of the United States must stop deceiting and treason and destroy and overthrow this terrorist and criminal regime with a full-scale military attack on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

  4. Europe do not value family values, the old ones are left in homes alone, the young ones do not respect the.olders, perhaps the change of this situation will be a psychological factor to promote a growth in babies 🤔

  5. If energy is the lacking factor of Europe then you have scientists to create another source even if it means creating a platform nearby the sun but do not be dependant on foreign powers

  6. Europe and the West is too divided. So so divided and this is your main flaw. The West takes too much time to decide for the best path for you and too many laws that cannot be changed swiftly according to present challenges

  7. 3:36 funny this guy must be a socialist. The best way…
    I theory maybe, but the problem I see is that the socialists idea builds upon an idealized world and idealistic people.
    As it turns out the Biden administration, socialists, are running the country in a way a dictator would be proud of.

    There are censorship muting freedom of speech, if it doesn’t fit the politically correct narrative. If it does it is amplified and spread like Covid-19 on a global scale whether or not it represents the truth; courts and law enforcement such as the FBI is weaponized and used against political opposition eg Donald Trump.
    The Middle East conflict is further proof of the inability or mismanagement of US foreign policies.
    I can’t believe we went from the Abrahams Accords, and Saudi Arabia and a number of Arab countries in support of Israel, to a terrorist attacking Israel committed atrocities against civilians in Israel on a level unheard of.
    The democrats putting demands on Israel instead of the terrorists, trying to coerce Israel to unilaterally recognize Palestinians, supporting false allegations against Israel, defending terrorism, refusing to condemn atrocities by the Palestinians…

    This is the downfall of socialism. It may take a while, but all empires have an ending, look at the Roman Empire, the communist regime of the former USSR. Now it is socialism that is next.

    The clever Israelis have already an insight into the situation, and started to transform Israel into a democratic capitalist country.

    Smart guys!

    The western democrats are in change blindness at the moment.
    That means that they don’t even realize that a change is necessary.

  8. my question: who owns the media and their propoganda power which is currently controlling the voters to the political leaders which serve the corrupt ngo's?

  9. Uri is not a very eloquent natural speaker, not in Dutch nor in English, his English vocabulary is less then adequate to convey his thoughts. Which are sure on a professional level. His stance on Dutch contemporary society is somewhat over the top. The Netherlands has a far left leaning and activistic political elite, not a resemblance of its people. The Dutch voted against the ruling elites past november, and is waiting for a new cabinet, knesset, to be formed. It is not expected it will be a strong conservative cabinet. Many compromises have to be made between the parties that won the latest voting, among them is Geert Wilders. Whose party, the PVV, is more left leaning when it comes to economics, and right leaning when it comes to values. Mr Uri's party, the VVD, ruled The Netherlands for almost 20 years with primarily the left and liberal parties. Hence, introduced woke, and all that bs. And now he's chatting away about fertility rates declining….. Ludicrous. There is no love for Putin, hilarious statement.

  10. The UK is just like the description given by the Dutch man. Our youngsters also think it’s the job of government to provide security. And then they can go out to play. I’ve seen this all through my generation of 71years

  11. Strangely many incoming people from Muslim countries were coming because they thought we were morally the same. But the freedom given by us also means openness to evil. Muslims are shocked by this. Those intend peaceful settlement that is

  12. Praying 🇮🇱 and standing with ISRAEL 🇮🇱 🙏 and hostages, government I D F and all of you over there .Praying for SALVATION AND THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM ❤ Fro South Africa with love ❤🙏🙏🙏🙏

  13. Jonathan, this entire episode should be called TRUMP IS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING and you need to start giving him the credit he deserves because nobody says all this louder and HE SAID IT ALL FIRST, especially the NATO BUDGET and the SNAKE AND SCORPION OF ISLAM!