Trump’s Possible VP Contenders, Prince William Affair Rumors, w/ Ruthless and Dershowitz

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Megyn Kelly

Joined: Apr 2024
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Trump’s Possible VP Contenders, Prince William Affair Rumors, w/ Ruthless and Dershowitz

Megyn Kelly is joined by Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus of Harvard Law School and author of “War Against the Jews,” to discuss the latest revelations in the Fani Willis disqualification case, whether her testimony under oath was perjury, the judge dismissing six counts against Donald Trump, if Willis will stay on the Trump case, and…



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  1. Fanni should be disqualified,100 %. That judge obviously fancies Fanni. She has behaved abominably,lied under oath , paid her lover twice as much
    as more qualified people in her office. The crimes go on and on. The judge must be frightened he won’t get his upgrade if he tells the truth. He’s starting to behave like a criminal judge.
    I live in in England and everyone is laughing at how low his standards are . He is showing himself up as totally unfit to be an honest, decent judge. What a disgrace!!!

  2. As a combat veteran I have every right to say this
    I've tried to trust my government but they have turned to nothing but socialist

    Lately, like for the last 3 years, I can't believe any of thy of
    Any of tv news, did you know that we had a wildfire her

    We can't even trust our local news

  3. It is beyond belief the ego of Don Lemon when is he ever going to face up to the fact he is considered despicable.I suppose as long as he gets up and first thing in the morning kisses himself in the mirror he never will!

  4. Your fun of gossip which is such a lie and says something about your mindset as a Journalist it is so discusting what you did in this show. You and the other Guys make fun about a Person who is vulnerable . Who are you who judge this Princess of Wales and spread concpiracy Issues and what yo make out of a lie and show how much fun you have bulling Princess Of Wales . The Whole US Media is gossipping .Shame on your all. The good thing is you can not say I was not beeig hateful and mean. That is a good thing from the Internet. Megyn you are an example how mean Skorpion Narzistic Woman can act Toxic. Thats is the Energie you make money influence Americans with your hate all over the US against William and his Wife.

  5. it is so clear that Elon Musk thinks that he can bying People who talk for him. His mental health is disturbed through drugs right he is not free for free speach he has a Gen of a Diktator. I know that because he started a Tesla buisness close to Berlin destroyd the Ecosystem . He has no respect to Nature for me he is a traumatized Person who know thinks he has money which protects him not get hurt and it is better to have Power over others and was pissed that the journalist dared too ask uncomftorbale Question.

  6. Megyn, you should go hide yourself under your bed for reporting crap about William and CATHERINE. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    This is a wonderful, loving couple, and you opened your big mouth spreading lies. I usually like you and listen to your regularly, but this sounds like you are working for the national Enquirer. Many many people are so sad over the disclosure that Princess Kate is sick with cancer. People like you forced William & Kate to publicly announce her illness. That is super unfair that the public has to pry into their personal lives. It is none of your business if she is well or sick. Even a public figure has the right to health privacy. Stop capitalizing on other peoples misfortune. I hope she recovers 100% and can live a full life cancer free for the sake of our family; not for the glaring public or attention mongers like you!!!😊😢😮

  7. Apologise Megyn. Catherine and William met in University. They had a long courtship because William did not want to make another Royal marital mistake. As far as the picture is concerned it was photo editted but Catherine and the children were really there. You should do more research before you spout off. This episode stinks. You have lost all credibility in my eyes APOLOGISE

  8. Her name is Princess Catherine, Megyn. She has been married for over 10 years and has 3 children. Your journslism stinks. The guy who started the rumour about Rose Hanbury has since admitted that he did it deliberately as a joke. Rose Hanbury has issued a short statement denying it. I could go on. And as for saying that Catherine (she is NOT Kate) looked away from the camera. She has major surgery and asked for privacy. You need to apologise. This behaviour of you and the panel was obnoxious

  9. I am so disappointed in Megyn Kelly and the falsehoods she was prepared to air about a woman who had asked for privacy whilst she recovers from major surgery. It was mean Megyn. Catherine has not put a foot wrong in her Royal role. You need to apologise

  10. Ok, Megyn, it sad when you realized that Whoopy was right and you discussing Princess of Wales with this panel looked so bad and wrong. In special when Dan Wootton told you one week ago that the princess of Wales was “very unwell”. You looked no better than those women of “The View”.

  11. Now that Catherine has announced her CANCER diagnosis, don't you think you owe Catherine an apology for this cruel gossip session? You let SO many of us down as both a journalist (zero research, facts wrong) but as a woman – making fun of another woman's appearance (Rose) who didn't ask for ANY of this, entertaining wild theories, failing to take into account that Catherine has 3 young children and their mom's health matters to them FIRST before any of us. Least of all, we who live in the US.
    You gained lots of fans with your correct assessment of narcissist, Meghan Markle. Who replaced that brilliant commentator with a tenth grade 'mean girl'?
    A year or so ago you made a video regarding your use of pronouns (the trans debate), your change in viewpoint and your apology that you had previously contributed to the problem. I admired you for your stance and willingness to own your mistake.
    You need to own this. Publicly. Because you certainly contributed to the problem here, given the size of your platform. I suggest you do another segment similar to the one you did on the pronoun issue.
    You said you make no apologies for your interest in Catherine because she's a publuc figure. Fine. That doesn't mean you get a free pass to neglect journalistic due diligence and engage in cruel mockery. Dan Wooten didn't 'break the story'. He wrote an article about a supposed rift (which is itself debatable) between Catherine and Rose. Meghan Markle's friend, Giles Coren then posts a tweet while drunk which started the affair rumor and the internet explodes. He later apologized but it was too late. Markle's online minions, the Sussex Squad have recirculated the rumor for 5 years. Now that Catherine is out of comission, Harry's friend Stephen Colbert does a very tasteless skit breathing new life into the rumor.
    Now Rose is threatening legal action against Colbert. Normally, I would like to hear your commentary given your legal experience but given this episode with the 'Ruthless' (how ironic) guys, I have zero interest on anything you have to offer.
    I truly hope you consider an apology segment on your show. I think it would be received well. Most people understand it's easy to get caught up in the moment and engage in a 'pile on', particularly when there is competition for clicks and views. I believe you're better than that. I believe you're more professional than that. And I think your many disappointed fans would return if you showed proper contrition and humility. I know i would. Best regards.

  12. All you are the most horrible and disgusting American persons to speak about the princess of Wales. Be careful God is looking you. All my prayers for the beautiful princess Catherine.

  13. The latest revelation is that Fanni was the judge’s Former Boss! Conflicts of interest or Fulton County’s political cutthroat culture! ( unless the county is too small or Macafee was best at the job)
    So he was smart to diplomatically deliberate the ruling for the defense team to appeal!
    Fanni knowing of her romance spark in 2019 she should have taken off the case if she was true to herself. Country and the job! As her friend said that they met before November 2019. It is obvious they started a crush but her romance was personal. However, she could have evaded all this hassle for herself, Nathan, and decline political weaponization against a former Prez At the end of the day she has no consciousness of a job that prioritizes ethics !

  14. So, princess Catherins photo annoys you, yet You defend Dan Wooton, you are not a good person Megan, you put people down for clout, I hope your life and the way you act is perfect

  15. I thought you were so much classier than to even address this gossip story.. Shame on you for adding to an already stressful time for person that is ill. Disgraceful and disappointing

  16. I just unsubscribed. Your true colours showed re HRH Catherine princess of Wales. Many others to listen to apart from you, Pierce Morgan and Talk tv. Unsubscribed there as well.

  17. Two things 1)kate used to take most of the pictures of the royal family. So it was just shocking that the edit was so bad. 2) Charles set such a bad example so it is not surpising if William has followed in his father's footsteps. That would have been so hurtful to Kate. I think we should give Kate some space and support.

  18. The Sussex squad are the ones that spread the lies about PW having/had an affair with Rose. The rumor started after PH was sat next to Rose at a state dinner that Markle wasn’t invited to bc the were not married yet. A guy named Giles Coren made a ‘joke’ abt an affair, which he stated that he made up. The SSquad grabbed a hold of that and keeps making lies and rumors. They are also the ones spreading lies the PW beat her and that she is dead and the RF have to cover it up. They are all disgusting.

  19. Shame on you Megyn,I didn’t think you were like that,attacking our prince and princess of Wales,don’t you think they’ve had enough stress & upset to deal with over these past years, prince Philip passing away and then our beloved Queen Elizabeth, & now King Charles is ill with cancer and Catherine’s had serious abdominal surgery….. some empathy and compassion wouldn’t go a miss,and respect please! The strain prince William must be under 🇬🇧

  20. I would be absolutely shocked if Will had an affair, ever, after their marriage. Before? Yeah, I could see that. But he has been madly in love with her, and she with him, since they got married. You cannot fake that.