Trump tells Black voters his legal woes are like racial discrimination

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Trump tells Black voters his legal woes are like racial discrimination

A CNN political panel discuss former President Trump’s comments that his criminal indictments and mug shot appeal to Black voters and claimed that “what’s happening to (him) happens to them.” #CNN #News



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  1. Anti blackness has been going on for years but as a young lady getting older in these past 5 years anti blackness has been bad and been a hidden agenda. Down from tearing down the music, social media people talking about people kids, Black women being disrespected even shot at by police No acts really sign for us but weed and crown? Bias. The focus midtown NY? White reality is Diversity seeing different cultures is normal to me. Education cuts? High food costs smh there's no solution.

  2. Nothing about black are white get someone hu make life easier for us food everyday food prices go up gas rent our pay stay down interest rate up cant buy a house not even a good usd car 😢😢

  3. Jacoby harambe jamiroquai whatever his name is. Look out bro how dare you insult us and say that again we are so stupid politically ignorant that we don't know how to make mindful and thoughtful decisions behind who we would like to have as a president, the fact that you would sit and run with Trump statement and you were actually disp being extremely disingenuous when you go back and refer especially to the statement that Trump made about the mugshot he may not have articulated it as one may have needed so that the simple thinking dumb Democrats will not try and misuse it as they always do but it was not a racist Tropez I understood him to directly mean that the black man especially could identify with a railroading of the system and that especially goes of course I'm sure for those brothers who are brought up and lower economic household myself have been brought up in an upper middle class householdthat if the dollars aren't there you will be railroaded unfortunately at my age of 49 I don't have any felonies and that's not to say that I haven't been pulled over and even falsely charged and told by the arresting cops that I was going to get one that day but no my lawyer got that vs thrown out the system is red and that's what Trump said like you Jacoby real brothers attorney against the Democratic party cuz we got a bunch of busters like you who think you are so smart you think you're so bourgeois and that you can just talk down insults but let me tell you something Jacoby many of us who are voting for Trump came for better families then you did son and have a lot more intelligence and sense you need to get off the back of the democratic we've been free emancipate yourself

  4. Let me help you Democrats out and get you all together, the support for Donald Trump is very real and it did not just start it actually started after the election and it had nothing to do with the insurgents or any of that other crap it happened actually before Joe Biden was even nominated black voters especially black men under the age of 50 we saw how failed things were after Obama how many promises were not even promises because Obama didn't make any promises or anything the black people he simply ignored black people as a constituency while he gave benefits and rights to all every other constituents of group, Obama even went so far as to acknowledge Holocaust remaining survivors that were still alive and give them a 30 million Grand so but he was the president of All American can do anything directly for black people when he was President we are tired p we are tired of the Democratic party p. I know that this is not about Obama now because Biden is in office but Obama did also set a president for us the younger generation this is not the generation of the civil rights movement or the early seventies we are a different breed and we are wives do not insult Us by saying that the only reason we're voting for Trump because we can relate to criminality that's we think we're thinking deeper into it that's just a byproduct of whatever when it comes to thinking on a higher level p and make more politically astute and thought trust me we're there and even if we're not we embrace the brothers who are sisters who want to get behind or get on the Trump train for whatever the reason is whether it be a t-shirt will there be oil gas stocks geopolitics whatever the reason is or could be all of the reasons we're behind Trump and actually Biden is a sad tale but your Man Obama was the start of ityou should blame Obama because he was the start of the real disenchantment and the throwing of the hats off after his 8-year rain in the White House being put back in a second time well maybe he'll do it this time we thought but I knew better myself but anyway moving on yeah yeah by the name

  5. Y'all keep lying about President Trump being a racist, the worst president ever, and we'll show you how much he's loved by us! When you call him a racist, you're telling us that's what YOU really are..racist.

  6. He seems to think because he's gotten himself in trouble and a lot of black people has had problems with the law. So he seems to think that we're equal now. We're equal to him because he's gotten in trouble. And we've been in trouble before if this isn't an insult of all insults this man. Is insulting us to us. This is why I'm not voting for him or Biden.

  7. The greatest salesman on earth
    The Devil is a personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in religious belief as the tempter and deceiver of humankind. The devil is the title given to beings who are believed to be evil, murderous, powerful, destructive, manipulative, and deceptive. Evil a word extracted from the term devil is used to describe traits that bring about death, destruction, harm, pain, and unpleasant results. The name "Devil" derives from the Greek word diabolos, which means "accuser/deceiver. " In religion, the Creator/Most High and the Devil are usually portrayed as spiritual entities competing for the character of humans, the Devil is seeking to lure people away from God and into chaos. The Devil commands a force of greater evil spirits, commonly known as followers or parishioners.
    The Hebrew Bible or Torah does not assign this level of personification to the Devil. Instead, the adversary (ha-satan) is a servant of God who was created to test humankind. However, in the Hebrew Apocrypha and tradition, the Devil took on many of the characteristics inherited by religious beliefs and practices.
    The Devil is commonly associated with the wickedness and greed of mankind. Modern conceptions of the Devil include the idea that he/she symbolizes humanity's own lower nature or sinfulness or is a projection of unconscious human energies. In some traditions, believers gain power over the Devil through their belief in the only God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Some attempt to combat the devil with righteousness, or the knowledge of the truth, and thus come to prosecute him before God, rather than memic his evil ways.
    Who and what does he look like in America and why are so many religions and people on his team?


  9. American history lesson time- the south was ran by Democrats, north was ran by Republicans. only the south had slaves, and only 6 percent of white people in the south had slaves! Republicans fought and died to win the civil war to free the slaves! Now Democrats try to hide this part! And again only 6% of white people in the south had slaves 3% of blacks in the south owned slaves also! Demarcates started the KKK, and Jim crow! You tell me who is the real racists here!

  10. Republican supporters in 2024 : IQ above 115

    Democrats & Liberal supporters in 2024 : IQ below 115 (majority below 85)

    💯 Yall sensitive 85's are literally reaching over a joke he said that y'all didn't even understand 😂

  11. Any Black Person who supports Trump is A Fool. You have to look at “Who Supports Trump” – the people behind him. When you hear “they’re taking our country away from us.” They’re talking about Black People and other people of color; fool. When he says “We have to take our country back;” he’s talking about taking your rights away- and putting you in your place. If you let some damn sneakers change your thought process; you’re going to deserve whatever you get. Just damn foolish.

  12. This entire panel is seemingly out of touch with the average american middle class voter. Did they forget people now have access to endless information at their fingertips. Trump did much more to better the middle class and minorities as far as policies and people can see through the bs. period. You can no longer claim DT is a racist and expect that to be enough. At least play fair and hold biden equally accountable for his numerous questionable if not worse remarks. The american people aren't that stupid and a lot of people are finally catching on.

  13. The Democrats have said Racist things to black Ppl too so what's the difference. Black People have woke up and have been lied to so much By Democrats we are all tired of it and the black community is split… Some are going to be die hard Democrats and some are willing to try new politics! And I feel there is nothing wrong with that it's our right as Americans 🇺🇲

  14. Trump has won most of the black votes especially the law abiding citizens we are tired of this crime ain't nobody doing nothing is taking over the world when he was in office America was great again❤❤❤❤❤ so are all the people that is coming in illegal we need a strong bold president❤ I left Democrat now I am a Republican