Trump SPEECH FAIL in Black Church, NOT MANY Black People

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Trump SPEECH FAIL in Black Church, NOT MANY Black People

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s failure of a speech before a purported Black church in Detroit, Michigan where there were almost no Black people from Detroit.

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  1. Not voting for T but I don't appreciate media trying to manipulate me!

    He didn't attend a church service. The church hosted this roundtable discussion with a few local leaders. Again it wasn't a church service. Any one who wanted could come. Clearly it was mostly white Trump supporters who wanted to come. The people who are lying are media trying to make you believe he went to meet with the congregation of that church. He did not. He wasn't "visiting a black church" as media stated. The local leaders were using this space for their visit from Trump.
    Lefist media are very disingenuous. Purposefully misrepresenting actual situations. I understand disliking Trump. Question is why do you feel the need to misrepresent actual situations. If media can't be 100% honest about Trump maybe they're just trying to sway you against him by lying to you.
    Again, not voting for T but I don't appreciate media trying to manipulate me!

  2. You’re doing a great job of repeating someone else’s twist on things. It WAS a Black church which can be clearly seen when one watches the real video which was majorly inspiring. The biggest liar in the room is you.

  3. This was a disgrace to God and the members of the church. If I was them, I would no longer be a member of that church. I would ask God to find me another church.

  4. Just a reminder:

    “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” -Joe Biden

    “Poor kids are just as smart as white kids” -Joe Biden

    Let’s not forget the war on “poverty” where Joe Biden was the architect for tough on crime he said “more cops, more prisons” and drafted the thre strike law…well just like gun laws tough on crime hasn’t and doesn’t worked.
    This time he gave billions to irs, different countries, and allowed over 50million immigrants to pass by our border and gave them free everything. This country is in shambles.

  5. Hilarious that your “scandal” is that he doesn’t have e “enough” black people at the church he visited- how many black folks is enough? Educate us please- also, didn’t the current president have a son convicted of gun charges, skimping on child support payments, drugs and still has to answer for foreign pay offs….but let’s call a half empty church a scandal

  6. I'm quite sure that God knows without being told that Trump was charged with 34 felonies. More importantly, God knows without being told that Trump is GUILTY of those 34 felonies and much, much more.

  7. Might just touch a watch you every day and you are very informative and I love watching your show. There is a video on the Internet by Kendrick Lamar song, not like us. It shows an elderly white man dancing and having fun with Black people and that’s something that Trump does not want the American people to see different nationalities, enjoying each other dancing and having a common ground and loving one another that’s the problem Trump. He does not have that in him to love other races or ethnicities. You should show that to the world races can exists on common grounds people may not always agree but there is always away to work things out.Trump is just miserable old ass man with no loving his heart for anyone

  8. you all just love the status quoe dont you. you never HATED anyone before him…..same theatre, back and forth, do nothing TANK AMERICA slowly…but here is someone who shines the spotlight on the corruption…WE DONT WANT THAT!!! ARRRHH , YOUR WRECKING IT FOR ALL OF US…. WE HATE TRUMP!!! RRRAAAAWWWRRR…..ORAANGE MAN BAD!!!….. because of your "gullivers travel" myopic thinking,….YOU…are tearing down this country by not being able to see the forest for the trees…."my guy vs your guy"…lets all go off the cliff together while we argue over which end of the egg to crack!

  9. I went to the website. No where does it say it’s a black church. He reached out to Pastor and he agreed. The website doesn’t divide itself in any way. Trump went to Detroit to hear people of Detroit out. And that’s exactly what he did. All colors.

  10. Another stage event at a church and with a pastor involved in litigation. Very few blacks were in attendance, with the event organized by Charlie Kirk, a well-known white supremacist… in other words, another of the usual Trump and Republican bullshit rallies…

  11. Ben, black female here again. Please see  @2PreserveAmerica response under mine. This video is from 9-13-16!! Smh. The Black Panther’s grandson states he has dementia and PTSD!! Trump has NEVER helped my people. Thanks for the TRUTH!!