Tracing the Rapid Heist of Africa by Europe

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Gino Tomato Mix Ghana

Joined: Jul 2024
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As we journey through the annals of history, certain chapters stand out more starkly than others. The subject of our latest blog post? A period so dramatic and transformative that it altered the global landscape forever. Stepping into this historical labyrinth, we’re about to dissect the contents of the evocative YouTube video titled “Tracing the Rapid Heist of Africa by Europe” for a deeper understanding of a startling metamorphosis that occurred over just a century.

Let us rewind to the year 1800, a time when Europe’s dominion over the world was substantial yet confined, claiming a mere 35 percent of the planet’s land. But by the advent of 1914, an astounding cartographic revolution had unfolded—a map redrawn so drastically that it witnessed Europe’s reach expand to command a staggering 84 percent of the Earth. Such an expansion begs the question: How did a relatively isolated continent enact this sweeping conquest?

The historical heist of Africa stands as the astounding finale to Europe’s commandeering saga—a narrative etched with innovative technologies, revolutionary thinking, and a hunger for control that knew no restraint. The African continent, brimming with unclaimed territories, proved to be the final, yet crucial, stage for European expansionism, which we now understand as ‘imperialism 2.0’.

Join us as we unravel Europe’s insatiable drive for dominance, exploring the sophisticated cartography that charts this chapter of world history. We’ll gaze into the transformative powers of the Dutch corporation model, the irresistible force of European boats and guns, and the shifting paradigms that shaped our modern world—from the goods we trade to the languages we speak.

Dive into this deep exploration, where a British prime minister’s disdainful depiction of imperialism as “the vulgar and bastard imperialism of irritation and aggression” barely scratches the surface of a grand, albeit controversial, narrative. And perhaps, as the transcript hints, we might challenge our own preconceived notions of the European conquest’s inevitability, and entertain the provocative idea that history could have turned out very differently.

Prepare to embark on a journey through this seminal chapter of global history, where the rapacious spread of European influence over Africa isn’t merely a relic of the past but a critical foundation to the world we currently inhabit.

Unraveling the Mystery: How Europe Conquered 84% of the World

Unraveling the Mystery: How Europe Conquered 84% of the World
H2: Introduction
Welcome to Roots Afrikiko’s blog, where we bring you insightful analyses and summaries of our YouTube video content. In this post, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of African fashion trends, as discussed in our latest video. So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let’s explore the vibrant and diverse landscape of African fashion together.

H2: Body
The video showcases a wide range of African fashion styles, from traditional attire to modern, innovative designs. One of the key highlights is the use of vibrant colors and bold patterns, which are synonymous with African culture. Designers are increasingly incorporating traditional fabrics such as Ankara and kente cloth into their collections, blending heritage with contemporary aesthetics.

Moreover, the video explores the growing influence of African designers on the global fashion scene. With an increasing demand for ethically-made and sustainable fashion, African designers are gaining recognition for their craftsmanship and unique storytelling through their designs. From runway shows in Paris to collaborations with international brands, African fashion is making its mark on the world stage.

H2: Conclusion
African fashion is a rich tapestry of culture, history, and creativity. Through our video content, we aim to inspire and educate our viewers on the beauty and diversity of African fashion. Stay tuned for more exciting insights and discussions on Roots Afrikiko’s channel. Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and appreciation for African fashion. Until next time, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep embracing the beauty of African fashion.

The Catalysts of Change: Technology and Ideologies in European Expansion

The Catalysts of Change: Technology and Ideologies in European Expansion
Welcome back to Roots Afrikiko’s blog! In this post, we’re delving into the latest YouTube video content from our channel. We’ll be recapping the key points, insights, and takeaways from the video, providing you with a concise and informative summary.

In our recent YouTube video, we explored the rich history and cultural significance of traditional African dance forms. From the energetic rhythms of West African dances to the graceful movements of East African dances, we delved into the diversity and beauty of these art forms.

One of the highlights of the video was the showcase of different dance styles, each with its own story to tell. We discussed the importance of dance in African societies, where it serves as a means of communication, storytelling, and community bonding. From rituals and ceremonies to celebrations and social gatherings, dance plays a central role in the fabric of African culture.

Furthermore, we touched upon the evolution of African dance through time, highlighting how these art forms have influenced and been influenced by other cultures around the world. We also shed light on the contemporary revival of traditional African dances, with many young artists and dancers reinterpreting and reinventing these age-old practices for modern audiences.

this video provided a fascinating insight into the world of African dance, showcasing the vibrancy, creativity, and richness of these cultural expressions. We hope you enjoyed this summary and gained a deeper appreciation for the beauty of traditional African dances. Stay tuned for more insightful content from Roots Afrikiko!

Imperialism 2.0: The New Rules of Global Domination

Imperialism 2.0: The New Rules of Global Domination

Introduction: Exploring African Music through YouTube

Welcome to Roots Afrikiko’s blog, where we dive into the vibrant world of African music through captivating YouTube videos. In this post, we’ll be discussing a must-watch video that showcases the rich musical heritage of Africa and the talented artists who bring it to life. Join us as we uncover the beauty and diversity of African music, one video at a time.

Body: Unveiling the Sounds of Africa

In today’s featured video, we explore the fusion of traditional African rhythms with modern influences, creating a unique and dynamic musical experience. The video takes us on a journey through different regions of Africa, highlighting the various instruments, languages, and styles that make each culture distinct. From the infectious beats of West Africa to the soulful melodies of East Africa, we get a taste of the richness and complexity of African music.

The talented musicians in the video capture the essence of their heritage through their performances, drawing on centuries-old traditions while also embracing contemporary sounds. Their passion and creativity shine through, showcasing the power of music to transcend boundaries and connect people across continents. Through their music, they tell stories of love, struggle, and triumph, giving us a glimpse into the diverse tapestry of African life.

Conclusion: Embracing the Melodies of Africa

As we come to the end of our exploration, we are reminded of the beauty and resilience of African music, a treasure trove of inspiration and creativity. From the rhythmic beats to the haunting vocals, African music captivates our hearts and souls, inviting us to celebrate the richness of this diverse continent. Stay tuned for more captivating videos and insightful analyses as we continue to unravel the mysteries of African music through the lens of YouTube.

The Unintended Consequences: Shaping Today’s World Through Past Actions

The Unintended Consequences: Shaping Today’s World Through Past Actions


Welcome back to Roots Afrikiko’s blog, where we bring you the latest insights and analyses on our YouTube video content. Today, we’ll be delving into an exciting new video that explores the rich cultural heritage of traditional African dance. Join us as we uncover the significance and beauty of these dances, shedding light on their history and importance in African culture.


In our latest YouTube video, we had the pleasure of showcasing a variety of traditional African dances from different regions across the continent. From the rhythmic movements of the South African gumboot dance to the energetic beats of the West African djembe dance, each dance tells a unique story and serves a specific purpose within its community.

One of the key takeaways from the video is the interconnectedness of traditional African dances with music, storytelling, and spirituality. Many of these dances are performed during special ceremonies or rituals, such as weddings, funerals, and harvest celebrations. They serve as a form of expression, communication, and connection with the ancestors.

Furthermore, traditional African dances are not just about the movements themselves but also the intricate costumes, props, and intricate footwork that accompany them. In many cultures, specific dances are passed down from generation to generation, preserving their authenticity and significance.


traditional African dances are a vibrant and integral part of African culture, connecting communities and preserving heritage. We hope this blog post has given you a glimpse into the richness and diversity of African dance traditions. Stay tuned for more exciting content from Roots Afrikiko, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest videos on African culture and heritage. Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery!

To Wrap It Up

As we come to the end of this blog post discussing the rapid heist of Africa by Europe, it’s clear that history is filled with moments that still shape our world today. The rise of imperialism 2.0, fueled by technology and cooperation between empires, led to a massive shift in the global landscape. It’s mind-boggling to see how quickly Europe went from controlling only a portion of the world to dominating 84% of it by 1914.

But as we reflect on this powerful chapter in history, it’s important to remember that this outcome was not inevitable. Revolution was in the air, and empires were losing their grip on colonies. The story of how Europe stole the world is a reminder of the complex forces at play and the lasting impact they have had on our world today.

As we move forward, let’s continue to explore and learn from history, understanding the connections between the past and the present. The map of the world may have changed drastically in the past century, but the stories of those who shaped it are a reminder of the power of human innovation and ambition. Thank you for joining us on this journey through history, and we look forward to exploring more fascinating tales with you in the future.


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