Top 10 Most Beautiful Cities in Zimbabwe

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Top 10 Most Beautiful Cities in Zimbabwe

Top 10 Most Beautiful Cities in Zimbabwe
Hello Displorers, welcome to another informative video presented to you by Displore and thanks for watching. In this video, we shall count down the top 10 most beautiful cities in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, bordered by…



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  1. Excuse me but there is more to Bulawayo Than That A bit BIAS Towards Them National parks Hill side dams matopho hills so unless you have been id disagree with your count down.

  2. The whole country is beautiful, kind, welcoming, hospitable people, so much to see and experience, and the amazing wildlife. Beautiful place, beautiful people.

  3. I didnt realise how beautiful parts of Zimbabwe are! i love how the Africans are really building up their countries infrastructure to bring more wealth business and tourism!
    Wow! Im impressed how Zimbabwe are going from strength to strength! What an amazing country!

  4. 22 We cannot allow people to come and tell dreams in the pulpit. God gave 9 gifts for the common edification. What God wants to say to the Church, He will say it directly. And if a dream is meant for the assembly, God will take care of it. If you have a dream or a vision which you think is important, tell it to a pastor or an apostle who will tell the prophet if necessary. In 1994, around the end of the year, I had a dream and a week later, at a special meeting called meeting of awakening, before more than a hundred people, the Spirit came down on the associate pastor and led him up to me and he said this: "Thus saith the Lord: what I told you, stand up and say it now!". And the Spirit came upon me and putting the Words in my mouth, I said what I had seen. Later, in 2004, this associate pastor believed in the midnight Cry and I re-baptised him. He was the one who baptised me in 1993.


  5. 1 I, Kacou Philippe, slave of Jesus Christ,I do not cease to invite you to wisdom. Do not commit the same sins of Israel against the prophets, of Rome against the saints. By cursing me, by calling me a demon, an antichrist, and what I preach a nivaquine preaching … know that it is to God that you do it. I was pagan and on April 24, 1993, by a vision, I received the commission and the next day while I was sitting with my family, I was transported in vision into a totally desert country and I received the commission to preach the judgment. And it is after these two visions that I went to church for the very first time. And if you cannot, at least, take the Bible to contradict what I preach, stay quiet! Do not load yourselves with curses! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. I have never been in a seminary or in a bible training, I do not read the books of your so-called Christian bookstores, for He who sent me is with me. God is sovereign! He can use whom He wants and if you are a child of God, you are bound to recognize this. At the beginning of the church, He leaves the apostles and the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit and goes and chooses Saul of Tarsus, a persecutor of the Christians to speak to the whole earth. And on April 24, 1993, this same God chose a pagan that I was for the Salvation of mankind. If you are a child of God, what will you say if not: "Oh God, may your will be done." [Kc.2v26] [Kc.3v27] [Kc.6v16]

  6. 15 When the Jews were getting out of Egypt, including the sons of the devil, they all said, "Our absolute is the prophet! It is Moses!" But God saw their heart. There was no Bible or scroll yet and they were obliged to say as the sons of God that their absolute was the prophet living amongst them! But God knew that, the same way some angels did not submit themselves to Him in the Heaven because He is an Angel like them, the sons of the devil would never submit themselves to a prophet living amongst them, because this prophet is a man like them! When they said "Our absolute is Moses, the living prophet amongst us!" God knew in the Heaven that it was a lie. The sons of the devil cannot accept a living person as an absolute. And then the angel of death rose but God said to him, "Leave them alone! At the appointed time, they will be separated". [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

    16 The sons of the devil prefer a book for absolute as their fathers always preferred fetishes, objects for absolute. A son of the devil can have a piece of iron for absolute, he can have an object for absolute and in the same way, God knew that one day a book was going to be their absolute. They prefer dead prophets because of their zeal for spiritualism which is much seen here in Africa. That is why, as soon as Moses died, they said, "We are of Moses! Our absolute, it is the scroll of Moses," that is to say the five books of Moses. And this demon has been working on the earth until today! When Isaiah was speaking, they said, "Our absolute is the Bible. We do not believe in a man! We believe in the Bible!" When John the Baptist was speaking, they said, "Our absolute is the Bible. We don’t believe in anything else!" And the sons of the devil who were there shouted, "AMEN!" And John the Baptist did not know what to say! Oh the prophets have so suffered! In the lifetime of a prophet, he establishes sons of God around him but when he is not there, they are the sons of the devil who seize the priesthood in order to corrupt any way of Salvation. You see?

    🇬🇧#Download: The app "Prophet Kacou Philippe (Official)" on Google play or go to:

  7. 15 When the Jews were getting out of Egypt, including the sons of the devil, they all said, "Our absolute is the prophet! It is Moses!" But God saw their heart. There was no Bible or scroll yet and they were obliged to say as the sons of God that their absolute was the prophet living amongst them! But God knew that, the same way some angels did not submit themselves to Him in the Heaven because He is an Angel like them, the sons of the devil would never submit themselves to a prophet living amongst them, because this prophet is a man like them! When they said "Our absolute is Moses, the living prophet amongst us!" God knew in the Heaven that it was a lie. The sons of the devil cannot accept a living person as an absolute. And then the angel of death rose but God said to him, "Leave them alone! At the appointed time, they will be separated". [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

    16 The sons of the devil prefer a book for absolute as their fathers always preferred fetishes, objects for absolute. A son of the devil can have a piece of iron for absolute, he can have an object for absolute and in the same way, God knew that one day a book was going to be their absolute. They prefer dead prophets because of their zeal for spiritualism which is much seen here in Africa. That is why, as soon as Moses died, they said, "We are of Moses! Our absolute, it is the scroll of Moses," that is to say the five books of Moses. And this demon has been working on the earth until today! When Isaiah was speaking, they said, "Our absolute is the Bible. We do not believe in a man! We believe in the Bible!" When John the Baptist was speaking, they said, "Our absolute is the Bible. We don’t believe in anything else!" And the sons of the devil who were there shouted, "AMEN!" And John the Baptist did not know what to say! Oh the prophets have so suffered! In the lifetime of a prophet, he establishes sons of God around him but when he is not there, they are the sons of the devil who seize the priesthood in order to corrupt any way of Salvation. You see?

    🇬🇧#Download: The app "Prophet Kacou Philippe (Official)" on Google play or go to:

  8. 56 With regard to Salvation, God who is just did not favour one people over another. And no religion is closer to God than another. God did not favour the Jew over the Arab or the Hindu over the Christian. God did not favour the Muslim over the Hindu, or the Buddhist over the Christian, or the Jew over the atheist. You the Arab, the religion of your family of birth could have been Hinduism or Jainism. You the Christian, the religion of your family of birth could have been Islam or Taoism, Confucianism or Sikhism. You the Hindu, the religion of your family of birth could have been Christianity or Islam. [Kc.13v52] [Kc.136v45] [Kc.137v56] [Kc.144v70]

  9. 1 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heavens always comes from Heaven through an angel while there is another gospel that comes from the abyss through pastoral school for God fills the heart while the devil fills the head. Remember how on April 24, 1993, the sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. You see? It’s the devil that has instituted pastoral school. For, if I send someone to call my wife who is on a journey to the village, this messenger doesn’t have to receive any instruction from anyone. I am the only one who should tell him what to say to my wife and I know that she will believe him. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.2v3]

    2 Let Satan and his children have pastoral schools, Bible institutes and the Internet, me and my house will stay with the prophetic revelation. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"]. And after pastoral school, seminaries and theological degrees, when those hypocrites, sons of the devil stand in the pulpit, they say: "O God may I decrease and you speak through me." You see? It's a confusion! If you know that you can decrease for God to speak through you, so what did you go and look for in pastoral schools?

    4 Well, the Bible declares that there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed in daylight. God made it because the time of restoring had come, but unfortunately those for whom it was made were already drunk and could not distinguish between good and evil, between the Spirit of God and the spirit of the devil, between the Word of God and theology… And the fruit that springs thereof, they are the Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical and Branhamist churches.

    5 And it is wrong that those satanic caricatures are called “churches”, becoming suddenly a curse for the country and the subject of all the wrath of God. So that, when a cup of torments is poured on a country, churches are quick to interpret it to strengthen the wicked one on his way. I can not imagine of what punishment the churches will be found worthy at the judgment!

  10. 20 I Kacou Philippe, I came to the earth, and I found the inhabitants of the earth ten times more hypocritical than they were 2000 years ago. They want their will done. They want a gospel according to their taste. All follow the devil with a deep peace. They are rich and they will always be rich, from father to son, because their cathedral-church is a family asset that they will pass on in inheritance to their children. They receive tithes, but they do not pay tithes to anyone. But you my son Daniel, I do not even wish you that you be a preacher because I want you to be saved. This is my prayer for you and your sisters. Amen!

  11. 9 All these holy-spirits that you see in these Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches, they are demons of divination. They are demons that will fight against us. And in addition to these demons, you need to count the police and the tribunals and the nations and all the organisations of the earth. But no matter what will happen to you, stand firm until the end. Because you have a reward in the Heaven, a reward that will never perish. God will wipe away your tears. Stand firm in suffering, in prison! No matter the persecution, stand firm! One day, your joy will be eternal in the Heaven. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].   [Kc.115v3]


  12. Kacou 16:3 And yet, the greatest sin in the desert is to discover water and to hide that from people. Spread this Message so that those to whom It is destined can receive It. We are not seeking to turn some crabs into fish or some wild asses into lambs of God but we have the obligation to warn them without exception. Even if they call that "judgment", do it! Do not get distracted!  [Kc.15v1] [Kc.72v18] [Kc.115v1]

  13. 40 You brethren of Africa, of Asia, of Europe and of America! Maybe you were expecting the Message of Matthew 25:6 in your country, but God did it another way. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ! Being the high priest Melchisedec, the rabbis and the scribes saw that He should come from the tribe of Levi. But He came out of the tribe of Judah. Then, His Message and his works confirmed that it was Him the Messiah. And today, on the whole face of the earth, if you are a child of God, your place, it is here with the prophet of your time, Prophet Kacou Philippe. And he that has ears to hear, let him hear.

  14. 33 From generation to generation, the Truth has always been with only one living prophet messenger on the earth. He is the one who has the keys of the Kingdom; he is the one who is the way, the truth and the life in his time. And when you open the Bible, you see Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Ezekiel, and so on. They are names of prophets. The truth, it is with a living prophet messenger, and not in a church. But what are you doing therefore with the Bible which is in your hands? If not, is it really for Salvation that you go to church? And yet, if God saves a Baptist, a Pentecostal, a revival church member or assembly of gods, how can He condemn the Pharisees, Judas and Caïn ?

  15. 11 When a prophet messenger is sent on earth, it’s because there is no more truth on earth and his Message is the only truth of his time. He is the depositary of the truth. He is the legislator of the Word of God in his time. You see? When Noah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Noah. When Jeremiah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Jeremiah. When Elijah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Elijah. When the Lord Jesus was preaching there in the streets of Jerusalem, no one could be saved unless by the Message of the Lord Jesus. He said: "No one comes to the Father unless by me". You see? When Martin Luther was preaching there in Germany, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Martin Luther. When John Wesley was preaching, no one could be saved on the whole face of the earth unless by the Message of John Wesley. When William Branham was preaching there in America, no one could be saved on the whole face of the earth unless by the Message of William Branham. And today, you cannot be saved but by the Message of Prophet Kacou Philippe. If you were a child of God in their time, you would believe in them and it is the same today. [Ed:  The congregation says, “Amen!”] [Kc.3v12] [Kc.31v18] [Kc.91v6]


  16. 61 Confess your faith before your parents and before men. Wherever you are, in your family, in a school, in a vehicle, at a meeting, or in any place, stand up and say aloud, "Do you know that if you do not believe in Prophet Kacou Philippe, you will go to hell after your death? If anyone here does not know, I am just informing." And then you sit down. That's all. You Sisters, when you are in front of pagans, speak to them without restraint. Explain the Message to them like the Samaritan woman, you are not preaching.

  17. 21 When you see somebody saying all the time, "Come back to the Bible! Come back to the Bible! The Bible says…! The Bible says…!" keep quiet and do observe the man well and you will see that it is a demon! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. It is apparently good but it is the devil. To come back to the Word is different from "coming back to the Bible"! It was the same demon that used that woman in Act.16. And the test of the Word is not to confront what somebody is saying with the Bible! Because the Bible is a history book, it is past and if that scandalizes you then you need deliverance! It is a history book that God has found useful, not because of the memory of the prophets or of the culture of the churches but because of its prophetic side!