Three ways to unfetter the Black Community – Black Group Economics

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Three ways to unfetter the Black Community – Black Group Economics

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  1. I don't owe African nationals or foreign Black people anything. I am a native Black American Freedman and I am under unique laws and treaties and connected to specific legacies here that have nothing to do with immigrants, refugees or migrants. You can keep that crap to yourself. I know my culture and that's Black Wall Street, all of the pioneers were AMERICAN, U.S. Blacks, relatives of FREED U.S. SLAVES. NOT FOREIGNERS. U.S. FREEDMEN'S ISSUES ARE NOT THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSES.

  2. I have a plan on how to bring education economic development to the black community I have given a zoom presentation on this plan and I will be giving others I'm in the US but I would love for you to hear this plan and see if it can be implemented in London and other places please contact me I would like to share the plan with you

  3. You make valid points.
    We need to control the local economy, we need to control the local politics, we need to control the police/courts, we need to control the media and finally we need to control the schools so we prepare the next generation about the code of conduct and how to operate/start businesses.

  4. You don't need to re-brand it and try to call it MO. We all know its "code of conduct".
    This is from Dr. Claude Anderson – stick to the script and give credit where its due. That's also part of the code.

  5. Had to subscribe bro. You are on code!! B1

    Financial Independence is key. Everyone need to go read Powernomics from Dr. Claud Anderson. It's a Financial Bible for black people.

    What everyone can do now is stop taking out loans and paying down your debt. That removes us from the matrix. Start Sou Sous (Gifting Communities) where we circulate our money so we don't have to rely on banks/lenders

    Just doing those 2 things will dramatically impact our lives and financial circumstance. We just make poor decisions financially which puts us in the situation that we're in.

  6. Now I'm considering getting a bank account in a black owned bank and replacing my LinkedIn with an account on a black owned social network. (Valence? IDK yet)

    I have some research to do.

  7. Tbh despite how different we are, I'm proud that Africans always like to talk about unity and one. I believe that we are one of the race that is always "us", "let's unit Africa" etc. Thus is great and future generations.

  8. Our folks need to first decolonize their minds. The colonial education is not helping anybody use their brains. I personal believe that an individual has to be creative/knowledgeable in order to avoid reacting to occurences by mere shouting &/or being violent. There are other better & efficient ways of getting things done while capitalizing on the "solution" for wealth creation. We first have to seek knowledge first in order for us to be able to be versatile in our thinking & proffer more solid solutions to problems.

  9. One argument is that skin colour alone, even when it includes national origin, is not enough to form a community, which is why there is no group economics in neighbourhoods where the demographics would define them as "Black." But that doesn't explain why there is no group economics in places where the people are, for example, Black + Nigerian + Christian.

  10. Sometimes our people make it hard for us to support them. I went to African restaurant to eat.. the owner was just unnecessarily arrogant and rude to me and my wife. Because we requested more stew in the 🍜 🤣🤣😂😂😂

  11. Phrankleen, I live in Los Angeles. The Koreans control about 3 sq. miles(more than 7km sq.) of territory in a prime central location. Though Latinos, blacks and other live in the area, its called KOREATOWN. Observations:
    1. Business signs are mostly written in Korean. Language maintains culture/heritage and keeps outsiders out and insiders in.
    2. All kinds of business co-exist. Nail/Hair salon, coffeshops, Law offices, martial arts gym, massage parlors, restaurants, convenience stores, grocery stores. All run by Koreans, Koreans are the majority employees. Often the businesses showcase Korean culture (food, Korean clothing brands etc)
    3. The Koreans in Los Angeles rarely protest, rarely attempt to get in political office. But they use their money to control the area and influence politics.

    It's group economics mixed with race pride. They shop with each other so they don't need to cater to outsiders, even though outsiders visit. They clearly strategize real estate deals and supply chains. This is an obvious formula that black people need to use.

  12. Phrankleen you a absolutely right, all the black rich wealthy smart educated Drs. Lawerys etc. Why wouldn't Blackwall street or similar hasn't been re-built. All of us can't be wealthy, but someone has to do the small jobs.

  13. We are quick to complain about poor customer service with black businesses, but continue to shop where we are blatantly disrespected by non-black businesses! All part of the self hate😢

  14. For like minded entrepreneurs advertise your products and services within your neighborhood. Offer your hair, food, repair, computer services to those in your own community and make sure the quality is excellent and can compete on pricing.

  15. We as a black community need to have honest folks. We have a lot on black on black issues. My sister started a business that sold some black products on Ebay and what she noticed is that majority of the dishonest consumers were black people who kept stating that they had not received the product or the product was below par. She solved the problem by making them sign for it as she was losing money. They also had the audacity to leave bad reviews and after investigations by Ebay, her business was vindicated . In London alone a lot of Caribbeans can't stand Africans and vice versa. We need to solve that problem .

  16. You know why this problem is been going on is about time all black people including the blacks in diaspora to co operate and work together that's the only way we can move forward period

  17. I like something I heard Brother Polight said Each person is insurance for over a million then everytime they kill one of us they make the family a million $ richer. The police in the US Will not be so quick to kill unarmed black people. You are correct. However everything works in a framework so we need a framework that will enable us to do and not just think about it. Like an App.

  18. Phrankleen, I'm very thankful for you and the work you're doing to wake up our people from their deathlike sleep. I had the opportunity to speak with you not long ago during the call-ins, and am grateful. This topic is yet another very important one. Are you familiar with Dr. Claud Anderson? His masterpieces "Black Labor White Wealth" and "Powernomics" went into great details, particularly the latter, of everything you're talking about here. I think if even 60% of "Black" people read these books, we'd be in a FAR BETTER shape and ready to compete with other groups, because what you're saying here might unfortunately not make full sense to those incapable of seeing what you're saying…because it's only a short video. But these books can help, as they break down all of these including our learned behaviors that help perpetuate our own oppression.

    I'm not paid to promote anything here ftr, but I know that there are realistic BLUEPRINTS for Black Power that have been laid out by some of the greatest thinkers to walk the face of this earth like Dr. Anderson, Dr. Amos Wilson, and the like, and these happen to be one. But sadly, our folks aren't so open to reading and paying attention when it comes to these issues of Black Survival. We speak mostly from a place of emotion (what we "feel"), and this is also evident when some callers call in to your shows.

    Anyway, I agree with you 100%. Our minds is where this thing needs to start! We have to put our egos aside and understand FIRST that we're sick, and DESPERATELY in need of a complete change of mindset, which I unfortunately don't think most are ready for or willing to do. It's like we want solutions that don't require us to change our thinking and the way that we do things, that's why we keep asking for solutions when they've already been given to us for ages. 

    Many think that being "Black" alone (and particularly Afrikan) automatically makes them qualified to speak on these very crucial issues by virtue of what we face as people. Our folks can watch tons of insightful videos like this forever, but if their minds are not RE-programmed, we will continue to look for every justification for our learned oppressed behaviors that essentially insure our position as the wretched of the earth. I hope to catch you again on one of your livestreams and call in to speak, because I have so much to say. In fact, I've also been asked by friends to start a channel of my own, and am still thinking. Maybe I can get some inspiration from you…but that's a whole noda conversation haha. In any event, thanks again for all that you do. It's very refreshing to see brother! May the ancestors continue to bless and keep you. Our people need this!

  19. I appreciate your line of thinking and your passion on the subject, but don’t you realize that the mechanisms in place and the powers that be will never allow someone in those positions who want to make actual changes and progress for black people. They allow the tokens that will go along with agenda that make you think you are making headway. And that plan is SURELY not going to happen in England! That is the main hub of colonialism.

  20. Thank you Phrankleen, you are brilliant as always 👍. My qn is Why is it so hard for us to come together people, share info, encourage and build each other? Why can’t we open our eyes, mind and come to the realization that we have to unite in order to move forward, grow wealth and flourish?

  21. You are right Phrankleen, we as black folks need to come together and support one another and also help each other grow. When this is done, it will enable us to challenge systemic racism.

  22. You have not thought this one through carefully. It basically contradicts a lot of what you have previously said. It is more important to advocate disciplined behaviours which is sadly largely lacking. Too much mistrust and fragmentation within the black community community.

  23. It's so true the white corporation have snatched BLM and used it for their gain! So true!!!

    You speak truth but our community are so competitive they don't share business information. This was the issue Magic Johnson had when he was building his empire he said blacks don't share information. That was what he ensured to end. Tyler Perry is also sharing business ideas with blacks and prefer working with blacks. That's how it should be. We black have money but give it to other communities.

  24. The mindset is everything …. some Africans rent a building property at a good commercial location and rather convert it into a church, losing money on weekdays when they could have used it for a viable business making money all throughout the week.