This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Who the F*** Is Allah Edition)

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This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Who the F*** Is Allah Edition)

David Wood and Robert Spencer once again bring you all the jihad news that no one else dares to report.

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  1. I was wondering if jihad is at the core of Islam why certain countries like the UAE are not supporting the Muslim brotherhood? Is it because they believe Allah will bring jihad?

  2. As a Brummie born and bred in Birmingham UK 🇬🇧 I wish to apologise for the stupidity of this new Liebour government who were elected on your Independence Day from us! You couldn’t make it up but the i$lami$ts do as they go! This pathetic government think by locking up native Brits we will be quiet… NEVER!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿✝️🙏🏼🇬🇧🇺🇸🇮🇱 Onwards Christian Soldiers!! 🙏🏼Praying for you both and your families!! Deus Vult 💪🏼⛪️✝️

  3. David, I have always been a fan. In fact, you were the third person I followed after Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins back in the day. What I have come to realise over the last twelve years is that it is all a crock. It is all about the Sharia and its application to the world. I have come to realise there was no Mecca until the mid 8th Century. They had no regular water supply to nourish all who lived in the "mother of all settlements" and therefore no food to sustain a great trading post. It is complete hogwash. It was not until 801 CE that they got a regular water supply with the opening of the Ayn Zubaydah. That supplied Mecca with its water for 1200 years. Look it up on You tube. The Arabs even show this great artefact. The Ahadeeth is totally fabricated.. Going back in time, history, in that region, seems to begin with the Umayyads and before that it is folklore or the narrative. Marwan had a mother named Arminah. He also had a wife called Alysha. His third son was named Muhammad. Does that sound familiar. My point is David, while we continue to give credence to the Ahadeeth nothing will change. there are 1.5 billion people out there who need to see they have been fed a lie.

  4. Thank God , Robert's Wrist is fully healed. Jesus the perfect Healer.
    The Jews ,The Gentiles- Arabs, Americans, Africans, Chinese, Russians e.t.c ALL NEED JESUS CHRIST FOR SALVATION NOW B4 ITS TOO LATE.
    See you guys in Heaven

  5. I am against, attacking my neighbours to subjevt them to sharia and humiliate them, killing of apostates, slavery, marriage or sexual activies with children, deceipt to protect Islam from scrutiny or to protect the sins of Muslim brothers from being revealed- all of which are 'expressions of Muslimness'. So I am also an Islamophobe.

  6. since 9/11 these islamaphobes have tried to slow growth of islam in west the result. 1999 700 u s mosques. 2019. 3100 u s mosques meanwhile churches shuttering at a rapid pace several members of congress are muslim. f t c chief is muslima ny jets coach is muslim. Jacksonville jaguars owner is muslin. rosh Limbaugh got rejected to be an owner 7 yrs after 9/11 a hussein Obama was elected commander in chief /prez of u s 10 percent of all u s doctors are muslim [j a m a ] how did these guys fail so miserably?

  7. In Britain during the 'riots' armed Muslim mobs scouring the streets for the 'far right' were overheard (and recorded) being advised by police to 'leave their weapons at the mosque please'. Its a bloody rum way to do policing, but the same cops swear that 'two tier policing' isnt a thing. What an absolute joke this country's become under the leftists of the uniparty. No wonder hardly anyone bothers voting.

  8. Abc


    To see who do GOOD DEEDS, Q11:7, Q17:7, Q2:177, Q2:40-48, Q22:78, Q3:31, Q3:103, Q103:1-3, Q6:164, Q2:38, Q4:64, Q2:213, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Psalms 119:105-106, Deauterenomy 7:11-13, 1 Kings 6:11-13, Q21:105 VS Satanic Verses, Genesis 3:22, Matthew 5:5

    Quran Dot Com, Q11:7 – And He (Allah) (is) The One who created The HeavenS & The Earth (Genesis 1:1) in six Days and His Throne is ABOVE The Water (Q11:119, Q21:30 – Jinns & Human) (so) that He test which of you do GOOD DEEDS/AMALU AS-SALIHATI//AR-BIRR/AT-TAYYIBAT/THE PURE WAYS/GOD’S DIVINE GUIDANCE….Continue Reading….His Throne is ABOVE The Water means God is superior to us & Jinns & His Power encompassed us, Q4:126, Q7:54 – The Power To Create & Command belongs solely to God

    So Dear Brothers In Islam, Q49:10, Your Solat (Turning Ur Faces From East Or West Towards Kiblah everyday) & other GOOD DEEDS will be void if U failed in The First Article Of Faith that is BELIEVE IN ALLAH & THE LAST DAY/Believe Fully In The Quran, Q2:177, Q49:14,,Q4:136, Q2:136, Q21:2, Q2:257, Q24:21, Q2:151, Ezekial 24:13, Q6:115, Q3:31, Q3:103, Q10:15, Q81:17-27, Q2:2-5, Q1:6-7, Q9:29, Q9:18

    SEE, I give U a wider picture of what GOOD DEEDS means, Q2:38 – BELIEVE IN ALLAH & THE LAST DAY/GOD’S DIVINE GUIDANCE/DEEN/RELIGION/GOOD DEEDS/AR-BIRR/AT-TAYYIBAT/THE PURE WAYS is ISLAM/SUBMIT FULLY TO HIS WORD, Q39:54-55, Q42:13, Q42:15, Q57:21, Q9:72, Q2:40-48, Q46:13, Q33:1-3, Q47:1-3, Q36:2-5, Q3:85, Q5:3, Q44:2-8, Q97:4, Q9:72, Q57:21, Q2:82, Q45:30, Q64:8-9, Q13:20-24, Q2:40-48, Q2:285, Q4:105, Q3:83, Luke 11:4 – Thy Will Be Done On Earth As In HeavenS

    LOOK, Quran Dot Com, Q49:14 – Say The Beduins, We believe… Say (O Prophet) Not U believe but say we have SUBMITTED (Fully)…And has not entered (FULLY) The Iman in Ur hearts…But if U obey Allah & His Messenger not will He deprived U of Ur DEEDS anything.. Indeed Allah is The Forgiver, The Merciful

    So follow Muhammad means follow The Quran fully, Q3:31, Q3:103, Q2:208, Q39:54-55, Q33:45-48, Q33:1-3, Q47:1-3, Q36:2-5, Muhammad & all other Prophets do not have way/sunnah of their own, Q17:77…They only departed The Knowledge/Kitaba/God’s Word sent down/unzilla to them, Q2:213, Q2:120, Q16:44, Q10:15, Q81:17-27, Q3:31… Their understanding of The Knowledge given by God is called HIKMAH/Understanding Of God’s Words, Q43:63, Q12:22, Q38:20, Q4:113… So STOP using these words, THE QURAN & MUHAMMAD’S SUNNAH/WAY but say the correct words, THE QURAN & MUHAMMAD’S HIKMAH.UNDERSTANDING OF GOD’S WORD/MUHAMMAD’S KNOWLEDGE OF THE QURAN, Q2:120, Q2:269, Q16:44, Q33:34, Q4:113

    SEE all these AL-Khabaitha/The Impure Satanic Verses Haram Killing Rabbis’ Man-Made Laws that U are still believing but U claim U are A True Believer Muslim…Eg One – Sunan Abi Dawud 4449, Sunan Ibn Majah 1944, Sahih Bukhari 6829 copied from Deauterenomy 22:22, Leviticus 20:10

    Eg Two – Khaibar Battle Stories copied from 1 Samuel 15:3, Deauterenomy 20:10-14 (Mass-Massacre)

    Eg Three – Sahih Bukhati 6922 copied from Deauterenomy 13:6-9

    Eg Four – 2nd Coming Of Prophet Jesus…In reality, Early Man Prophet Jesus’s Soul is now in Barzakh Paradise of which dimension is ON surface of Earth around us, Q7:25, Q23:99-100, Q7:37-39, Q2:154, Q3:169-171, Q61:12, Q36:20-29… God Loves him & came to his rescue while he was in pain of being Stoned by AL-Yahud, Q19:33…An Angel next to him invited out his Soul from his body in A Natural Death, Q4:155, Deauterenomy 21:22-23, Matthew 23:37, Q4:157, Q3:55, Q7:126, Q39:42, Q6:61-62, Q7:37-39, Q32:11, Q13:11, Q7:37-39, Q7:126, Q5:117, Q3:144, Q15:10, Q13:30, Q2:140-141…Since there is no ROMAN CROSS for Prophet Jesus in Quran these are Satanic Verses, 1 Corinthians 15:14, Sahih Bukhari 2476

    U have taken The Early Men Rabbis, The Christian Teacher Monks & The Hadith Writers (who had CHOSEN SATANS AS THEIR ALLIES & PLAYED GODS with God’s Word) as Gods besides Allah, Q7:175, Q4:48, Q39:65-66, Q9:31…U are Transgressors Of Quran, Q2:256, Q16:36, Q96:6, Q6:21, Q54:3, Q49:14, Q39:60, Q8:55 – Worse Than A Moving Goat

    U have not been PURIFIED by God’s Verses from Quran but have stepped out of The Red Line/Limit/Hudud of Quran, Q24:21, Q2:151, Q2:257, Q7:157, Q5:87-88, Q7:200, Q8:11, Q74:4-5, Q114:1-6, Q11:119, Q2:208 – Enter ISLAM completely & avoid Ar-Rujz/Satanic Verses/Satanic WordsFalsehood//Satans’ Evil Whispers

    SHARIA LAWS means God’s Guided Divine Laws given by Allah in His Book/Word/Kitaba, Q45:16-18, Q2:38, Deauterenomy 16:18, Deauterenomy 7:11-13, 1 Kings 6:11-13, Psalms 119:105-106…LIVING IN A PURIFIED LIFESTYLE/A SHARIA LIFESTYLE means U are BELIEVING IN ALLAH & THE LAST DAY means U believe in all His Word & following all His Diviine Guidsnce/Divine Laws & Comnandments in His Book but U Dear Brothers in Islam, Q49:10 are doing the opposite…U believe in Haram Killings & Falsehood Satanic Verses from Hadiths, Tafseers, Sirahs, Bible & Taurat, Q2.38, Q2:151, Q2:129, Q81:7-10, Q3:42-43, Q45:16-18, Q3:31, Q3:103, Q39:65-66, Deauterenomy 7:11-13, 1 Kings 6:11-13, Ezekial 24:13, Q5:32, Q4:155, Matthew 23:37, Matthew 5:17 (God’s Law), Q7:157, Deauterenomy 16:18, Psalms 119:105-106, Q2:208

    What made God ended His Covenant & Prophethood with Bani Israel? Because they do not BELIEVE IN ALLAH & THE LAST DAY/Do Not Believe Fully In The Taurat, The Zabura & The INJEELa sent down/unzilla to The Prophets…Instead The Early Men Rabbis semi-corrupted their Books & believe in Trinity & Do Haram Killings, 70AD, Q17:7, Mark 13:1-2, Q9:18 VS Q9:29, Q11:110, Q6:91, Q5:13, Q5:14, Q5:15, Q3:71, Q62:5-8, Q5:32, Q4:155, Q5:44, Q5:46, Q17:55, Q6:83-90, Q17:1, Matthew 23:37, Isaah 48:16, Genesis 19:24, 1 John 5:7, Ezekial 24:13 (Ezekial 24, Q17:5, 587BC – I (God/Allah/Elohim/EhYeh) had PURIFIED U (Bani Israel with Verses from Taurat, Zabura, Q5:44, Q5:32, Q17:55, Q45:16-17, Q5:87-88, Q2:40-48) but U (Bani Israel) are not PURIFIED/Do Not Believe In Me & The Last Day/Do Not Believe Fully In My Word, Q9:29, Q7:157, Q5:87-88, Q4:155, Q5:32, Q2:80, Matthew 23:37

    Understand these Verses Quran Dot Com, Q9:31, Q3:50 – (Same meaning as Q9:29, Read also In Vice Versa) – I (Prophet Jesus) make HALAL/GOD PERMITS some of that which was made haram by The Rabbis (And Vice Versa) I make HARAM/GOD FORBIDS some of that which was made halal by The Rabbis Eg John 8:1-11, God’s Divine Punishment is Lashing Q24::1-2, Q4:16 VS Leviticus 20:10, Deauterenomy 22:22 copied by Hadith Writers Sunan Abi Dawud 4449, Sunan Ibn Majah 1944, Sahih Bukhari 6829

    STOP using these words… They do not fit The Quran – Adultery, Adulteress, Adulterer, Fornication, Fornicatress, Fornicator…Zani & Zaniyah means A Male & A Female Offender Of Zina/Haram Sexual Intercourse, Q24:2, Q4:16 (Zani & Zani)

    LOOK, HADITHS -The Prophet of Allah صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has said: ‘أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ! إِنَّ اللهَ طَيِّبٌ لَا يَقْبَلُ إِلَّا طَيِّبًا’ ‘O people! Indeed, Allah is Pure/Zaka/Tayyib…He only accepts The Pure (At-Tayyibat, Ezekial 24:13, KURAN 24:21, Q2:151, Q3:42-43, Q91:7-10, Q11:7, Q17:7, Q2:2-5, Q1:6-7, Q2:257, Q2:129, Q9:31, 5:87-88, 7:157, Q2:62, Q2:136, Q4:136, Q9:18 – True Believer Muslims are True Guardians Of God’s MosqueS).’ (Muslim, p. 393, Hadees 1015)

    I am The Lionezz Of Islam & I show U THE TRUTH/AL-HAQQI from Quran The Correct Statement/Hadith, Q45:6, Q25:52, Q42:10…The Iron Law Of The Universe is THE TRUTH/AL-HAQQI shall prevail, Q17:81

  9. Abc


    To see who do GOOD DEEDS, Q11:7, Q17:7, Q2:177, Q2:40-48, Q22:78, Q3:31, Q3:103, Q103:1-3, Q6:164, Q2:38, Q4:64, Q2:213, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Psalms 119:105-106, Deauterenomy 7:11-13, 1 Kings 6:11-13, Q21:105 VS Satanic Verses, Genesis 3:22, Matthew 5:5

    Quran Dot Com, Q11:7 – And He (Allah) (is) The One who created The HeavenS & The Earth (Genesis 1:1) in six Days and His Throne is ABOVE The Water (Q11:119, Q21:30 – Jinns & Human) (so) that He test which of you do GOOD DEEDS/AMALU AS-SALIHATI//AR-BIRR/AT-TAYYIBAT/THE PURE WAYS/GOD’S DIVINE GUIDANCE….Continue Reading….His Throne is ABOVE The Water means God is superior to us & Jinns & His Power encompassed us, Q4:126, Q7:54 – The Power To Create & Command belongs solely to God

    So Dear Brothers In Islam, Q49:10, Your Solat (Turning Ur Faces From East Or West Towards Kiblah everyday) & other GOOD DEEDS will be void if U failed in The First Article Of Faith that is BELIEVE IN ALLAH & THE LAST DAY/Believe Fully In The Quran, Q2:177, Q49:14,,Q4:136, Q2:136, Q21:2, Q2:257, Q24:21, Q2:151, Ezekial 24:13, Q6:115, Q3:31, Q3:103, Q10:15, Q81:17-27, Q2:2-5, Q1:6-7, Q9:29, Q9:18

    SEE, I give U a wider picture of what GOOD DEEDS means, Q2:38 – BELIEVE IN ALLAH & THE LAST DAY/GOD’S DIVINE GUIDANCE/DEEN/RELIGION/GOOD DEEDS/AR-BIRR/AT-TAYYIBAT/THE PURE WAYS is ISLAM/SUBMIT FULLY TO HIS WORD, Q39:54-55, Q42:13, Q42:15, Q57:21, Q9:72, Q2:40-48, Q46:13, Q33:1-3, Q47:1-3, Q36:2-5, Q3:85, Q5:3, Q44:2-8, Q97:4, Q9:72, Q57:21, Q2:82, Q45:30, Q64:8-9, Q13:20-24, Q2:40-48, Q2:285, Q4:105, Q3:83, Luke 11:4 – Thy Will Be Done On Earth As In HeavenS

    LOOK, Quran Dot Com, Q49:14 – Say The Beduins, We believe… Say (O Prophet) Not U believe but say we have SUBMITTED (Fully)…And has not entered (FULLY) The Iman in Ur hearts…But if U obey Allah & His Messenger not will He deprived U of Ur DEEDS anything.. Indeed Allah is The Forgiver, The Merciful

    So follow Muhammad means follow The Quran fully, Q3:31, Q3:103, Q2:208, Q39:54-55, Q33:45-48, Q33:1-3, Q47:1-3, Q36:2-5, Muhammad & all other Prophets do not have way/sunnah of their own, Q17:77…They only departed The Knowledge/Kitaba/God’s Word sent down/unzilla to them, Q2:213, Q2:120, Q16:44, Q10:15, Q81:17-27, Q3:31… Their understanding of The Knowledge given by God is called HIKMAH/Understanding Of God’s Words, Q43:63, Q12:22, Q38:20, Q4:113… So STOP using these words, THE QURAN & MUHAMMAD’S SUNNAH/WAY but say the correct words, THE QURAN & MUHAMMAD’S HIKMAH.UNDERSTANDING OF GOD’S WORD/MUHAMMAD’S KNOWLEDGE OF THE QURAN, Q2:120, Q2:269, Q16:44, Q33:34, Q4:113

    SEE all these AL-Khabaitha/The Impure Satanic Verses Haram Killing Rabbis’ Man-Made Laws that U are still believing but U claim U are A True Believer Muslim…Eg One – Sunan Abi Dawud 4449, Sunan Ibn Majah 1944, Sahih Bukhari 6829 copied from Deauterenomy 22:22, Leviticus 20:10

    Eg Two – Khaibar Battle Stories copied from 1 Samuel 15:3, Deauterenomy 20:10-14 (Mass-Massacre)

    Eg Three – Sahih Bukhati 6922 copied from Deauterenomy 13:6-9

    Eg Four – 2nd Coming Of Prophet Jesus…In reality, Early Man Prophet Jesus’s Soul is now in Barzakh Paradise of which dimension is ON surface of Earth around us, Q7:25, Q23:99-100, Q7:37-39, Q2:154, Q3:169-171, Q61:12, Q36:20-29… God Loves him & came to his rescue while he was in pain of being Stoned by AL-Yahud, Q19:33…An Angel next to him invited out his Soul from his body in A Natural Death, Q4:155, Deauterenomy 21:22-23, Matthew 23:37, Q4:157, Q3:55, Q7:126, Q39:42, Q6:61-62, Q7:37-39, Q32:11, Q13:11, Q7:37-39, Q7:126, Q5:117, Q3:144, Q15:10, Q13:30, Q2:140-141…Since there is no ROMAN CROSS for Prophet Jesus in Quran these are Satanic Verses, 1 Corinthians 15:14, Sahih Bukhari 2476

    U have taken The Early Men Rabbis, The Christian Teacher Monks & The Hadith Writers (who had CHOSEN SATANS AS THEIR ALLIES & PLAYED GODS with God’s Word) as Gods besides Allah, Q7:175, Q4:48, Q39:65-66, Q9:31…U are Transgressors Of Quran, Q2:256, Q16:36, Q96:6, Q6:21, Q54:3, Q49:14, Q39:60, Q8:55 – Worse Than A Moving Goat

    U have not been PURIFIED by God’s Verses from Quran but have stepped out of The Red Line/Limit/Hudud of Quran, Q24:21, Q2:151, Q2:257, Q7:157, Q5:87-88, Q7:200, Q8:11, Q74:4-5, Q114:1-6, Q11:119, Q2:208 – Enter ISLAM completely & avoid Ar-Rujz/Satanic Verses/Satanic WordsFalsehood//Satans’ Evil Whispers

    SHARIA LAWS means God’s Guided Divine Laws given by Allah in His Book/Word/Kitaba, Q45:16-18, Q2:38, Deauterenomy 16:18, Deauterenomy 7:11-13, 1 Kings 6:11-13, Psalms 119:105-106…LIVING IN A PURIFIED LIFESTYLE/A SHARIA LIFESTYLE means U are BELIEVING IN ALLAH & THE LAST DAY means U believe in all His Word & following all His Diviine Guidsnce/Divine Laws & Comnandments in His Book but U Dear Brothers in Islam, Q49:10 are doing the opposite…U believe in Haram Killings & Falsehood Satanic Verses from Hadiths, Tafseers, Sirahs, Bible & Taurat, Q2.38, Q2:151, Q2:129, Q81:7-10, Q3:42-43, Q45:16-18, Q3:31, Q3:103, Q39:65-66, Deauterenomy 7:11-13, 1 Kings 6:11-13, Ezekial 24:13, Q5:32, Q4:155, Matthew 23:37, Matthew 5:17 (God’s Law), Q7:157, Deauterenomy 16:18, Psalms 119:105-106, Q2:208

    What made God ended His Covenant & Prophethood with Bani Israel? Because they do not BELIEVE IN ALLAH & THE LAST DAY/Do Not Believe Fully In The Taurat, The Zabura & The INJEELa sent down/unzilla to The Prophets…Instead The Early Men Rabbis semi-corrupted their Books & believe in Trinity & Do Haram Killings, 70AD, Q17:7, Mark 13:1-2, Q9:18 VS Q9:29, Q11:110, Q6:91, Q5:13, Q5:14, Q5:15, Q3:71, Q62:5-8, Q5:32, Q4:155, Q5:44, Q5:46, Q17:55, Q6:83-90, Q17:1, Matthew 23:37, Isaah 48:16, Genesis 19:24, 1 John 5:7, Ezekial 24:13 (Ezekial 24, Q17:5, 587BC – I (God/Allah/Elohim/EhYeh) had PURIFIED U (Bani Israel with Verses from Taurat, Zabura, Q5:44, Q5:32, Q17:55, Q45:16-17, Q5:87-88, Q2:40-48) but U (Bani Israel) are not PURIFIED/Do Not Believe In Me & The Last Day/Do Not Believe Fully In My Word, Q9:29, Q7:157, Q5:87-88, Q4:155, Q5:32, Q2:80, Matthew 23:37

    Understand these Verses Quran Dot Com, Q9:31, Q3:50 – (Same meaning as Q9:29, Read also In Vice Versa) – I (Prophet Jesus) make HALAL/GOD PERMITS some of that which was made haram by The Rabbis (And Vice Versa) I make HARAM/GOD FORBIDS some of that which was made halal by The Rabbis Eg John 8:1-11, God’s Divine Punishment is Lashing Q24::1-2, Q4:16 VS Leviticus 20:10, Deauterenomy 22:22 copied by Hadith Writers Sunan Abi Dawud 4449, Sunan Ibn Majah 1944, Sahih Bukhari 6829

    STOP using these words… They do not fit The Quran – Adultery, Adulteress, Adulterer, Fornication, Fornicatress, Fornicator…Zani & Zaniyah means A Male & A Female Offender Of Zina/Haram Sexual Intercourse, Q24:2, Q4:16 (Zani & Zani)

    LOOK, HADITHS -The Prophet of Allah صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has said: ‘أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ! إِنَّ اللهَ طَيِّبٌ لَا يَقْبَلُ إِلَّا طَيِّبًا’ ‘O people! Indeed, Allah is Pure/Zaka/Tayyib…He only accepts The Pure (At-Tayyibat, Ezekial 24:13, KURAN 24:21, Q2:151, Q3:42-43, Q91:7-10, Q11:7, Q17:7, Q2:2-5, Q1:6-7, Q2:257, Q2:129, Q9:31, 5:87-88, 7:157, Q2:62, Q2:136, Q4:136, Q9:18 – True Believer Muslims are True Guardians Of God’s MosqueS).’ (Muslim, p. 393, Hadees 1015)

    I am The Lionezz Of Islam & I show U THE TRUTH/AL-HAQQI from Quran The Correct Statement/Hadith, Q45:6, Q25:52, Q42:10…The Iron Law Of The Universe is THE TRUTH/AL-HAQQI shall prevail, Q17:81

  10. The Sanatana Dharma of India has little in common with 7th century Arabian desert polytheism. Modern Muslims screaming for Hindu blood on that basis are ignorant.

    The Vedic religion holds that there is one supreme unitary Being.

  11. 25:00 last time we fought the Brits was 1815, which did not end well. However, as for today, the US should leave NATO & ally w/ Russia instead: that should totally shake the confidence of Euro-globalists in trying to get foreign citizens of other countries extradited