This Is Incredibly Evil. It Just Got Banned.

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This Is Incredibly Evil. It Just Got Banned.

and other WINS from the past week in Marketing and Business!


Edited by eriksenchee |




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  1. i like biden because his policies and his administration have been the most progressive we have seen in like 50 years. anyways, im voting for trump and throwing away all of my beliefs and policy positions because biden is old and GAZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  2. I used the IRS tax filing thing. Saved me hundreds on tax returns (and I make less than 20k a year cus I'm in college). That money helped me pay for my car to get repaired. Thank you IRS. And fuck you TurboTax.

  3. This happens all the time in the engineering world, I’m so glad it’s gone. It sucks when you’re working on a project you need help with, you hire someone, but the person you hired worked for the company you’re subbed to so even though they can’t help you finish the project with weeks to spare they’re sidelined to just watch you struggle

  4. I think this is such a good thing… it prevents companies from thinking they can treat you bad because they knew they could just legally go after you if you ever tried to work for a competitor. now, they will need to work hard to keep you to prevent you from leaving instead of just treating you like a trashbag, thinking you wouldnt go to another company in the same sector if you left.

  5. In Slovenia, if the company wants to enforce a non compete, they have to pay you 2/3 of your previous salary during the non compete period. The clause is terminated as soon as they stop paying. There's also an upper limit on the max duration for the non compete

  6. Loved the video but wonka has a 82% on rotten tomatoes. Now I'm not one to hold a grudge but that movie was nice and you dumb as bricks.

  7. I can't believe it took this long for noncompetes to get banned nationwide. I never had to deal with them in California thankfully. We are the weirdest country when it comes to things we allow.

  8. Unfortunately, the FTC regulation is 100% going to get challenged in court and eventually struck down by the supreme court. I took administrative law in law school and read biden v. nebraska last year. that case is very analogous in the sense that biden's proposed regulations shook the student loan industry. when hearing the case, the supreme court created a new rule called the "major questions doctrine", which basically meant that anything that substantially impacts the economy requires clear congressional intent to give the agency the power being used (in biden v. nebraska the court cited that the economy was substantially impacted by the dept of education regulation because billions of $ were impacted). I think that based on this new doctrine that the supreme court created, they can easily strike down any important administrative regulation they dont like, including this one.

  9. Noncompetes are so wacky, got a friend who got a HUGE bonus (think like 2,5 years salary) for a 5 year noncompete on a very high TC job already. Meanwhile my other friend moved to a entirely new country to fully get out of her miserable one with miserable TC.

  10. Holy fucking shit for jimmy johns?!?!?! thats fucking out of control.

    Hear me out, I am in no way defending this practice but, there is a world where it CAN make sense if applied sensibly.

    Example: Business gives training or sign on bonus, the non compete agreement would then state for X amount of time after the contract is signed the employee can not go to a competitor, so that the business can get some value out of the individual and also so the time starts soon as they start working.

    To say "hey you can't get a job after we fire you for 1 year" though is outright scummy.

  11. The FTC won't let me be,
    or let my workers be controlled by me,
    they're gonna shut down my non-competes,
    my pockets feel so empty without these

  12. I love marketing Monday but this video does NOT need music lol. The music is so loud and bad and distracting and makes me not want to watch the video. Atrioc talking is fine. Zoomers will cope with 10% less stimulation while watching this vid.

  13. I actually enjoyed the new Willy Wonka movie, obviously not better than the original. But it still felt like a fun movie not something to be taken serious…

  14. No shit that they are not dealing with the smaller businesses, There is so many larger companys that are taking advantage of this, that they literally. Physically. Do not have enough employees to handle dealing with all the larger companys BS, AND also take care of the mom and pop shops. Im a goddamn random commenter on youtube with more sense than the fucking parliament