This is EXACTLY what's WRONG with BLACK culture

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This Bahamian Gyal

Joined: Mar 2024
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This is EXACTLY what's WRONG with BLACK culture

In this week’s video, we’re discussing the devolution of black culture. This video will address some of the things that’s wrong with black culture. From the way we treat and talk to one another, to our constant decision to turn a blind eye to bad behaviour, as well as the things we do that ultimately hurt our community.

I have a lengthy…



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  1. Choosing government benefits over a Nuclear family will do it. Fathers are essential. Politicians use black people to manipulate them and will continue to do so. Also single mothers try being their kids friends rather than their disciplinarian. Alot of issues and none of them are the white man.

  2. Imagine the repercussions and the hue and cry across the land, Rogan, if you were white and doing these videos. Therein lies the true crux of the problem. Only certain people can point at the elephant in the room and ask the obvious, "Why is that elephant here?"

  3. Teather babble you are from the Caribbean not Black..Black is a American 🇺🇸 concept you don’t understand so stop trying to explain it you are not us 🫵🏽

  4. One area that may not have been covered is fatherlessness. It has become an epidemic in our communities, and leaves our young men without the guidance that they really need.

  5. LOL damn I love what you were saying in your intro you are so right about that my God you're right anytime the truth is being told nobody wants to hear the truth 👍💯💯 definitely a new subscriber it's a game that those celebrities play I'm just being honest it's more to it than what people think anything to throw people off track to keep you from knowing what they're really doing put it that way

  6. I'm gonna be honest, I hate the young black generation (ages 30 and under). Almost everyone that I've met was sagging their pants and acting uncivilized. Because of them I started referring to every black person as the n word.

  7. Old white guy here Gen X so when I grew up it wasn't like this in the black community as much as these kids today want to claim it my generation was full of racism it wasn't we all hung out together we all laughed together we all cried together we all made fun of each other

    Could you find pockets of hardcore racist absolutely on both sides

    I don't know why YouTube decided that I needed to see these videos this morning but it did and here I am
    I'm thankful to see that black people are pointing out the bad behavior and the black community

    White people have been doing that in the white community for a very very long time we've even gone to war over it

    But I'm going to let some of y'all that don't know in on a little secret about white people

    Believe it or not we don't think about black people at all unless they're acting the fool around us we got other things to do we got mortgages to pay car payments to make a job that requires way too much of our time away from home kids to raise
    So the last thing on our mind is what the black community is doing we just simply don't care we don't have time for it just saying

  8. It seems the only way to overcome this culture is to leave it. Get out with your kids, even better get out before you have kids. You will miss some of it, but your children will benefit no end. Seriously, the life described in this video is simply pathetic.

  9. If any of my Students act like this, which they never do, they will be thrown home to their Parents, who have to respond to why their Infant, should be allowed to return.

  10. Sadly, the black community has done this to themselves. Bought into race grift and victimhood mentality. Allowed politicians and business leaders to propagandize women to have children without stable men. And with DEI, it's only gonna make things worse. I'm white and a man. And I see it creeping into our communities. The things that should be valued, like dignity, integrity, and self-respect, have been replaced by the idolatry of the self and $$$. This isn't gonna end well.

  11. My comment may show or may not show after I write this, but here I go. The part I do not support in this vid is you bashing Mo'Nique for going hard at Oprah. Oprah is evil, do your research, no seriously, do your research(even children involved). Apart from that, good video 💯

  12. Juneteenth, BLM Movement & Black History Month…Spare Me…FIX "Black on Black crime, Parentless kids, garbage dress trends, garbage music, infidelity, dr*g dealing, demoralizing & disrespect of our black women, gang violence, pros*itution, etc, etc…". 🤔🤔

  13. Sister. I discovered your channel this morning and have been engrossed in catching up with videos I haven’t seen. Thank you for your voice of sanity. I, too, live in DC and have been appalled at the excuses offered by politicians at the complete lawlessness by young and grown people alike. Case in point, the DC city council decriminalized fare evasion, and it was as if I was the only fool paying metro fares. Now the system is bleeding money and we “fools” are gearing up to pay huge fare increases. Keep on preaching the truth. Apparently, our people are in great need of it. I have been fortunate enough to travel the world. But nowhere have I seen black people so willing to race to the bottom. What will it take to change this mentality?

  14. I am a black woman in my 70s. Things are drastically different from when I was a child. The village raised the child back then.The greatest change I observed was from 1970 to now.

    American society in general has gone downhill. What wss wrong is right and vice versa. Everyone is so afraid of speaking up. There's little self respect and humility. We have become a hedonistic society.

    A lot of this behavior is predicted in the Bible.

  15. #1, the fact that 75% or so of Blacks in America are born into a single parent households. That's the biggest problem. Followed by horrific levels of education, glorification of criminal culture, acceptance of Hip Hop as a fundamental aspect of American Blackness. I say virtually every part of it is negative and denigrates Blacks. That's true & you know it.
    I hope more people find it useful to speak the truth & stop perpetuating all this madness. Black people are better than this & deserve better than this.

  16. To answer the question at the end of the video: The biggest challenge facing Black culture today is the utter disrespect and (dare I say it) hatred so many Black men are expressing toward Black women, AND the women who are supporting them in doing so by allowing it, excusing it, and setting the bar so low that those men fear no negative consequences for their actions. Real, honest, healthy, loving relationships between Black men and Black women are at an all time low. The full negative affect on the Black community WILL be seen clearly in the next 10-20 years and it is NOT going to look pretty for anyone. People of other race classifications (though race is a social construct) are already shaking their head as they watch so many Black people treat each other so very poorly while the Black community simultaneously complains about the way the rest of the world treats them (us). If only ALL of us in the Black community treated ourselves and each other with the same kind of respect we demand from people outside of the Black community, we could make some real progress.

  17. Black culture is just hipocracy, envy, hate and jealousy. I came up with the 90s hip hop scene. Anything that was street was black. The thirst for sex, money and power. Until a real black leaders step up and gives the black community a real definition of black power then it will never change. A white teacher stays after school to show black children how to wash their clothes! It starts from there!