These Fetuses Could Explain The Fall Of Tutankhamun's Family Dynasty | Private Lives | Odyssey

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These Fetuses Could Explain The Fall Of Tutankhamun's Family Dynasty | Private Lives | Odyssey

Ancient Egypt. Previously thought of as one of history’s most enigmatic civilisations. However, recent archaeological advancements are allowing us to delve into the private lives of Egypt’s Pharaohs and normal citizens. Did the 18th dynasty fall due to genetic illness? What were the sex lives of the Pharaohs like and what was it like to be a…



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  1. Re demonstrations, Well said Yair, I often wonder if people can think for themselves and without hyperbolic selfish emotions. When I see young women demonstrating for Terror in the Middle East they don’t seem to realize something pertinent to their sex. Women have no voice in many Islamic countries and it’s a tragedy. In Israel and other prosperous countries women are out and about contributing. The murder, rape and burning of the Israeli women 201 days ago was more symbolic than you might think, these women won’t become mothers and won’t contribute to their world. Women demonstrating in many countries with Islamic regimes results in death, why don’t they demonstrate against that!

  2. Akhenaten was a Nephilim hybrid. Read Genesis 6. Many of the Nephilim were considered royalty. For some reason, the history of the Nephilim have been erased from modern day history so it hard for many to understand the images of Akhenaten and Nephertiti. But, on the other hand, this is why we find them so fascinating. Basically, the sculptures and images that we have of them is exactly how they looked. These elongated skulls have been found in Europe, Middle East, South America ( look up Paracas Skulls) and even North America. The United States is the worst at hiding this information. South Americans are much more open to understanding and studying these skulls. Much of the information that we have about them we owe to them.

  3. Re Tut’s daughters….While there were multiple reasons Ankesanamen might have lost her children — illness, infection, premature rupture of membranes, etc. — I have wondered if she had “help” losing her children. The Egyptians had a sophisticated knowledge of pharmaceutical plants, and some of those plants were used to end pregnancies. Aye took over being Pharaoh after Tut’s death, married Ankesanamen and she then promptly disappeared from history (murdered?). Had Tut’s daughters and eventual sons survived, then the line would have continued and Aye would have never been able to rule. I have always wondered if those two tiny bodies aren’t just those of two babies born too soon, but also murder victims.

  4. I very much enjoy watching these history films. But what just jumped at me was all these places are ancient civilizations (supposedly) why are. the majority their citizens still washing in a river, when much younger countries have at least indoor plumbing and electricity all over the country. I understand many clans migrate from one end to another but even small communities should have plumbing and electric. These countries are supposed to have wealth but the citizens live in poverty

  5. I used to really enjoy these types of stories but , now I wonder why there is a need to desecrate these graves and bodies , for what ? And what does it matter what ended the 18th dynasty ? And if they find out .These grave robbers are after something nefarious

  6. Young King Tut was raised by his older brother. So his 'grandfather' was also his father.
    Tut had a malformed feet (so he rode horses a lot!) elongated skell (hence the tall hats common in Egyptian Royalty), & died of a genetic disease that caused his heart to explode on a remote hunting trip, and thus a hasty & botched embalment to bring him back home, where it was redone as best as possible. Tut's gold tomb mask was actually made for an older female royal.

    Tut's half-sister wife had 5 miscarriages due to all the inbreeding to keep the Royal (Nephalim?) Bloodline as much as possible. It caused his wife to have severe depression.
    Akenakten (sp?) (Tut's honest & modern-minded older bother and predecessor) had his statue done life-like, instead of as a (false) big broad-shouldered strong warrior, as previous Pharaoh's sculptors had done.
    They did not want to mix their larger-brained Royal bloodlines with the (suppressed/stupider) Adamite Human Slave-Peoples when it came to the future Leaders of ancient Egypt.

  7. I was a small child when the King Tut exhibit came to Chicago, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I will never see something as beautiful as that mask was… It sparked my want to be a archaeologist… But multiple sclerosis had a different idea 😢

  8. The Bible says God had the ancient Hebrews practice or avoid certain behaviors to avoid diseases/curses. How sad that knowledge of the one true God was lost by the nations.

  9. 👁️👁️⚖️✝️🩸👑🪔🍞💧🌡️😡🌋👀👂⏳,, Their Babies !!!!!!! Please on youtube > Homestretch and Christ Second Coming Separating Facts from fiction via Walter Veith and Thy WORD via Truth is Christ

  10. Everyone was murdered by Ay and Horemheb to takeover the power as King Tuts wife was extremely beautiful and the Power, this story of Jesus was born, after the Messianic lineage was ended world entered chaos