The US-backed Mobs Fighting Georgia's Foreign Agent Bill

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The New Atlas

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The US-backed Mobs Fighting Georgia's Foreign Agent Bill

Article “Georgia Fight Against US Subversion & its Implications Worldwide” link:

– Georgia’s foreign agent law is based on the US’ own Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA);

– Despite this, the US State Department opposes attempts by Georgia to…



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  1. Thanks Brian for continuing to expose the global terrorist that is the US. As you say most people don't know the extent of US interference in their nations.

  2. I like how in the NED call on the top right you see Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya as part of that call, the opposition leader for Belarus who attempted to overthrow the gov in 2020.

  3. Official documents relating to CIA operations in the 1950s have been declassified. Read John Prados, "Safe For Democracy." Fully documented with explanation of the Presidential library system.

  4. I've got to hand it to the open source society. Their shirts are impeccable they're matching graphics top-notch. Still pulling for that lavender Revolution

  5. I am not embarrassed or ashamed for our country but I am angry. Our meddling Knows No Limits and its Global affects are just one big net negative. Soreass needs to be imprisoned

  6. Really enjoyed your video 2 years ago about the NED zoom call setup by pranksters.. The one actress was going on about needing more money for a LV purse!! & the US representative was going to look into it.. 😂

  7. Why is the United States (US) against Georgia’s Foreign Agent Bill, when it has its own foreign agent law to protect its sovereignty? The US opposes it, because a foreign agent law would impede the US’ ability to sabotage a nation’s sovereignty. It is important to note that the US is the world’s most powerful empire, despite its own allegation of being the “champion of democracy”. That is why the US is unconditionally sponsoring the artificial colonial settler state of Israel’s genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine in their own homeland. And, moreover, why the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Empires hate the inalienable right of all nations to their own self-determination and independence. That is why the world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace. US favors forever imperialism.

  8. Bravo Brian ..Great update , bloody nuisance americas meddling …Interesting, i spoke to a young thai chap up here in the N/E and he understood the problem !!
    Well educated and father european ..It was a uplifting moment for me ..ATB.👍

  9. Brian your topics are always a breath of fresh air for democracy. With regard to Russia and the former satellite states of the Soviet Union, the USA and EU are very clear. I refer you to the conference of June 23, 2023, hereby the subject of this meeting or conference: DECOLONIZING RUSSIA A Moral and Strategic Imperative Thursday, June 23, 2022 10:00 a.m.!

  10. Brian Berletic, one of the leading journalists of our times.
    Thoroughly researched, fact based geopolitical analyses, perceptive, prescient, ahead of the game.
    Alongside Max Blumenthal and Alexander Mercouris.

    The US neocon regime’s proxy conflict in Georgia is a revelation.
    What of the US neocon regime’s infiltration of Myanmar (Burma) on China’s western border?
    Attempts are being made to foster a pro US political party against pro China one’s who are persecuted as a « junta »..

    China is developing with Myanmar key infrastructural access to the sea has been developed as part of the Road and Belt Scheme.
    By seeking to control/block China’s western border access to the sea, is the U.S. neocon regime seeking to prepare an attack on China’s eastern front through its sacred historic province, Taiwan — and the Philippines…
    Horrifying escalation risks.

    Heartfelt thanks.

  11. Hi Brian, I'm a big fan. I live in Belgrade and witnessed firsthand how the "Belgrade model" was implemented. Fortunately, Belgrade has since elected a center-right govt that protects national interests. I wish to comment on one point – the key difference in the US law, the Russian law, and proposed Georgian law, modeled after Russia's law. As you pointed out, the US law is focused on lobbyists. In the US, the so-called civil society sector, including religion, is given absolute freedom, which has resulted in key issues of national interest being captured and superseded by economic interests. You have noted how this works in the defense industry (profit driven vs purpose driven). Another example is gender politics. I grew up at a time when the consensus opinion was to support the LGBTQ movement. Following the success of the rainbow flag movement, civil society moved to the "trans" topic, where they was HUGE money to be made in transitioning people. Civil society in the USA has pushed through a radical "trans" ideology which parades as science, but which has nothing to do with science. Young children (single-digit age) who may be asking questions about gender are nowadays defined as "gender dysphoric" by the establishment, which then counsels confused parents to start their pre-pubescent kids on hormone therapy in preparation for gender re-assignment surgery. Parents are told that if they do not support transitioning their kids, they will run a high risk of suicide. Any parent would prefer to see their child alive as another gender than dead, so this is very manipulative and it works. This position does not, however, reflect scientific consensus. While not all 50 states support this path, a majority do. In recent days, the UK and Scandinavia, which had pursued the same policy, have reversed course, electing to support hormone therapy for kids in only rare cases. It is shocking that these developed countries had until recently been captured by such economic interests. Of course, people were intimidated. Nobody wants to be labelled anti-gay, as if not supporting gender reassignment in children is equivalent to being anti gay and lesbian. A key difference is that kids cannot make such choices before they experience sexuality. To pretend that a pre-pubescent person can make informed choice about gender is inherently outrageous, and yet this is happening in the USA, driven by "civil society". Giving biological male kids estrogen before puberty radically alters their development. In short, civil society in this case has co-opted both institutions of education and medicine, the later case driven by economic interests rather than science. Empircal evidence shows that over 30 percent of people who made such decisions as kids regret it later. The consequence of such decisions is often never experiencing climax. Turning to religion, the US allows what in more traditional societies are easily recognized as cults (Scientology, Mormons, etc…). Every society has a right to regulate its civil society sector, in light of current trends. Because the very term harkens back to the Enlightenment, when civil society was grounded in reason, the USA accuses any country that limits civil society as being "anti-democratic". The distinction is important because the US has weaponized civil society. I agree with your perspective, fully, but I think it's important to acknowledge how "civil society" has been co-opted by financial interests that prioritize earnings over ethics/humanity. Allowing civil society to operate without any restrictions has led to highly undesirable outcomes, as evidenced by recent policy changes in the UK and Scandinavia. Because the civil society=freedom argument has been used to such great effect, people must be aware and ready to confront it.