The United States, China, and the Future of the Global Order
The United States, China, and the Future of the Global Order
NEW YORK, March 21, 2024 — Asia Society Policy Institute, in partnership with Perry World House at the University of Pennsylvania, hosts a discussion on the U.S.-China relationship and how it impacts global trends. Speakers include Kishore Mahbubani, 2023-24 Schlager visiting fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perry World House;…
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Kishore exposes the condescending mentality of the west towards Asia and it is nice to see their reaction
I could learn a lot from Mr. Mahbubani. He must be a genius to giving lessons to all Asian.
蝦罰 大學 指點江山 混兩飱 收皮啦
The West have too many politicians after that they become company Directors
Bottom line China is a greedy country and a bully so we should all stop making excuses. China does not play by international rules. Countries whether big or small, rich or poor, militarily or economically powerful or weak should, "Should!" abide by international law. If it does not then we will always going to have a problem.
USAs stortid är över folk i USA blir bara dummare för varje Dag
This guy Orville is a loser. He just didn’t want to accept Prof Kishore arguments.
These people do not see a herd of elephants in the room. They talk about criminals in America as if they are human.
Orville Schell's comments are one long exercise in gasliighting on behalf of stated US interests – "Not on my watch!" etc. "Wolf Warrior" wasn't even a thing until March 2020 after relentless aggressive moves a Chinese official finally got up off his knees and spoke out of turn which the hegemon masters couldn't stand: Obama's military pivot, Trump's trade war, NED regime change efforts in Hong Kong and "Wuhan flu". The spokesperson finally stood up and challenged the American elite's poisonous narratives, as Schell should know. Academia has given up on their integrity and are now busy manufacturing consent for conflict by the Viking raiding party threatening another Opium Wars.
When one speaker has real life experience as a diplomat and the other only does research and writes from high up in his ivory tower
The problem with Americans is that they think they are the most important country and most important nationality in this world. Too much ego and narrow mindedness. In South East Asia, they always say Americans often lack the graciousness of Asians and the Finesse of the French and Brits.
44:00 Reason China growth: China PRC of 2000's build their enterprise by Queen Victoria I of 1850's model.
The British Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.
41:30 Question why: Fool me once, shame on you (USA). Fool me twice, shame on me, 80% of the World don't trust USA.
39:00 In the end, Henry Kissinger Quote: “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”
USA shouldn't be the one to dictate what others have come up with. Yes, in this world nothing is fair and the strong decide the "justice"/"rule" but, once you let your power flood your mind, it will be the start of your downfall. Be humble and have harmony.
Really Kishore all the time talking nonsense
does this guy is really a "China expert"? looks so stupid
Master class in diplomacy in action. I would love to ask the moderator how she felt after the session.
Hearing an American calling China 'hegemonic' will never stop to be funny.
"Look how close they built their country to our military bases." 😂
if USA stablished with the Monroe Doctrine that any European intervention in the Americas would be considered a threat to the independence and security of the countries on this continent. What about if Asian countries establish that any intervention in the South East Asia of a country out of the region would be considered a threat to the independence and security of the countries on this region? Monroe in reverse works?
此决议案发起人之一、德州州众议员马特·沙新(Matt Shaheen)表示,这是代表两千九百万德州人发出的一个重要信息,我们以最强烈的措词谴责中共政权的恶行。他说:“两千九百万德州人的税金绝不会用于支持这种残暴行为和严重侵犯人权的行径。”
该决议案引起社会各界关注。达拉斯最大报纸《达拉斯晨报》(The Dallas Morning News)在6月1日的报道中提及该决议案在州议会通过。文章中指出,根据国际媒体的报道,确信(中共)强摘器官发生在数十万被监禁者身上,主要是法轮功学员。
德州的一名器官移植专家霍华德·蒙苏尔(Howard Monsour)作为参加SCR3决议案听证会的证人之一向议会作证,十年前,他有一名肝癌患者去中国进行器官移植手术,回到美国八个月后,仍死于癌症。
蒙苏尔医生表示,那时他不知道中共活摘人体器官的暴行。他说,如果那时要知道,他会警告病人不要被卷入中共强摘器官的罪恶中。 他说:“我们真的要保护人们,不要再这样做了。而且我们必须惩罚参与其中的人。”
SCR3决议案由德州州参议员安吉拉·帕克斯顿(Angela Paxton)、唐娜·坎贝尔(Donna Campbell)以及洛伊丝·科尔克霍斯特(Lois Kolkhorst)于2021年初向议会提交,并获得其他九位两党州参议员联署支持。