The Truth About African Leaders And Presidents

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The Truth About African Leaders And Presidents

Naledi Mfoloe reports on a courageous act of truth-telling by Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao as she fearlessly addresses the persistence of colonial mentality among African leaders. With unapologetic voice, she shines a spotlight on the detrimental effects of colonial legacy, urging leaders to reclaim their independence and champion the interests…



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  1. How on earth are you going to remove “colonial” education when most fields of study were created by Europeans or Arabs. All you are advocating for either removing all standards in your education system or just rebranding a European system of education as African and pretending that the cultural achievements of other civilisations are your own.

  2. You can’t even run your own countries without blaming us for how they turn out. At least when Europeans controlled these places in Africa they had working governments and infrastructure.

    Without us you are just reverting back to the awful state that is natural to your ways of life.

    Look at South Africa with their communist government and tell me that this is a remnant of colonialism. They literally handed over a functioning electrical grid and rail network and the greedy hands of the natives picked it all clean 🤣

  3. Dr. Arikana is quite right! One of the major stumbling blocks of realizing African Unity is the colonized mindset of
    the Leadership! The thought of giving up country positions of power and perks for a united dispensation is unthinkable to many!

  4. What the African people need right now is Capitalism. Every African nation. Needs capitalism. and that's the truth. If all of Africa from East West north and south. African need Capitalism. And a backbone. All of the African continent. Would be very very rich. And the people of Africa would be happy and prosperus. And that's the truth.
    That's in my opinion.

  5. Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao sounds clueless and misdirected. System A (colonizer) was able to command System B (colonized). Why? Answer: many drivers (social, economic, financial, even military) of System A were superior to associated drivers of System B. Often clients of System B prefer many of the values, philosophies, drivers of system A.

    Look at Japan vis-a-vis to Western Powers. Japan was not colonized. Why? Japanese military was not superior to the western navies. Why? Answer: Japan had solid societal integrity. The Western Powers were focused on Commerical Expansionism, not Colonial Expansionism. The Western Powers forced Japan to open trade with them. That is it. Japan was very selective as to what Western values it will adopt.

    The Western Powers were able to colonize the Americas and Africa, not because of military superiority, not because of disease, but because of societal disunity in said continents. One indigenous group allied with western powers to defeat enemy indigenous groups. Etc., etc., etc..

    Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao does not explain the concept of "colonized politicians". Does Dr. Arikana Chihombori Quao want to go back to the pre-colonial ways (societal disunity, political turmoil)? Time cannot be reversed. One problem: Is the vision of the African elite compatible with the vision of the African masses? This problem is more relevant than the question of the compatibility between of Western Vision and African Vision.

  6. Ooookaaaay….And an “African “ education is better than a Western one?…..( Good luck with that)

    What have African leaders DONE the past 50 years—other than loot their own ppl?….Hire Western expert advisers—and make your ppl rich!

  7. African leaders have an education but are not smart. They give their country's resources to white countries and get nothing inreturn. They deprive their people of resources, health care and education just the way the western countries want them to. They are elected leaders but do nothing to improve the lives of all their people or even some of them.

  8. I stopped arguing with Africans about anything once I realized how uneducated “educated” Africans were not only about ADOS history but their own history. Africans are trained to be autocrats including doctors and lawyers. They are not critical thinkers and know little about history as it is a subject largely frowned upon in African education systems. Without understanding history you get Africans advocating for ridiculous causes like a united single African country. Disregarding the fact that Africa is the most diverse continent on earth with more than 3,000 different languages and cultures. They don’t know that political countries are a relatively recent construct. The world was composed of tribes then kingdoms, city states, and then empires. Rome was a city state, then an empire. Kingdoms and empires to various degrees allowed the local people to continue the culture of their respective tribes. Countries came into existence much later: the concept is less than a thousand years old. The United States of America is considered a young country being that it is 248 years old, but it is older than Italy which is derived from the Roman Empire. The country Italy developed from the various tribes and kingdoms of the Italian Peninsula and became a country in 1861. Italy is 85 years younger than the United States. Africa is not so much a continent of countries as it is a continent of tribes. Please note that tribalism is just as bad as racism. Both are predicted on prejudice and power. Please stop the nonsense about Africa uniting into one country. It’s just stupid. And a waste of time. Concentrate on developing your own countries. Asian countries do it. South American countries do it. You don’t find them talking about uniting into one country.

  9. Our leaders have, by all intents and purposes, trampled on the tenents responsibility and are guilty of the continuation of our enslavement, be if physical, economical or cultural. They must be held accountable.

  10. Your intros are so refined, poetic. I almost have to check that I'm listening to the right channel. You're an inspiration of class and culture, be blessed, young sister.

  11. Arikana Arikana talking only without action, bears no fruit, this i say to you and me. We need a completely overhaul of African educational, systems, policing, and military. I can help if you invite me😊

  12. I always said Africans biggest enemy is not White Supremacy but rather the C🦝🦝NS who support it and open the back door for it to come in…