The Tragedy of Nigeria began in 1986 // SAY IT LIKE IT IS – Ep 174

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The Tragedy of Nigeria began in 1986 // SAY IT LIKE IT IS – Ep 174

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  1. Want to send money from the Italy, Spain, Ireland, UK and USA to Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana ? Download and Go into the SendWave App, see the “got promo code” section of the app, add my SendWave Promo Code: “Phrankleen” for $5, £5 or €5 added to your first transaction

  2. I remember this like yesterday, I was in college in US early 80's, Nigerians were directly supported from home unlike the rest of us Africans; 1 Naira was $1. With devaluation many Nigerian students dropped out; US colleges made it hard for their admission.

  3. The International Monetary Fund sets currency value. Nigeria should take this back to the negotiating table. Nigeria has the right, the natural resources the world wants, to go back and negotiate a fair deal.

  4. Well said , Nigeria problems started when our leaders lost clear vision about the future , where there is no vision people perished , this is no brainer , we had economy boomed from oil , we should have diversified the economy , bring experts to areas we lack knowledge, invest in agriculture commercially , you dont learn to war during the war but the during peace , Norway and Dubai understood that very well

  5. The problem has always been self hate and trying to access whiteness. We've always believed what white people have is better. Even in America we fought to desegregate to have access to whiteness when we had everything in our own communities. Its still obvious we are still not wanted in theirs.

  6. Nigeria's system of corruption as always being a part of culture in Nigeria, Nigeria's corrupt system fully went into full-speed as the British government in Nigeria was leaving out the door in 1960, I wasn't born then, but I can read and see all that began to take place.

  7. Great analysis of Nigeria's economic system of failure. It way pass the time for Nigeria to begin producing to export abroad, by so doing the naira can then become a currently of recognition….
    Nigeria imports almost everything…..from shoe laces to toothpick. Every great economy exports, not import everything of daily usage.

  8. Nigeria had problems before 1986 and I think those problems led to the devastating biafran war and the losses left many bitter and angry.i truly believe that the rot in Nigeria began just before the civil war and became entrenched during the war and has continued to this day.they say the worst war in the world is "civil war".

  9. I remember 1986 as a high school boy in Aba. I remember this year unemployment was very high. In 1989 I left Nigeria for the US and the Naira to Dollar was 5 Naira to $1. I thought this was bad then. It has only gotten worse since then.

  10. Can we put the past behind us and look forward to building the Nigeria of our dreams??.True our corrupt leaders sold out our country to the West but we can Make Africa Great Again(MAGA) by building strong institutions not strong men (as Mr Ibama rightly pointed out), rewriting the electoral constitution/system to ensure able and credible leaders are elected by the people, investing heavily in infrastructure and strengthening the Judiciary where every common man has his rights upheld by the Land.Nobody must be above the Law. If we can put this in place for starts then we will be amongst the G20 countries in no time.

  11. Please listen to this great man to understand not just hear !!! Wasteful nation!!! We got all we need in Africa period!! So when you are suggesting anything from your Eurocentric point of view think again! 😷😷🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

  12. I have watched this video twice today.
    Very heartbreaking yet enlightening for me to understand the root/depth of the economic challenges in 9ija.
    Thank you Phrankleen for sharing this video. I have to share it with some elders!!!!

  13. The question is « What are we doing about this situation » . Just fed up of our constant complains. We have been sabotaged, yes…….so ? That self pity has to stop!

  14. I hate listening to politicians. What does devaluing the currency has to do with the daily looting of the treasury?. Billions of dollars in Nigerian currency is sitting in various foreign bank accounts. If those money were to be returned today, and spent wisely, we will begin to chip away at the poverty cancer that has ravaged the entire Country. Politicians need to take responsibility for the atrocities they have committed against the citizens of Nigeria, and stop blaming the west for everything.

  15. Those who say we "talk too much" should just SHUT UP! They want us to take action but what action have they taken? Keep talking & never keep quiet my good people.
    REVOLUTION NOW is here & we will keep spreading the word everyday.
    When it rises up like a dense cloud (saturating everyone's mind in the country) nobody needs to pray for the rain, it will rain naturally!

  16. The problem is once we found oil we forgot about manufacturing and a diverse economy was absent. Emergency millionaires. We can’t provide water and electricity so our currency will loose value. We don’t have any vision of where we see ourselves in the world unlike the emerging economies.

    China also artificially kept their currency value very low to beef their manufacturing base and intellectual capacity. As long as we respect cash and materialism, as well as fast money, we will stay on the fence. You can’t ask people to look inwards, while the leaders look outwards. It just ain’t sustainable.