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Murad Merali

Joined: May 2024
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  1. She's delusional. She says she gets preferential treatment every where & it easily takes from dark people & then turns around & acuses them of taking issue to that. She says her skin has been more problematic & she's apparently attacked by people she's taking everything from… I'm confused. Her roles weren't specific to black characters. Maybe she took them from white women. Black movies she's been in were filked with all dark crews… & way bigger dark names… Oprah, Tyler Perry, Gabrielle union… so I'm confused. She's been the minority skintonewise & famewise in black movies… most people don't know what she was in… & she hasn't had big pay or award nominations… she's only worth $14 million. In comparison to her dark costars Gabrielle Union is worth 40 mil. There are a whole lot of dark sister celebs worth more than that. This is major gas lighting & nonsense self glorification. 🙄

  2. Who on Gods green earth told her this was a good idea??? She sounds INCREDIBLY arrogant, conceited, self absorbed and fake humble. Why is she under the impression darker skinned blk women are envious of her?? Huh? To me all she did is just show she has a HUGE superiority complex. In HER mind, she's "better". I'm a brown skinned women and I NEVER considered lighter skinned women to be "better off" than me!! That's obviously something SHE sees and feels. I used to be a fan of hers, now she's just a joke. I'm so sick of biracial phoneys like her using their "blk side" anytime they want some "victim PR". Shes another Jussie Smollett. They think in order to be accepted by blk ppl they have to put on the "hey! Im a victim too guys!" act. It's so disingenuous and self serving it's ridiculous.

    THIS is exactly why the term "racism" has become so trivialized and generic in the US. Ppl like HER use their race for ANY type of self indulgent nonsense. "Oppression" isn't a contest we're all trying to win. Thandie obviously thinks she's a gold medalist in the Oppression Olympics!! I'm actually embarrassed for her. She clearly didn't think this through.

    She reminds me of white liberals who think ALL blk and Brown ppl need to be "rescued" and "protected". . As if we have no agency whatsoever in our own lives. She's displaying a version of classic White Savior Complex

    This should've stayed between her and her therapist. And lastly. .yeah uhm, I would bet all the tea in China she NEVER described herself as "dark skinned". No Thandie. Just. No. Stop pandering.

  3. Which one of us light skinned peeps is going to claim this one 😅Why apologised you knew the roles you played weren’t for you but you still took the role …… were you sorry then 🤷🏽‍♀️and the man thing don’t date any man that only date you for being mixed … or light skinned and you know that type ….

  4. In a pro black space she is NOT welcomed as a mixed race because pro black people don't mix. Militant black people call white people names and she may have encountered some uncomfortable experiences. To ignore the fact that she highlights unpleasant situations is wrong as well. She frustrated to the point of crying and it's her experience and her truth.

  5. I use to love Thandie but after hearing her interview, girl get over yourself. Shes talking like, "I'm sorry I have privilege and you dont", just stupid. And honestly I thought she was educated omg. A hot mess!

  6. To add 1 more thing…
    I see people on here saying she's not black; she's biracial…
    I'm sorry but it's known that the black gene is a dominant gene and so therefore any black man or woman who has a child with another race that child will be considered black because the black the gene is dominant,hence why she looks like a black woman with fair skin…
    I understand that the black women on here are upset with this lady, but please don't be misinformed or misinform others…

  7. Does she understand that despite the fact that she has lighter Brown skin , she's still considered a black woman…
    I'm like this host; don't take the job or the men if you feel this bad. I'm confused🤔…
    Clearly, you don't feel as bad as you're putting on,so stop the ACT…

  8. Also your being messy and the blacks in the comment are taking it to personal. We as society need to stop choosing her kind and don’t blame her for it cause if I were here I too wouldn’t turn down a dollar or a good opportunity. Yes I’m black with brown tone and I get it.

  9. It sounds like she feel bad for being chosen and she’s lying. It’s not her fault she gets jobs darker girls don’t get. I’m darker and I understand. It’s NOT her fault it’s society whom only choose her kind fault. Don’t shame her for it by not understanding and thinking she’s saying she’s better because she’s not and that’s not the case.

  10. ThandiWe(real name) Newton is the quintessential "Tragic Mu***to", and she doesn't even like Black men{taking your men?}, she likes old & unattractive White men. Plus she tried to make her daughter "pass" on the live action "Dumbo" movie. She also just recently said some disparaging things about Zimbabwe as well.

  11. "lighter skin Black girl" she's not even Black, she biracial.
    The whole "taking their men" bit showed full malicious intent. Those men don't belong to us, she can have all of the Black men in the world that she wants. The fact that she sees that as "taking" something from us, shows exactly what she was trying to do.

  12. I don’t even like her as an actor and I am your complexion Murad. I never heard any brothers say they are attracted to her. This is really no shade. Thandie needs to realize although she is considered light, she have an African nose and face shape. If she is married to a white man she’s not taking our men.

  13. This dude no woman no one cares about in America she’s mediocre is an actress and her look for average at best perhaps she’s upset because no one‘s watching her movie or a series I think that’s more or less what it is and if she probably got canceled I really never heard of it I’m an AmericanBut pretending that she has all these connective connections in America and stand up against negative black American women she’s probably like a four we’re not threatened by this woman at all I more or less feel sorry for her maybe she’s at the end of that time and career in her life she is 49 years old usually and I don’t want a movie roles people such as her special if you’re mediocre at best

  14. The reason why she's in her feelings is because so called blaq women are gassing these females that they're black when her kind don't want to be viewed as black and therefore, the tv bosses take on these as quota as the best option available as "Blaq actors" . And she's not fair skinned wtf does it mean to be "FAIR" skinned? No such thing as "FAIR' skinned stop weapunising her colour there's nothing fair in being half of 1 and 5% of the other.
    As for the men she claims she's taking: Why is she not acceptable to her own kind of "FAIR" skinned? Exactly thise men don't want anything that looks "FAIR" they want the same woman of which birthed them that's why her kind are comparing themselves to blaq females as if they're the better option. She's confounded like the majority of them. The only woman like her who made sense is Angela Davis who understood her position in society as with race, sex and class. These so called "FAIR" skins are totally confused as to their race catagory and they really need to shut-up unless they benefit blaq society and stop acting as detriments. Fed-up with em man.

  15. The thing that got me about her I understand that she's apologizing but she has some really weird things to say about black American women that bugged me so it almost was like OK are you apologizing or are you low key like dissing? If you haven't seen it yet, look at tariq nasheed's, the recognition's commentary about this I can't help but to laugh It's funny