The spread of R1a associated with the migration of the Slavs and Corded Ware culture
The spread of R1a associated with the migration of the Slavs and Corded Ware culture
This episode shows the spread of paternal DNA Haplogroup R1a in Central and Eastern Europe. In particular, among the subclades of R1a, it includes the diffusion process of Z282, particularly related to Scandinavian and Proto-Slavic.
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Any idea where R-Y2905 fits in?
I'm Serb but I'll acknowledge that these people can't be considered Slavs
They are at best proto-slavs, but more appropriately they are proto even that. Proto even Balts. They are simply Indo-Europeans
The high concentration of I2a1b-L621 in north-east Romania, Moldova and central Ukraine reminds of the maximum spread of the Cucuten > Trypillian culture(4800-3000 BCE). No Y-DNA sample from this culture has been tested to date, but as it evolved as an offshoot from the Starčevo–Kőrös–Criş culture, it is likely that I2a was one of its main paternal lineages, and a founder effect could have increased considerably its frequency. The Cucuten > Trypillian culture was the most advanced Neolithic culture in Europe before the Indo-European invasions in the Bronze Age and seems to have had intensive contacts with the Steppe culture before the expansion of Yamna to the Balkans and Central Europe (see histories of R1a and R1b). From 3500 BCE, at the onset of the Yamna period in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, the Cucuten > Trypillian people started expanding east into the steppe of what is now western Ukraine, leaving their towns (the largest in the world at the time), and adopting an increasingly nomadic lifestyle like their Yamna neighbours. It can easily be imagined that Cucuten > Trypillian people became assimilated by the Yamna neighbours and that they spread as a minority lineage alongside haplogroups R1a and R1b as they advanced toward the Baltic with the Corded Ware expansion. Alternatively, I2-L621 lineages could have lived in relative isolation from the mainstream Proto-Indo-European society somewhere around Ukraine, Poland or Belarus, then as the centuries and millennia passed, would have blended with the predominantly R1a populations around them. The resulting amalgam would have become the ancestors of the Proto-Slavs.
P278 anyone?
all slavs are SERBIANS!!
So Corded Ware / Battle axe culture is ancestral to Scandinavian and Slavic cultures?
R1b comes from Africa. Currently the biggest concentration of R1b is in Nigeria. After that is Spain and Portugal. It does explain migration from Africa via the Gibraltar strait.
The Divine Twins R1b/R1a
Где те славяне и где шнуровики… Посмотрите, Где-то совсем рядом должны быть берега, но вы их не видите.
World first cultures Lepenski vir, Starcevo, Vinca culture today Serbia.
World first industrial revolution ca. 6000 BC. Bronze metallurgy. (BBC History news March 2010)
Gordon Childe-The Danube in Prehistory, Jacque Pirenne-Agriculture at Danube
Farming start about 6000 BC. Vinca First Calendar start to count years at 5508 BC. Farming wouldn’t be possible without knowledge of calendar. Both development started and developed together.
Harald Harman about first cyrillic writings in Vinca culture in 5500 BC so 2000 years before any writings anywhere else on the world.
Vinca Iron production 1400 BC.
In today English language there is more than 2000 same or similar Serbian words.
Names of the Balkan tribes: Pelasgians, Mycenaeans, Etruscan, Wendi, Illiyrians, Dardanians, Moesians, Dacians, Tracians, Rasci, Celts, Scythians, Sarmatians, Arians, Sea People, Peleset, Philistines, Hittites, Bhrygians, Etruscan. Tribes spread in all directions …….
Wild Greeks arived ~ 1000 BC from Egipt, Hungarian from Asia and Bulgariens from Asia they found culture on the Balkans, writings and language and they mixed with domestic people.
Magyar vagyok – Szkita….. !
Dna – R1 a 1 ….. ! *
A Szkitát – ne nevezzük Szlávnak !!! …..
….. Slaw: késöi – kreatúra …
Mesterséges népcsoport , a valódi- Ősi – népek eltakarására ! ! ! ….. *
Proof that Serbs are not native Kosovo but also Serbia. Serbs homeland is in Carpathian mountains next to their Romanian brothers.
…. stopping 😵, it's black humor 😭
Europeans actually come from North Asia instead of West Asia
Very intense presentation that encompasses a lot of time and intermingling of peoples.
I am lead to wonder what "covid vaccines" are truly for, presently. Especially, since "covid" is a manmade mutation.
It doesn't matter who your ancestors were, what matters is what values you identify with, because if you hurt other people, considering them inferior to yourself, then you are simply an animal that has a long evolutionary path before becoming a human.
Lie Slavs spreed from balkans.
my family name "Rivera" comes from the alphs / northern Italy and im RomanMexican "RoMex" so i have a lot of Hispana blood and Visigoth we lived on Slavic border with Ukrain / Romania 300 years two of my family names is Basque us Mexica natives come from Lake Baikal
I don't believe in Aryan theory but There is a tribe in kerala called thiyya which shows a jentics and linguistics origin in the thian sha mountains of central asia according to the linguistics the Iranian word deva is first mentioned in Sanskrit in 2 century BCE and it originated from proto indo European language 'dievo' many proto indo european language has this word with same meening which meens in english as 'shining' or divine this word changes in to thiya in central asia thiyan sha mountains that meens mountains of god/deva and one particular hindhu caste in kerala called thiya meens 'divyan' in native language malayalam wich meens in english shining or divine also practices theyyam/ daivam or god as their religious rituals and their oral folk storys and songs clearly mentions they came from somewhere else meening of the word thiyya is divine and the first place where genitics and linguistics both meet together is the beginning of the tian Sha mountains and indo-sythrians religion is an ancient greek religion and buddisam mixture and thiyyas shows an almost same mixture with hindhuism and thiyya have a rich marshel treditions in recorded history and their folk songs and fougrin records from 16th century onwards clearly shows they are the one who practiced and developed kalaripayattu to the world and thiyyar is the only hindhu warrior caste in entire india which formed 3 European colonial army regiments in their own caste name with Britishers they formed thiyya regiment and with french they formed french thiyya pattalam and with dutch they formed dutch chegons the chekars are a warrior section among thiyyas who's duty is to fight in wars and they are ethinically from Malabar north kerala and all this units are started to form in 1730s onwards and all royal force in kerala before Indian indipendance had thiyya soldiers in their force and in entire south india there is no other hindhu caste ever had a caste based army regiment with any colonial European powers but in north India Britishers started few other warrior caste army regiments also and latest gentical study from Indian government institutions like center for cellular science and molecular biology in Hyderabad also clearly shows thiyyas have central asian anciant Iranian ancestry and in sre lankan history srilankan people also consider thiya/Divya as indo sythrians and devas even german nazi seintists before Indian indipendance also came this area to study these groups but indian government is now trying to eliminate this caste people from history now all their historical records are only getting from outside sources and trying to mix with a south kerala caste called ezhava a native caste which never even allowed to take a sword or never ever participated in a royal army or a war before Indian indipendance according to the recorded history and they blocked all thiyya Wikipedia pages from 2013 and blocked remaining thiyyar pages in 2022 even the smallest caste in india has their own wiki pages thiyyas are the biggest hindhu caste in Malabar kerala and with the support of government they are changing all thiyya warriors as ezhavas and because of thiyyas fougrin origin government also trying to eliminate thiyya community from all records to localise or indianise Indian history even more deeper
Alapjaiban hamis ….. !
R1 a = "Szkita" – gén ! ! !
(A leletek a helyszinen… igazolják !
/A legősibb gént…a "szkiták között kell keresni ….. !
A Slav – nem más , mint utólagos politikai szándék….. – kreáció …..
…éppen úgy ahogy az
"indogermán" – ami persze megbukott…ekkor lett belőle…"Indoeurópai" !
– egyetlen "indoeurópai" népcsoport létezik,…ez pedig, a –
SZKITA ……. !!! *
A szláv – is…egy politikai kreatúra …..
Az " R1 a – Szkiták génje … !
Az Arya – is szkita, s nem – slav…s nem "indogermán" …..
Iindo-german – egy bukott – elmélet … !
(Hitleri konstrukció … ! )
… egyetlen népcsoport … kulturája "ér le" lndiáig… – ez pedig a SZKITA !!! ….. *
(Amely, állandó mozgásban van , s
Kináig elér… – Ordos ! … )
(évtizedes hibákhoz…ragaszkodni
nem okos … !
Indo-Europeans brought R1a to Central and Northern Europe and not just the Slavs. 🙄
Can you give me a bit info about E1B – V13
These are just arrows, very close to reality. What do YOU know about the Milankovich periods? About the periods of the South? Kali yuga is the period of the spread of R1a. The spread of R1a made it possible to take a step from stone societies to technical ones. This has not happened for 2 million years of human existence. Only R1a make discoveries in the sciences. The rest of the species are not capable of this. 4,800 years ago, there was a PLAGUE in Europe. By 1 and BOATS ON THE RIVERS run away from it in ASIA, or Asia. The name of this people is the ACES. But the departed were called PO-ROSA. Russian Russian and Sanskrit means the FIRST, the OFFSPRING, the DESCENDANTS, the BREED or ROS, RUS, and now-the RUSSIANS. They sailed in two streams – z 280.282 and z 93. The first branch along the Dnieper River rose to the Baltic and went East to the Fatyan culture. The second is around the Black Sea, to the Caspian Sea, to the Fatyan culture and further to the Pacific Ocean. In the Fatyanovo culture, between the Don and Volga rivers, the horse received a saddle and a cart.
There are many descendants of the Aces. ACES, Asetins, Abhases, Kavkas, Kasps, Cherkassy, Burtas, Baskirs (Bashkirs), Adygi-Khase, Helmets, Khasses)Hittites) Pelasgians, Khakas, Assyrians, and others, others, others…I note that they are all RELATIVES, or PO-ROSA, ROS, RUS
These are their Dolmens from the Danube to the Caucasus, to India and Sri Lanka. The Danube is the main river of the Asovs, or Saraswati. By name, this genus became the founder of the Indo-European community. Ю.Евдокимов 2023г
Everything is wrong.The first human civilization was born on Balkan , and than spreaded on whole Europa.
Kyrgyzstan 63% 73% R1A
Народы с галогруппой R1a в России- 83%
…igy hát a végeredmény is … !
Gondosan ügyel arra , nehogy a kiindulópont a Kárpátok legyen….. !
Pedig az a kiindulópont… !
3 x – osan is az…..
Beleértve ; Cro – magnont !
Valamint a Drio – pitechust …..
….. 🙂
My study:,
We have proven the original language of mankind for the first time in the world. Please show your interest to your friends. Thank you.
Hemos demostrado el idioma original de la humanidad por primera vez en el mundo. Por favor, muestre su interés a sus amigos. Gracias.
Nous avons prouvé la langue originelle de l'humanité pour la première fois au monde. Veuillez montrer votre intérêt à vos amis. Merci.
Wir haben die ursprüngliche Sprache der Menschheit erstmals in der Welt bewiesen. Bitte zeigen Sie Ihren Freunden Ihr Interesse. Danke.
لقد أثبتنا اللغة الأصلية للبشرية لأول مرة في العالم. يرجى إظهار اهتمام أصدقائك. شكرا.
Provamos a língua original da humanidade pela primeira vez no mundo. Por favor, mostre seu interesse aos seus amigos. Obrigado.
Abbiamo dimostrato la lingua originale dell'umanità per la prima volta al mondo. Si prega di mostrare il vostro interesse ai vostri amici. Grazie.
हमने दुनिया में पहली बार मानव जाति की मूल भाषा को साबित किया है। कृपया अपने दोस्तों की रुचि दिखाएं। धन्यवाद।
출처: Bard AI
1: 30, Korea Jeju [제주] island….
20 000 years story of the Hungarian ruler dinasty………..
Thanks for a intresting visualisation. I'm on the Scandinavian/Norwegian Viking branch of this R-Z284, (further down the line of R-CTS4179).
I2a is slavic and originates from Ukraine. This haplogroup is founds alot in south slav countries, Bulgaria and Romania.
No, I2 oldest Europeans on Balkans speak also Slavic language. And it was spoken not long before before in wider area: north Greece, Albania, Romania, Hungary, north-east Italy, east Austria and east Germany.
Nowadays, EVERYTHING is politics 😞… and the history is based on politics 😞
R1a haplogroup domesticated the horse. It is the most intelligent haplogroup ever existed.
It was not negros who were moving north and became white, it was white people who were moving south. from Siberia and Ural to Greece, to India and Northern Africa and then to Europe.
A I voices are annoying.
Biased and distorted info in this video. It is not about R1a but only specific sub-versions of R1a. Big difference. R1a is much earlier than Slavs or any other Indo-European group of nations, it is rather from pre Proto-Indo-European age. This video is a typical example for falsification of history.
FN' nazi propaganda – first, educate yourself about "VINCA CULTURE"… then, about the fact that so called "slavs" – name slavs is the product of vatican…
You are very wrong about this ,, early Estland" by the way. This territory was populated after last ice age approximately 10000 years before. And not by Finno-ugric tribes who came much later. Language has nothing to do with genetic origin. Kunda culture was long before cordculture came and it was mostly by trade routs.