The Real Paleo Diet
The Real Paleo Diet
The paleo diet is becoming more popular, but research suggests its claims aren’t all that scientific.
Hosted by: Michael Aranda
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ALL food in the grocery stores is trash. Even fruit and vegetables have harmful forever chemicals on them. I'll stick to the Carnivore diet. All meat from local farms.
Fun fact is that rotten teeth are something of now day and age and not of past human beings xD its a myth we had bad teeth before toothbrush. And mouth hygiëne aint new either. We should look more at our ancestors they knew a lot.
50k years ago. Hehehehe.
Who lied to you?
Humans where actually healthier 5k years ago
The beginning is so misleading. Living longer and less mobile on prescription drugs is not healthier. Lmao. I wonder who funded this?
Yall keep doing whatever, I'll enjoy my gains and lack of health problems and autoimmune issues😂
We did evolve eating a specific diet: No Sugar. The teeth of people from the middle ages record the introduction of Sugar into to Europe.( i.e Teeth went from good to bad)
funny that I have genes that show Celiac disease, and the AMY! so which is it? A bit of both is my guess. I can't eat bread daily due to how it makes me feel after 3 days in a row of it. Also, I noticed that some of us have genes that keep our glucose higher longer and my guess is it is due to having to have gone through famines, (epigenetics kicked in) and that the adaptation has come about to keep us moving on less food for longer. However, what doctors don't ask you is what time is your last meal of the day as taking food after dinner (as long as dinner is 3 hours before bed) that we can wake up with high glucose and strain our pancreas unnecessarily, so it's not that "diabetes runs in the family" it's that your family has bad habits and eats late at night which then, turns into Diabetes after enough years of getting your insulin to do work when it's not supposed to.
If you want to eat healthier. Eat much less pasta, bread, potatoes, sugar,cereal and rice. Eat more vegetables, fish, seeds, nuts, fruit and meat. Also drink less sugary drinks and drink more water.
Paleo does not mean hunter- gatherer, the idea is to replicate the diet of ancient humans and their lifestyle in their ancient African homeland, New Guinea hunter-gatherers are modern humans living ancient lifestyle in the wrong place, they are like most of us are decedents of humans who left Africa 120,000 years ago.
Even if we didn't evolve much since the paleo times, our gut biome have evolved quite a bit. And they have to deal with what we put in our guts.
seit der altsteinzeig sind nur 300 generationen vergangen. genetisch ist da so gut wei nichts passiert
Close your mouth Michael one is not a duck
debunking paleo diet by saying that the recent mutations are only for the minority of world's population…
I've been looking into, about being healthy, diets, what we should or shouldn't eat. Look history, thousands of years ago and the type food that was available back then, looking at animals and what they eat. VS our modern diet and eating habits. My opinion, basically 75% of the foods we shouldn't be eating.
Sugars, processed foods, dairy, breads, pasta. Look at our ancestors, and animals. They were/are not stuffing their faces with McDonald's, large plates of pasta, or the endless bowls of cereals. And we wonder why cardiovascular diseases continuing to increase and keep getting worse. The way foods are made, with all the chemicals and other ingredients we don't need.
Crazy people
I like that title shows about the real paleo Diet and next to it is a human cannibalism is back on the table baby
Wow… People on the modern diet are generally way less healthier than people from the Palaeolithic era. We live longer on average because of modern medicine and a safer environment.
There’s tons of evidence to show how to Paleo diet curious many different diseases.
Research journals folks, not YouTubers. And keep up the healthy eating💪
Stopped listening at 'studies suggest'
Thats idiotspeak for 'i'm making things up'
The Lord created us with the amazing ability to adapt to change. Incredible. All glory to Him.
“If a modern heart doctor could give medical advice to the iceman Ötzi — the man who was preserved as a mummy after his murder about 5,300 years ago in the snowy Alps — it would be this: Stop eating so much fatty meat and consider taking medications that lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. [Or eat a WFPB diet!]
This advice is based on a new comprehensive look at the iceman mummy's cardiovascular health. A full-body computed tomography (CT) scan showed that Ötzi had three calcifications (hardened plaques) in his heart region, putting him at increased risk for a heart attack. “
See Livescience article, “Ötzi the Iceman Was a Heart Attack Waiting to Happen”
Very sensible dude..
What a pointless video
It's so simple: Meats, Fruits, Vegtables and Nuts/Seeds
Humans are now vastly more healthy than 50 000 years ago… Crazy stuff people!
The missaai people are a pastoral people which is not hunter gatherer…
Sorry but ‘toothpaste and soap’? Hunter gatherers had very good teeth and also not recessed jaws, and soap… our immune systems suck because of the obsession with hygiene, and actually most diseases that the soap prevents are also caused by modernization. For example how many native peoples suddenly died of foreign illnesses when European colonizers came to them.
Just eat more Whole Foods and less processed foods, all in moderation and listen to your body
I think people are getting to wrapped up with the idea of eating exactly what our ancestors eat. It’s more about eating natural things such as veggies, fruits and meat and less processed food with with empty calories. That’s the point, you know because 42% of America was obese in 2017……
They had soap (saponins in plants) and they didn’t need toothpaste (nearly no tooth decay).
Hmm, this hasn’t aged well. The more research that is done on “keto” and “paleo” diets, the more clear it becomes that they are indeed healthier than the typical “modern” diet of high carb, processed garbage.
Hunter-gatherers have already been studied by Loren Cordain and many others. We don't need to speculate. We know the typical macronutrient profile. About carbs specifically, most hunter-gatherers usually get between 20-40% of calories from carbs, whereas the majority of their calories come from meat and animal fat, although this would vary by season and environment..
Compare that to Americans that get like 70% of their calories from carbs. That is the reason, in many studies, they describe anything below 40% as a low-carb diet. It's low-carb compared to the standard American diet, but high-carb compared to the standard hunter-gatherer diet. But, sure, humans have been eating some carbs for a long time, just not massive amounts.
So what you’re saying is eating this ice cream chocolate cake is the real paleo diet!
Eat to live not live to eat
Vastly healthier than 50,000 years ago? Yeah sure, lack of physical activity, lack of pristine food, a lot of chronic stress, lack of sunlight, lack of clean air, almost no pure water.
With these factors we wouldnt even need freaking healthcare.
1) the diet is based on 'pull it, pluck it, hook it, hunt it diet', not necessarily what people ate in the Paleolithic era (it shouldn't be processed). 2) Modern hunters and gatherers are not Paleolithic people, so we should not compare the Maasai to Paleolithic man. 3) fat, carbohydrates, protein intake percentage, doesn't mean it is not Paleolithic, it is the 'source' of the fats, carbs, etc. 4) Paleolithic diet does not imply that it should be the same, as if all peoples around the World ate the same way, it implies once again, the source of the diet, such as unprocessed vs processed. 5) Yes, we have evolved to no longer be lactose intolerant… but not everyone, there are many cultures that have no dairy in their diet whatsoever; Name one dish from China, Japan, Thailand that has milk in it (not from the Coconut). 6) Since starch breaks down into glucose, then by definition starch is toxic and should be avoided
putting together lots of info about this, your video delivered the essence of most of it. thanx!!!
and … hope i am too logical for just picking the findings that suit my eating habits most. "only meat and milk!", just look at the massai!!! 😉
How many cal do they eat daily?
Lies. We evolved on just animal nose to tail. No veggies, no milk, no wheat. Wake up.
Only 30% of humans can eat dairy…. Funny how dairy is in our "necessary" food groups and forced onto kids in school lunches. & if we were to really eat a true paleo diet, we'd have very little amount of animal protein with a predominantly plant-based diet. Cavemen were mostly vegetarians.
We've adapted so well that 89% of the population is obese..