The Price of BLACK DISUNITY is much too high

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The Price of BLACK DISUNITY is much too high

The Price of BLACK DISUNITY is much too high

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  1. In the subconscious of the African the European is the one that holds power and resources. So no one will retaliate. Don't think that centuries of colonialism and enslavement didn't impact the mental and mentality of our people. So I am not surprised that no one supported the woman's cause. Fear! E shock them

  2. Here in the Netherlands but I have also seen it in Belgium. Here the North-Africans and Arabs claim each other. They do not mess around. In fact they have such strong unity that the police is not even able to enter certain neighbourhoods in Belgium. They will group together and fight kick ass anyone that is considered an outsider.

  3. Disunity has been a threat to our very existence for a very long time. Yes other people have disunity I can say this because I am multiracial. For example Native people have chronic disunity and it is a big reason why they were able to take north and south America. That said, Native people like everyone else will unite against other groups. Example my Tuscarora ancestors were sold into European slavery by our Cherokee cousins.
    However, black peoples disunity is on another level they never unite with other black people and will always unite with other groups against black people. Black peoples thinking is completely destructive and counter productive to black survival. Keep spitting that hot fiya bro, we need to constantly hammer away at this slave mindedness cause this destructive mindset took generations it is going to take time to eradicate this Nzambi mindset. Unite or die black people !!!
    Ashe bruh

  4. The issues our race face are too much, it's not that we don't like helping each other,but even when you help,some will fight you. I remember trying to hock up a brother, last last na me them turn to bad person. So now if anyone ask me for help I just mind my business. We need to learn the acct of thankfulness and not overly combative with each other.

  5. Yes, disunity, borne of envy and jelousy, is a specialty of us, Africans.

    I live in France and I've seen it time and time again. Africans are the ones making anonymous phone calls to the police or the immigration department to give the name, house address and workplace of an undocumented brother or sister. I've seen many Africans arrested and deported that way, from all subsaharian african countries. Arabs don't do that, neither do Chinese, Indians, Pakistanese or South Americans, and heaven knows there are thousands of them living and working here without a reisdent permit.

    I remember I once adovated for a black young man to be hired in a company I then worked with. I got along with the HR manager and the guy was picked over fifty white guys. Little did I know that I had just opened the door to my exit from the company. The newly recruited "brother" wasted no time to say the nastiest things about me to the company manager, to whom he had been assigned. Mind me, that was a guy I knew nothing about and who didn't know me at all, but on whose behalf I lobbied just because he had approached me as I was leaving work, told me he had just submitted his application for a vacant position, and begged me to try and intervene to get him in. I got kicked out of the company barely two months after my "brother" got in, and the day I was leaving the general manager listed a series of complaints my black "brother" had lodged against me. With me gone, he remained as the only black man in a company of over two hundred staff. Poor foolish guy got fired two weeks later for gross incompetence. Our paths once against crossed at a street car station, and he dared smile at me; I ignored him royally and just went my way.

  6. It's reallly disrespectful to insult people online, regardless to colour , gender or nationality! As longer as you speak truthful about the Black neighbourhood! Black people have No community or global economical system!

  7. I even have relatives here in the UK that don't want to know me. A cousin I grew up with in the village back in Kenya. When I arrived in London, he completely dis owned me. ITS HIS LOSS. I just take each day as it comes

  8. Below is my solution to our disunity:

    United Bantu States of Africa
    To realize the power of unity on the African Continent

    The problems and the plight on the African continent starts and ends with children of the Bantu breaking and the adhering to the covenant set forth by the Most High. The African continent is home to the Holy Land. Africa’s place in the world will be rightfully restored by the Most High, I AM after HIS people confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors.
    I believe going forward a solution to addressing some of the problems found in Africa evolves around the re-unification of African nations and it’s people carved out of the Berlin West Africa Conference of 1884-1885. The overt purpose of the Conference was to ‘manage’ the ongoing process of colonization in Africa so as to avoid the outbreak of armed conflict between rival colonial powers. Its outcome was the conclusion of a General Act3 ratified by all major colonial powers including the US. Among other things, the General Act set out the conditions under which territory might be acquired on the coast of Africa; it internationalized two rivers (the Congo and the Niger); it orchestrated a new campaign to abolish the overland trade in slaves; and it declared as ‘neutral’ a vast swathe of Central Africa delimited as the ‘conventional basin of the Congo’. Additionally the conference and colonizers set out a divide and conquer approach by partitioning Africa into 54 separate nations that have no political, economic, or military power in the world.
    The United Bantu States of Africa (UBSA) will become a sovereign nation on the African continent to serve the poorest of its people and to embody political, economic, and a sufficient military to realize it’s power of unity.
    The unification of African nations will involve encouraging those nations to abandon their national sovereignty to form an United Bantu States of Africa. This will not be an easy task and will be met with resistance by colonial powers, tribal Kings and Chiefs, African Leaders indebted to the colonial power structure, money, and many citizens.

    There will be nations in Africa both hesitant or not willing or ready to become a Bantu Nation State. Nevertheless, the goal is for UBSA to show the way for other Africa nations eventual unification. United Bantu States of Africa will form a single Bantu Currency backed by the nation’s natural resources.
    I posit that part of the process begins with the re-education of Africa’s people and the worldwide diaspora, particularly African youth to learn and understand that Bantus are a chosen seed and Bantu history. The process also will involve deconstructing the current western doctrine and colonial systems and replaced with doctrines and systems based on Bantu cultural norms. Along with the current Gregorian calendar, the UBSA will adopt the Bantu Calendar which will facilitate the observance of appointed festivals which are proclaimed as sacred assemblies by I AM.
    Bantu Nation States (BNS) will use a form of horizontal governing on the traditional, local, and state level to attend to the needs of the people. A constitution will be written for BNS and the UBSA. The constitution will include cherishing, cultivating, and protecting Africa’s soil and environment. The Bantu tongue will be the official national language. BNS will eliminate and renegotiate all current and future agreements with former colonial powers and multinational corporations. Favorable trade agreements will be prioritized for other BNS, African Union Nations, and African diaspora corporations and entities. Citizens of the African diaspora will have citizenship rights and diplomatic support from UBSA. African diaspora representatives will have a voice and vote at the United Bantu States federal level.
    Bantu Nation States will support the practice of universal African Spirituality, along with banning religious institutions and assemblies.


  9. Phrankleen thank you for saying the truth always, I think the mistake black people make is when they see other black people like them they immediately gravitate towards them inside of mixing with every one. Black people will never have your back.

  10. Nigerians are first class in this. I call it inferiority complex. They always want to take others before their Nigerians fellows even when it is obvious that the Nigerian is right. I am a witness . Best thing improve your skill and quit the job for a better one. It does not worth it. Do what you are happy doing.

  11. I wish I could like this video 100x more! The point Phrankleen said the black community is an illusion and other race laughs at us when we go about misbehaving, I couldn’t help but smash the like button. We NEED to do better blacks. We desperately NEED TO!!!!!

  12. These are the people and personalities that are promoted in our current social positions of “power”of management in public services such public housing,social services. In the Uk.
    This is intentional these are the people of skin kind who often insults and debase their own..
    can we see the house slave and field slave mentality.
    Willy Lynch still alive and well in 2022.
    “A people without Knowledge of their past HISTORY , ORGIN and CULTURE is like a TREE without ROOTS”. Honourable Marcus Mosiah Garvey..

  13. Watching this episode. Seeing you deal with that Dele dude is one of the kind of black folks you are talking about MR Phrankleen. Utterly, disgusting 🤢. Good you dealt with him accordingly asap. Spineless🙄 Gatekeepers.

  14. @Phrankledn, , I had a similar experience at work, the difference is that am a strong black lady with a thick skin. They tried it with me but they failed I beat them to their game, even the blacks were among them to gang up against me. My Nigerian brother at work betrayed me but he paid dearly for it.
    I was called to a meeting and I made my line manager look stupid.
    I once supported a colleague a Nigerian he later betrayed me with the same people fighting him. While they were busy reporting and ganging I was sending emails about them and copied the ogas at the top and also did (datix) incident report on them. Na who no get shit for yansh na im fight somebody cos all of us get shit for yansh some visible while some u get to wear gloves to bring am out.

  15. …..phrankleen, it's a man's world. Asian/Indian, white and hispanic men build their respective countries and economies and stand up for their interest. Black men on the other hand, focus on women, what women should do instead of standing up for us as patriarchs. You guys are the ONLY men that badger their women so publicly and then you wonder why other men and cultures have a hard time respecting you as men.

  16. Phrankleen is very much on point about black community disunity!!!!
    I will admit now i keep a distance to our people,but i was not initially like that.
    Many years ago i frequently go to a place we ship cars to Africa to do business,a particular guy started hiting on my wife each time she went with me.I ignored it till the third time he gave her his number writen out.So i complained to his younger brother who was furious and told me he has 3 kids and wife in Nigeria,can you imagine,what was his motive then???
    About 15 yrs ago the city where i live was very exciting .We have almost every weekend something to celebrate and we form credit and thrift societies and so on.We were having a blast,then came the gossip,fights in parties,police waiting for guys after parties because they drink and still drive afterwards!!!
    Now all those are no more with everybody withdrawing into their shells.We must do more and be responsible as a community,that is the only way we can move forward!!!

  17. Blacks don't want to see blacks shine. !!!!! But have no problem when someone outside the black race shines. I think it's in-born cos u will find the same habit everywhere.