The Power and Authority of a Marques Brownlee Review. The Internet is Divided
The Power and Authority of a Marques Brownlee Review. The Internet is Divided
Debate ensues over the ethical responsibility of a powerful reviewer, Marques Brownlee (MKBHD). Should he prioritize job security or brutal honesty? Join the conversation in this thought-provoking video. #EthicalResponsibility #PowerfulReviewer #JobSecurityVsHonesty #ProductReview #InternetDebate #EthicsDiscussion #HonestyIsTheBestPolicy…
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Why do you feel the need to bring race into it? Stop it! He’s a smart and successful person. You act like he has some inherent flaws simply because he’s black and that it’s amazing that he accomplishes things because of his race. Your race, gender or even physical limitations don’t define you or what you can accomplish.
“Oh man! This guy is so smart and rich. And he’s black too, so he’s twice as amazing.”