The Penuel Show In Conversation with Joost Strydom, The Great Trek, Self Doen, Off-grid Energy

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The Penuel Show In Conversation with Joost Strydom, The Great Trek, Self Doen, Off-grid Energy


00:00 – INTRO
01:30 – History of Orania
11:55 – Orania’s land size
15:12 – Expanding Orania, Cape independence
18:45 – Federalism, Self governance
27:25 – Job creation in Orania
31:55 – Government dependency
36:40 – Die Groot Trek migration
41:20 – Orania’s population
43:05 – Orania’s security
45:10 -…



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    00:00 – INTRO
    01:30 – History of Orania
    11:55 – Orania's land size
    15:12 – Expanding Orania, Cape independence
    18:45 – Federalism, Self governance
    27:25 – Job creation in Orania
    31:55 – Government dependency
    36:40 – Die Groot Trek migration
    41:20 – Orania's population
    43:05 – Orania's security
    45:10 – Thoughts on English empire
    50:55 – Cultural preservation
    55:25 – Orania's location
    58:05 – Orania's economy
    1:03:53 – Building Orania's municipality
    1:12:40 – Penuel's thoughts on Orania
    1:18:35 – Is Orania / its people racist
    1:24:35 – Closing comments
    1:29:09 – ENDS

  2. A town I would think about twice before visiting again. mostly watering wholes and churches that just point back to the divide amongst Afrikaners. The idea is noble and they dream big. like an international airport etc. but in the end money buy the whiskey looking at all the watering wholes seems not to be a problem there.

  3. Hogwash… absolute nonsense. Apartheid 2.0 is what it is…your guest just  told you! As black people we never seem to learn…I wonder why? This is the same narrative that their leader FW De Klerk tried to convince us of before he died? I qoute…

    "…. apartheid was not a crime against humanity." End quote. No remose here…

    Today we as black people are living in an environment of brokenness, we are a broken people…we are trying to find our way in amaze that was created by a system of separation…a system of injustice. We are a recipient of that system and I doubt that white people understand the damage and backlash this caused on our people?

    Dear white people…This right here, what you see…the violence ,rape, murder, theft, greed, poverty, hate, xenophobia, discrimination, unemployment, racism…apathy, looting,gross inequality, disorder is the aftermath of that system. A system that you created.

    Your guest speaks of freedom, if freedom is what they seek surely there is enough of it in our constitution. Not so?  If not, then our laws MUST still be oppressive…. otherwise why would they not accept the current leadership if the radar is the constitution?

    White people are not divided on why they purposed to come to Africa…they are divided on how to execute that purpose which is fuelled by greed and want of something that does not belong to them. Now that we are knowledgeable it is time that we create our own laws and systems as a people…a system of togetherness…a system of Ubuntu.

    Those that want to be separate or independent and not live under our laws are free to return to their places of origin. When in Rome do as the Romans do.

    …and Yes you are indeed very lucky to live on this continent!

    […we are not preaching hate here…just visiting truth ]

  4. I like his sincerity, he says it as it is especially on the racism question. I also like the togetherness and team work that they have… Astonishing.

    Thanks Penuel

  5. Loved this video and very insightful. I just wonder when Joost said Orania is not White's only but Afrikaner only will they allow black/coloured Afrikaners to live there? This is out of pure curiosity.

  6. This was possibly the best interview I have had the privilege of viewing and listening to. Joost is a young man who is intelligent, well spoken and knows his history. I admire his faith in God and the values that this town was built on. Their success is due to the strong foundation the founders built on and the grit and determination to be independent. Hard work, great ethics and community are what these people are all about. I hope many more Afrikaans South Africans would join them. Excellent respect between Penuel & Joost. God bless South Africa.🙏

  7. Well done, guys! What an amazing and honouring interview.
    Loved your love and honour in representing a hard topic. Respecting views through gaining understanding is the way of love. Even in representing others in Orania, that might nor feel the same, was done to show the greater heart and vision.
    Almost all people in South Africa have their own individual narrative in the collective story, so dialogue and love with bring us far.
    The both of you are saluted for the next generation of leadership you represent.
    THE PENUEL SHOW: Hats off guys!
    Joost Strydom: Jy het goed gedoen en jou hart en visie is gesien!

  8. I am telling you these people found a diamond mine around that area and bought it 😂 Now they are doing their own work haha 😂 you know what I mean

  9. This is exactly what Australia did, despite their colonial past. everyone is involved in any job and they do not look down on you. a bin collector is just as respected as a doctor. the problem in South Africa is that everyone wants to be "rich" and drive their fancy cars etc, it's too materialistic. if people focus on community rather than selfishness then the country would prosper. How is it that we all come together when the boks win? because of community and common values. We need to hold on to that rather than our differences. On top of this, socialism does not work. Socialism makes a society rely on the government. They do this so they can get the votes/bend people to their will.

  10. This was very refreshing and inspiring but I think there are some hard and awkward questions to be answered.

    1. Can Afrikaans Roman Catholics build a church there?
    2. What is the theology of the churches inside Orania, and do they have any British Israelism tendencies?
    3. Do the Orania leadership have the power to stop churches and congregations from starting, assembling, worshipping, and multiplying?

  11. Penuel thank you so much brother i feel like ive been to Orania already after watching this beautiful,mind opening interview. One might say alot of their minds about Orania but it all comes down to the great ideas of it and its teachings to the nation out there. I call this "moving out of the matrix"👏🏿

  12. It's not about raising your fist up and talking about what you want it is about taking action on what you want
    Most of us talk and complain a lot but we don't take actions towards our satisfaction Kudos Orania

  13. The difference between us and afrikaners is that they were never mentally oppressed, we as a people were never like this, le rona at one point in history were self sufficient and thriving until them white boys arrived so to compare a people that experienced genocide for 500+ and Afrikaners is absurd

  14. A majority in their own area, that in itself tells you they dont want to integrate with us, they dont speak our languages, but we speak theirs. My people need to realise this is not as it seems.
    These people dont care about black South Africans, if given the opportunity they will retake South Africa, they send this calm Orania founder to fool us again and calm everyone down, people wake up, you cannot allow a people that have a history of killing our great grand parents and imposssing the apartheid system on us, the most brutal system ever to create their own haven in South Africa, can black people do that in Europe? Stop being too nice and allowing these people to creating their own state within our state

  15. Die ANC get in hul poging mislik .Als opgemors .Die mense van Orania het bewys dat n boer n plan kan maak en dat selfdoen die oplossing is .
    Joost doen so voort Die HERE seen ORANIA.

  16. Wonderlik om te hoor dat daar nog mense is wat ons geloof, geskiedenis en identiteit hoog hou.

    Ek en my man sal graag wil kom kuier. In 91 was ek nog in die learskool en my man het net sy diensplig voltooi en sy ambag begin by Atlas. Miskien is dit 'n antwoord wat ons nie eers aan gedink het nie.

    Sien julle daar!

  17. You 2 young men are doing an amazing job of informing people about the real history of Orania. What Orania has achieved, is possible for the rest of South Africa. It's racist attitudes that need to change. Self determination is the right of every cultural group. No one should rule over anyone. The current South African government rules like a communist dictatorship and people keep parties with outdated ideologies like the ANC and worse the EFT in government. Watching 5 minutes of parliament shows clearly why this country is going nowhere fast and Orania prospers. Building something for yourself means getting off your butt, off government support and working hard for your own people. I wish I could move to Orania. Bunch of smart, focused people.