The Peacekeeper: The Brutal Fight against the Warlords! | ENDEVR Documentary

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The Peacekeeper: The Brutal Fight against the Warlords! | ENDEVR Documentary

The Peacekeeper: Can GENOCIDE in the Congo be stopped? | ENDEVR Documentary

Watch ‘Pirate Hunting: Meet the Counter-Piracy Task Force ‘ here:

In this documentary, Paul Cowan delivers unprecedented access to the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping, and the determined and often desperate maneuvers to avert…



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  1. Here is the briefest summary I could come up with, outlining the conflict in DRC up to 2024. This documentary shows events in 2003-2006. Unfortunately, it could be 2023-2024 as well.

    The Second Congo War erupted in 1998 due to strained relations between Rwanda and Congo's government under Laurent Kabila, who sought to diminish Rwanda's influence by denying their role in his rise to power and targeting ethnic Tutsis within his administration. In a shift of alliances, Kabila expelled foreign troops and permitted Hutu armed groups to regroup, prompting Rwanda to invade with the intent of securing its border from Hutu threats. This conflict escalated as Congolese forces, backed by Angola, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, clashed with Rwandan, Ugandan, and Burundian military forces and various rebel groups. The turmoil culminated in Kabila's assassination in 2001 during a coup, leading to his son, Joseph Kabila, taking control and ultimately concluding the war in 2002. The conflict resulted in catastrophic humanitarian consequences, with estimated death tolls exceeding three million by 2004.

    Between 2002 and 2003, Rwanda, Uganda, and DRC began implementing peace agreements that authorized a transitional government in Kinshasa led by Joseph Kabila. Despite these agreements, the establishment of truth and reconciliation commissions, and a renewed UN peacekeeping force, unrest and clashes persisted in eastern DRC. Joseph Kabila was formally inaugurated following a long-awaited popular election in 2006.

    Since 2003, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has faced ongoing conflict, primarily rooted in struggles for power, ethnic tensions, and competition for natural resources. The rise of various militant groups, including M23 and the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), has led to widespread violence and instability, displacing millions and resulting in severe humanitarian crises, including rampant food insecurity. International interventions have been inconsistent, with peacekeeping missions met with local resistance.

    In October 2023, UN Special Envoy to the Great Lakes Region Xia Huang warned that tensions between the two countries could lead to an open military confrontation, expressing his concerns about “the military strengthening in both countries, the absence of direct high-level dialogue, and the persistence of hate speech.” The two countries agreed in late November 2023 to a U.S.-brokered pact to bilaterally reduce military presence near the border, reduce hate speech, and refrain from efforts to affect one another’s political systems. Despite the agreement and initial promise of a seventy-two-hour ceasefire ahead of the DRC’s national election, ongoing, lethal conflict in eastern Congo has continued largely unabated into 2024.

  2. 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇵🇱🇬🇪🇩🇪🇫🇷🇩🇴🇨🇿🇩🇰🇨🇩🇨🇦🇧🇬🇧🇷🇦🇹🇪🇪🇮🇹🇲🇽🇯🇵🇵🇦🇳🇴🇰🇷🇬🇷🇺🇳🇪🇺

  3. IT'S true ..the U.N. is completely irrelevant today ….only empty political rhetoric. And the people working there are only after fat salaries and perks. A COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY

  4. Its only God who can help the Congo.The UN is there to oversee the plunder of the natural resources by the West especially France, Belgium and China.Rwanda and Uganda are just erand boys.

  5. The main problem with the UN is they are always UNinvoled in peace Why do the not let Africa sort out its own problems? Sierra Leone was peacefully under Executive Outcomes until the US got involved by getting rid of Executive Outcomes who within 6 days quietened the RUF down. When the UN got involved after EOs departure the country erupted into chaos again TIA …This Is Africa….

  6. I'm going to be flamed from left to right for what I'm about to try say.
    This situation breaks my heart Africa ad a whole and what its become has broke my heart i feel it is genuinely one the actual more clear cut cases that foreign involvement in nearly every regard over the past 200 years has done nothing but hurt the people of Africa more and more, and introduction of "the White mans way" only seems to complicate matters it's not clear cut these are an ancient race that we will never truly comprehend with first world perception…. When i look at Israel and Palestine i see no more then what i seen in the History of the north of my own first world country and the senseless of it all…. But Africa is really a different beast and i mean that in all the best kind of ways.

  7. UN and African nations governments are all puppets for USA Russia China EU France Corporations who steal thier resources and give little in return.Trillions has been stolen.African nations have puppet governments because it's the latter who put them into power.

  8. Congolese sufferings rest on the richness of their country in natural resources. The westerners plays a big roles in destabilising Congolese government to keep the plunder going.

  9. Congolese sufferings rest on the richness of their country in natural resources. The westerners plays a big roles in destabilising Congolese government to keep the plunder going.