The Origins of Congo's M23 Rebels | Congo Crisis

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The Origins of Congo's M23 Rebels | Congo Crisis

Over the past quarter of a century, the resource-rich eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have served as operating bases for multiple rebel groups.

The March 23 Movement commonly known as M23 is among more than 100 armed groups operating in this region where conflict is escalating, especially in recent months.




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  1. Africa is too weak to terminate minor conflicts that has taken decades to weaken our development by posing a great threat to the whole continent. Africa needs a strong security force that can intervene any conflict and suppress it in a short time. Conflicts seem to be
    projects of obtaining money from the UN Security Council. It is a game of a group of clever people, who are benefiting from the killings of human beings, our brothers and sisters. Let Africa wake up and stop this dirty game these people who are fond of money by sacrificing the lives of our brothers and sisters. Africa has the ability to stop these wars, but we lacking strong leaders to rescue us from this programmed situations

  2. Dear sir /madam
    Greetings of the day.
    I am doctor Lumumba and I am practicing pathologist .
    I was watching her intervention on SABC in connection with the war in the DRC .
    She sounded like supporting former president Thabo Mbeki remarks !
    I will appreciate if she can allow me to organize a public lecture whereby the former president Thabo Mbeki should be among us ,we are tired of misleading people with fake narratives .
    Because he is saying liars to try to mislead opinion as usual .
    The Congolese war is because , It has been invaded since 1996 with the support of Mandela /Mbeki administration and Clinton .
    There is no Rwandese narratives of the Tutsi nor Hutu in Congo DRC .
    Thabo Mbeki is trying to justify their conspiracy to weaken Africa' s the most strategic country by supporting criminals like museveni and Kagame to perpetrate genocide of Congolese people and to replace them by foreign nationals that Thabo Mbeki and the Clinton administration bestowed them a new name banyamulenhe their brand to justify aggression ,AFDL, RCD goma . MLC , CNDP, M23, these are all same things , there are foreigners Rwandese from different countries that are trained to come to take power in Congo and to disrupt the core of the army .
    Mbeki is the one who organized the Nobel price of sharing power between foreign militias that were part of the Sun City 2002 agreement and their fake constitution that today is the weapon to maintain Congo in a chronic désorganisation and failed state .
    The people of Congo never engaged in a single rebellion all since 1996 are manipulations of some of designated and corrupted congolese by the people like Mbeki to weaken Africa .
    Remember the best way of looting the DRC congo is to maintain instabilities in Congo by choosing puppet and weak corrupted leaders the like of joseph Kabila ,and the current elected leader who is showing sign of betrayal , by prevent the rightful leaders to emerge.
    All political partis in Congo are for propaganda of imperialism agenda ,not for the welfare of congolese.
    In Congo we don’t need a single election we can live among ourselves in peace.
    There is no leaders in Congo right now we have some managers unfortunately all are puppets of imperialism to perpetrating the massacre of the people of Congo in order to replace them with settlers and invaders from neighboring countries .
    Kindly revert back to me we are well organized to get a platform and inform the opinion of South Africa .

    Dr Lumumba


    ✍️Do more of your research on the history of the Eastern DR Congo,the copy of the video links can help you to explain the root cause of the conflict in the Eastern DR Congo..

    DR Congo government should not marginalirise , discriminate and kill it's people just because of the way God created them, M23 are Kinyarwanda speaking Tutsi Congolese freedom fighter fighting for their right to live and live in their country the DR Congo, with discrimination and tribalism DR Congo will never have peace and it will always fight loosing wars. First blame the colonists who demarcated boarders, if the DR Congo doesn't want to accept them as it's people ,it should chase them together with their land. It seems some people are just haters, jealous and against the rapid and success development taking place in Rwanda.

  4. I tell you people the ignorance that majority of Congolese if you are born in Congo even if you from another country Africa they discriminate against all this came from Belgium I was born Congo the Congolese and the government didn’t want me there just because my father was born in another country now I’m in America I’m American no matter where you come you can be American make story short the Congolese have also being killing banyamulenge for a long time in Congo you can’t be a banyamulenge and live in any city in Congo that’s why M23 is fighting to protection it’s people it’s not hard understand Congo is failed states no roads corruptions that country need new leadership..

  5. The SADC have been there before. But it has always been clear that supporting a corrupt, brutal, and inefficient regime, like that of the DRC is always a futile endeavour. The problem of the DRC is a Congolese problem. The day the Congolese politicians will grow up, stop being petty, corrupt, parochial, and inefficient the Congo will stabilise and grow. All Congolese must be recognised and given equal rights and opportunities. The government must be all inclusive , the army retrained, and re-equipped to make it capable of defending the whole of Congo and ALL ITS PEOPLE,. The military doctrine must be revised so that the Congolese can have confidence in their armed forces. Democracy must be made real and working and seen to be so in order for the Congolese to have confidence in their government.

  6. I just wish my Rwandan and Congolese brothers unite and live in harmony, millions of our bro's n sisters lives have been lost. Its high time we woke and live in peace. The moment the hate speech of tribe is stopped the better for the 2. One love from Zambia.

  7. These people are from the kongo.and was separated from their family during colonial times. and the dismantling of the Kongo during the fall of colonialism.if they don't allowed to go back home to the Kongo.then it's gonna be conflict.

  8. Congolese attitudes has to change. Its same divisiveness and tribalism among u that saw y’all offered Patrice Lumumba for slaughter. Even if M23 is taken out what about the other 119 rebel groups? Blaming tiny Rwanda for all your troubles is illogical.

  9. But i think all this problem is UN. I don't know why UN can't forcefully evacuate all rebels unless if they also benefit… otherwise… they can just order them out so that UN can also leave Africa… UN became African parasite

  10. Tutsi have no land or ancestral land rights in the DRC. The tribes that were divided were the Hunde in the North, the Shi in the south with Rwanda. All Tutsis in the DRC are immigrants and refugees, and have no land right. Birth right citizenship is an individual matter with the government. They've killed and still continue to kill millions of Congolese 🇨🇩 in other to claim their land. Stop spreading lies before you start an ethnic war in the region.

    Plus this war was a western/NATO/USA plan in order to loot the DRC. It's a mineral war and Rwanda 🇷🇼 is being used to implement these plans in return they hoped to steal and settle foreign land in the DRC which the indigenous of the DRC would never allow. Reasons behind Tutsis have killed 12 millions of Congolese for almost 3 decades now. The DRC government is averting a regional war by suppressing local patriots from engaging in vengeance warfare but the some Tutsis feel empowered, since supported by their western allies, to continue killing for the west.

  11. This war has two main goals: Minerals and hatred. M23 is just a proxy created to maintain these two goals. Hatred is turned towards hutu tribes that fled genocide by kagame. The pursuit and killing of hutu (violation of drc territory) by tutsi masked as M23 led to the discovery of minerals that triggered greed in the heart of kagame. He then allied with Uganda to exterminate both local Congolese in mineral zones and hutu that fled to congo. This left the mineral areas under the control of M23 whose leaders, after each mission will always retire in their own land Rwanda. He continuously gets supports from western power and uses his country as exit door of stolen minerals from Drc. Greed grew in a way that he corrupted few Congolese and infiltrated the Drc to maintain the extermimation of Hutus and the promote the looting of Congolese minerals under strong support of the western who also enjoys the benefits out of the blood of poor congolese. That's why no one talks or react as their interests are also there. May God punish the devil.

  12. People like you should be the ones spreading awareness about this conflict. I think those who spread information without education about Congo are creating a criminal ideology. As Africans, we need to be more educated to deal with each other in a human rights way, without blaming or killing each other. We were made to be one. Borders were created for us, and division is the poison that was installed within us. Peace to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, and the whole of Africa. Let us all heal as people and build our Continent with joy and Pride..

  13. I love the episode’s on Africa it gives me so much info that I never really new our understood thank you for your hard work In doing the episode amazing work 👍🏼

  14. While eastern DRC is plundered for cheap Conflict Minerals to benefit world economies and a variety of Western instigated global wars, under the guise of sponsored wars and sponsored "rebels" in eastern DRC, Kisangani as a central Africa Hub Port with 4 harbours and vast Congo River commerce potential, remains isolated. This further depresses the DRC's legitimate economic potential! The conflict mineral wars also prevent my access to Kisangani to continue 2004 faith based community development outreach in isolated villages along the Congo River and its tributaries. Where is the Church?