The Only African Liberating Religion

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The Only African Liberating Religion

What religion can Truly Cause African Liberation?
My bones will rise again. tHE POWERFUL WORDS OF MBUYA NEHANDA. Mbuya Nehanda Charwe Nyakasikana a female trailblazer and a key leader in the First Chimurenga uprisings against European colonial settlers 1896-1897. Said the following prophetic words- “My bones will rise again,” and sure…



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  1. followed the link from the video Islam Is Anti AFRICAN
    the comment section wasn't working so I've decided to respond here
    if i'm correct the video focused on 3 main points
    1) Islamic propaganda, lies & subtle nuances,
    2) anti blackness in hadith &
    3) we are our own worst enemy
    I've got a question about the first point (Islamic propaganda, lies & subtle nuances)

    in the video you mention some points about Bilaal & him being the first muadhin (one who calls to prayer). That you then mentioned was a metaphoric role because we've seen many black men serving in senior military roles & senior political roles like Gaafar Muhammad an-Nimeiry.

    That you then close the point with the appointment of Bilaal to the role of muadhin as not meaning anything & with Bilaal being ignorant.

    Why doesn't it mean anything that the man chosen to call muslims to perform the 2nd most important pillar of their faith, which is the salaat (prayer)
    was african & an ex slave?

    And why isn't that important, when muslims have to perform the prayer, 5 times everyday? And why is the prayer so important that they do it 5 times a day, when the prophet (peace be upon him)
    said that if a man washed themselves at river 5 times everyday, would you find any impurity on him? And his companions said no, & then he said that the salaat was like that man who washes 5 times a day & has no impurity.

    The same salaat that muslims understand to be a miraj (Ascension) from earth, past the 70 000 veils, past the 7 heavens, past the angels & in the Presence of Allah (God).

    Are you saying that the man Bilaal, who performed this service of calling muslims to perform the 2nd most important pillar to their fath (the salaat) every single day without fail for 10 whole years, until the passing of the prophet (peace be upon him); was only playing a metaphorical role?

    Him as the 1st person performing that role as an african man was not important in dissolving racial boundaries between the Muslims?

    And how could he have been ignorant when, there's record of people learning from him about the salaat, Islamic law & other religious duties?

    This man was given the most important role as muadhin at the time of early development of Muslim society. And to say that role was metaphoric is either disrespectful or from an ignorance about the history of the Muslims & what their faith of Islam is.

  2. False, bantu are the chosen ppl of the creator (so called god) and got nothing to do with kemet . As bantu, we must be holy and stay away from any form of idolatry.

  3. Lots of love to you Tatenda for opening many Africans Dormant Human Being for the knowledge and waking up their Ubuntu MAA’T consciousness. And know how they were lied to believe in white Jesus who was created to make all African to lose their identity.

  4. Peace most of the west African states we see decolonizing right now are Muslims examples Mali Niger Burkina Faso Senegal etc, seems Islam is liberating. Depends on interpretation.

  5. There's an assault on ancient khamit right now, using people like the 5th kind and billy carson and they have diverted the accomplishments of our ancestors to aliens…

  6. From what I’ve learned recently about Africa, personally the best spiritual concept is that of the ancient Kemetyu. Their belief system allowed them to use 50-100 percent of their brain capacity. How the “mythology” of Amun-Ra, Ptah, Ma-at, Asar, etc were the most instrumental, powerful, influential, brilliant and beautiful examples of indigenous African culture. Islam and Christianity is literally Anti-African, due to being a foreign concept of what spirituality means. Islam and Christianity are the most wicked religions on the planet and 96% of Africa is one or the other, so it’s easy to see why there’s so much unrest going on nationally. Following religions responsible for repeated genocide for centuries, doesn’t sound divine to me.

  7. Nobody wants to see how Christianity and Islam in complicity with Catholicism have destroyed societies and countries all over the planet all while being OBSOLETE belief systems. They serve the Commercialization of the Ten Commandments called "DEMOCRACY" that perfected slavery and perpetuation of wars, all while downplaying the FULFILLMENT OF ALL THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, meaning JESUS'S PROMISED SECOND COMING that occurred in 1844-1863 and hiding the BAHA'I ERA that is THE SALVATION OF HUMANITY. But Satan's Personifications have the uppergand and benefits from the GODLESSNESS that make victims victimizers well rewarded.

  8. I love Mbuya Nehanda … 👸🏽
    May she rest in power .

    This video lecture was lit 🔥
    Thank you Prof for another very informative video . Tatenda 🩵💜💙🪶

  9. I've said this to certain Africans, Putin like other Europeans, lied to you about Jesus being black. I said, you don't need a black Jesus to feel good about yourselves. You're the gods on this planet, why seek after a god outside of yourselves?