The Lost City Of Zimbabwe | Archeology (Ancient Civilisation Documentary) | Timeline

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The Lost City Of Zimbabwe | Archeology (Ancient Civilisation Documentary) | Timeline

Rising out of the highlands of Sub-Saharan Africa are the ruins of the long-secluded, spectacular Great Zimbabwe. Dismissed by racist explorers as the work of some ancient black civilisation and stripped by ignorance and prejudice of many of it’s priceless artefacts, white colonisers were certain that Black Africans could not have built the…



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  1. The original name for Zimbabwe was Dzimbahwe meaning sacred place. Zimbabwe is a modern name meaning house of stones. Understand the two. Most of their sacred places are in mountains or hills of stones. Look at Domboshava, Njelele shrine, Zame etc

  2. Just an excuse to pour far left bilious hatred against Europeans. There was no city, there was no great civilisation and there is no evidence of a ‘thriving culture’. It’s hardly ‘ancient’ if it was built in the thirteenth century.

  3. The Persians were all over the show building and helping nations build massive cities . Through trade these beautiful structures were built . People forget to mention this , its the same in kilwa!!

  4. No surprise here. Every documentary that claims to educate people about great Zimbabwe are always documentaries about colonialism and the 20th century. The title should be "The ruins of the lost city of Zimbabwe under settler colonial rule". Just a little note at the end about the kingdom trading with other parts of the world but that's all. Nothing you won't find on Wikipedia.

  5. This narrative is still off, partial truths only. There definitely is relation or ties between these sites and the bible. Below is a reply to a comment from someone who i noticed had a good idea of the hidden truths

    "You are enlightened… let me start by saying that these colonial labels like Zimbabwean, Mozambican, South African etc are rubbish and for the brainwashed and sleeping folk. All Bantus are the real people of the Book, The Most High's people in our different ( greater 12) tribes.
    "Zimbabwe" is more closer to 'Zimba ra Yahuah', 'Zimba raYahweh', similarly Zambia, Gambia, Tanzania , etc many if not most Bantu (Israelite) nation names have coincidentally or not the name of or reference to the Father "Yah" in them. "

  6. Am kenyan, kikuyu tribe to be specific…but today i had a dream about this specific place,and Africa at large…i was being shown the African map,zoomed into my eyes was 3 countries which i thought was Israel…but the map was zoomed back and The whole map of Africa was Written* Israel *with some parts of middleEast…and due to my shock ,words tgat came out of my mouth was"THIS EXPLAINS THE ZIMBAMBWE RUINS*(though in the dream i sauid zambia ruins making me wonder the connection between the two countries)….So in Short i came directly to youtube to find research about the ruins and here iam🙏…LET EVERY ZIMBABWEAN KNOW THEIR COUNTRY IS A BIBILICAL SITE…. hopefully one day i will come n visit and pray there cuss God revealed this to me with a reason yet iam miles away in middle East now..

  7. 4:03 "Design was in their heads rather than on paper". This sentence shows both a lack of respect and imagination for historical civilisations. To make such an intricate stone complex, they obviously needed plans, they obviously needed many architects, designers, workers to all agree to a common design in their minds, down to exact dimensions, sizes of granite bricks, and so on. They did not have paper, but they obviously had mud or clay. All it takes is a couple of skilled potters or clay artists to make a perfect replica of the plan, or for a team of workers to "hire" a clay worker to build a "3D printed" scale model of the entire complex before it was built. It would last the duration of the construction, would be modified as needed when faced with stone supply issues, worker shortage or abundance and so on.
    Paper does not last one monsoon if it is not stored safely.
    Mud structures built with the right clay can last a few monsoons. Paper is 2D, while a clay model is 3D, realistic.
    Paper plans need geometry, maths and an elaborate convoluted architecture education course, 3D clay modelling is direct and natural, hands on, and draws more from experience of masons, stone breakers, etc.
    It's like saying it is impossible for people in the past to have used bows and arrows because they don't understand the string tension formula or shear stress and bending properties of materials. Obviously nobody formally studied physics, string tension, shear stress and bending with all the required mathematics and yet bows and arrows were everywhere.
    Same thing with houses.

  8. Europeans logic always baffles me; they like to say that they went to Africa so they could civilize the people bc they didn't have history. But once they got there, and saw plenty of proofs that the people in the continent were well advanced than they thought, they started to give credit to other civilizations for the achievement of these African people, then destroy and steal everything. Museums ln Europe and US are full of cultural artefacts that were taken from other parts of the world, , especially Africa. They dont want to return them, even though they know that these objects were stolen. I live in the US in the state of Texas. If you buy something that was stolen, you are a thief as well, and will be charged especially if you knew that the property was stolen. None of these artefacts that were taken from Africa were taken legally, but they still don't want ro return them, even though they like to claim that Africa didn't have history before they colonize the continent.

  9. 10:55
    How does the presence of an older object from somewhere else tell you the age of the site in which it is found. I have a Victorian table in my house yet the house is only 30 years old.
    By this logic my house must have been built in the Victorian era. Maybe I’m missing something 🤷‍♂️

  10. I think the time for africa tell their story is now not what they tell us about our daily life and history. This is temple of Solomon the son of david. They have hidden from us for a very long time now

  11. You even try to distort the name Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe comes form "Dzimba-dzemabwe" meaning the houses of stones in ChiVotori one of the Shona tribes found in Masvingo º Zimbabwe.

  12. The colonizers, because of their ignorance, arrogance, and fragile egos, did whatever they could to spin & hide the truth about the origins of this once great civilization. Their greed & disrespect led them to destroy such an amazing treasure. Such a shame.

  13. We are now in the age of Aquarius, all hidden truths shall come to light, it’s funny how when u talk to all white people they know the hidden truth abt the Great Zim yet we Africans be arguing amongst ourselves what it is. It’s pretty clear there’s something powerful and mysterious abt the place and it definitely has power

  14. The man was just another racist trying to rewrite history he defaced multiple African castles apparently want to make it look like we come fr just sticks & mud houses when we come from royalty

  15. Considering the climate and natural resources over the last millennium, what would encourage a people to build such an uncharacteristically large structure and out of stone where the local Shona built and lived in mud and wattle huts. These look like fortifications, to keep people out? Or in?
    The archeologists have found pottery shards with arabic and chinese influence indicating that the people who stayed in Great Zimbabwe had contact with groups who traded with Arabia/China if not from there themselves. There is no mention of mines in the vicinity to suggest that the gold mentioned was sourced here. In fact the evidence for gold suggests that the seams had run out (or were not particularly prevalent anyway).
    This is not a frivolous structure and a considerable amount of man-hours and skill would not have been spent for no reason. So we should consider logical reasons prevalent at the time.
    We know that the slave trade was big business with slave routes extending across Africa from East to West and further south down the east coast of Africa, Zanzibar. These routes had a high attrition rate with loss of slaves through exhaustion injuries and disease.
    All this is known so my conjecture is that certain key slave traders decided to look further south for their source of slaves and built a structure to house and recuperate the slaves and slavers and of course prevent them from wandering off/escaping. The walls are very high but with no battlements which might protect defenders from marauding tribes, it seems that Great Zimbabwe was designed to keep people in rather than out.
    Please tell me I am wrong with evidence rather than opinion.

  16. Cecil rhodes is a demon and a monster. He set out with machine guns to devastate and humiliate Africans and loot their wealth. No wonder the west say we do not have a civilization and have contributed nothing to human development. Destruction of Great Zimbabwe is a testament to this.

  17. Dzimba- means houses and dzemabwe means stones in plural. "bwe" or "Ibwe" means one stone in Karanga people from Masvingo. In Zezuru "bwe or "Ibwe" means "dombo" .
    They destroyed and looted our heritage calling themselves explorers – archaeologists and keeping our artifacts in their museums! It is really sad!! Proud of my heritage my lineage and the "Nyanda" (Masvingo) region!!