The Great White Shark of Guadalupe Island – Nat Geo Wild Documentary 2020 HD 1080p

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The Great White Shark of Guadalupe Island – Nat Geo Wild Documentary 2020 HD 1080p

White Sharks of Guadalupe Island and Documentary 2020 Full HD 1080p.

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The great white shark, also known as the great white, white shark or “white pointer,” is a species of…



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  1. 8 elephant seals found (believed to be the only ones in the world) so along comes man, and in his selfish manor, kills 7 of them. Makes me ashamed to be human. 😅

  2. Impressive TO SEE THESE MEN SO RESPECTFUL OF THE Great white REGARDLESS OF ITS POWER AND SIZE, THEY REVERE IT AND ITS MAJESTY AND TAKE GREAT CARE. Our oceans are in great peril these days due to overfishing by commercial boats, I do feel that the Orca is striking out on man now due to the missing fish and pollution!! Please note that The orca is 4th on the list of intelligent species along with us for understanding so They are aware of the destruction man is making to all the great water on our planet!!!, Pretty soon land animals will be lashing out at us as well they are already sharing the cities with us for food as we have torn down the forests and all they're other habitats!!! Man needs to start realizing that were encroaching on all other species here on earth in a very negative way and if we don't stop, we won't have any creatures left to study or enjoy!!! Money and business is just going to have to be cut back and the Elites must take a seat and learn to back off somewhat as to their rich lifestyles as its costing the planet a lot of its diversity in the animal kingdom which is imperative that we work together for the good of our planet not against and so should that mean the loss of some income well so be it!!! accept that so every living creature can live in this world peacefully and happy!!!! If we lose some of these to extinction it will travel through the food chain and eventually effect humans too , indirectly I think it already has. We need to prioritize here and think about what truly matters to us!! Love of money or love of life!?

  3. heart Strength is Not about Create Extreme Weather…. It is All About Contribute More by Education More…Stop Misleading by Put a Fat Heavy Weight Women in Anger….

  4. No no, they are not man-eaters, that's why you dive in a cage, morons, like I said below, if a shark is hungry in seal areas where sharks hunt seals and they see a human they will hit you without question. If they don't they are not hunting at the time. By the way, GW sharks don't eat Tuna, they can not catch them, don't get me wrong they will eat wounded, unhealthy, or dead Tuna all day, But a normal healthy Tuna is not GW shark food they can't catch it. if they do it's luck, not a hunt.

  5. These people lie so much, yes a GW or bull or Tiger or white tip; shark will eat you. Yes, it is true they swim by humans all the time and don't attack, but it is also true that in the wild the swim right by all there prey like seals, stingray, Turtles ETC and don't attack. The shark only feeds when hungry it does not kill prey out of spite. Also, they get used to eating one or two types of prey in each area of the world. For example, in Cali, young sharks hunt turtles, stingrays, crabs, and some fish. However, I promise you go to any place where GW hunts Seal and jumps in the water your odds fall fast. Sharks are not smart they are Fish Gill breathers they operate on instinct alone no thought. If you trigger their prey drive you are dead. if a shark swims by a human in the water and does not eat it, the simple answer is its prey drive was not triggered for many reasons, it was not hungry, it was hunting other prey like stingrays so paying attention to the bottom, etc, but if you jump in the water in seal country and a shark swims by you and does not eat you it means it was not hunting at the time. it's that simple. There is and old saying that chumming the water only works on hungry sharks the full sharks or sharks that are not hunting will not come in, they will stay far outside until they become hunters again. You see this at a whale dead at sea, the shark only comes in and feeds when hungry they don't stay there 24-7. They operate off instinct but they are not machines.

  6. All is well until someone actually realizes that sharks start to associate humans with being fed by them. When no food is presented sharks become agitated and react. Then at some point its commented that female sharks are dominant. That's wrong the opposite is the actual truth. Therefore one will find that two pregnant females normally team up and even hunt together. The reason for them teaming up is a protective measure that they adopt as a protective measure to protect them from males that attack them while pregnant. Evidently I am against baited and chumed cage diving as a tourist adventure. Those involved in the industry know that this is factual and correct information. How long will a cage hold if two large females attack it simultaneously from opposite directions? Incidents have been documented where this has occurred in the past. I can give examples of other additional deterrent devices that fail when two females attack simultaneously.

  7. Thanks Nat Geo for helping introduce us to the sharks menu more than we already were. Bet you got great footage of sharks in their natural environment, behaving naturally as you bait and chum them closer to the boat. Great work 👍🏻🤙🏻, very scientific and educational.

  8. Fabulous video saving the aqua marine ecosystem there Man around the world a killing everything soon there will be nothing left. Most People on land don't have a clue what is happening to our Oceans ecosystems. Coral Reefs are dying at alarming rates. People that know what is happening never mentions the root main cause of all land and Aqua ecosystems demise. The absolute truth for the cause is far, Way too many people. Stop having babies and over consuming or it will all be gone in 50 years.

  9. I find it funny how documentarys like these (and mainly the cause due to hollywood) make us believe that a Great White is the Top Predator in the sea, straight up lying.
    "It's the largest and most powerful predatory fish in the sea"
    Wait hold on, until you age and find out yourself about Orcas… lol Great Whites are losing their territories cause of Orcas, the bite force of an Orca is almost 5x that of a great white shark

  10. It is the most dangerous "fish", but not the most dangerous predator. Orcas hunt and kill great white sharks. There are even recordings. Great whites have disappeared from the coast off South Africa because they are killed by orcas. The orca is the most powerful predator in the oceans. The largest predator is the sperm whale.

  11. Being a metal fabricator when I saw your cages before the shark got in, I said to myself those bars are too far apart. The next thing you know there's a shark in the cage with a diver. One of the rarest things we find in the world today is common sense. Let's try harder before someone gets killed.

  12. I don't like to see any animal getting killed by us but white sharks are protected, their numbers grow and grow until it become to dangerous to swim in places like Australia are California and I don't wanna hear this bull that they wouldn't harm a fly…."They are dangerous to humans" I'm a scuba diver and wouldn't feel comfortable in certain places in the world….I don't know how to balance it?. Stop doing something in those places that you love….Shark wins..