The Flood (Full Episode) | SPECIAL
The Flood (Full Episode) | SPECIAL
Each year, the arrival of a miracle flood transforms a desert into a water wonderland. This is one of the most diverse habitats on Earth — the Okavango Delta.
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wonderlandsurvival challengeokavango deltaperpetual planet nat geophotographysciencesurvivalsurvival skillsNational GeographicThe Floodwaterwater wonderlandWild Animalswild animals videoWildlifewildlife 4kNaturenatgeo wildlifeexploreAnimalsnat geoMiracleMigrationHuntingHabitatsfull episodefloodnatgeodocumentary 2023documentaryDiversediscoverdesertculture
1:24:52 Lady…I don't think your thinking too hard about what your saying.
apakah anak kecil jaman sekarang masih ada yang menonton acara yang bagus seperti ini??
Makes me wonder what goes through the prays mind when they no the failed
Kudos to video editors ! She speaks of a trait the animal has . Pause . The animal then turns and looks directly into the camera , as if to say :
"Yeah . Uh-huh . That's Right !"
big cats like a leopard😍
1:04:48 Lmao the way his eyes lit up 👀💀💀
this is so cool
Better to see animals living free instead of rich humans
O my lord my God your creation is vast and amazing, every particle and living creature tels a special and wonderful story of your power, wisdom, knowledge… and your logic.
matoy a anchapay adet hupit nu
the fact god made
So well documented, bravo
"The fact that we get free videos from National Geographic is priceless" really means that people are grateful. It's true that the content creator and I are of the same opinion😊
Thank God and the producer of this video, it's really good and meaningful.
How they get this on film is amazing to me!
I appreciate National Geographic
It’s just really hard to keep that same energy
May nature flourish like this always….pls keep humans in city only…n decrease population
Okavango has to be one of the most magical places on earth! Truly the royal garden of the Chinese
Every video that National Geographic releases, someone says “the fact that we get free videos from National Geographic is priceless” meaning it brings knowledge to so many people
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