The Exodus Pharaoh EXPLAINED!

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Expedition Bible

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The Exodus Pharaoh EXPLAINED!

Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? There are various theories. However, by examining the evidence found in the Bible, it is surprisingly clear to establish just who the Exodus Pharaoh was.

JOEL’S BOOK – Where God Came Down: The Archaeological Evidence
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  1. I'm more inclined to believe Akhenaten is either the Exodus Pharaoh, or perhaps even Moses before his exile. The societal collapse of that dynasty would tie-in well to the loss of a large source of labor and a loss of confidence in the ruling class that would result from the Exodus. Also, the lack of records for the Exodus in Egyptian written history is hard to account for, unless it falls into the blackout that was imposed on historical records of the reign of Akhenaten.

  2. ⏳📯, when GOD led me to your channel 3 years ago, you didn't have worldly participation commercials on your channel and don't tell me youtube did it, for other channels I found at the same time, still do Not have worldly participation commercials on them . Why do you ? I cannot repost this with worldly participation commercials on your videos

  3. Most of the dating of the biblical events are based on Edward Thiele's dating methods. He was very close but the only problem is he assumed that there werent any gaps in the israelite kings chronology and he was wrong. This pushes the date of the Exodus to 1512 BC. Amenhotep I is pharoah at this time and his older brother died before he could replace Ahmose I has Pharoah, making Amenhotep I the more likely candidate of the Exodus Pharoah. This makes sense because Ahmose kicked the Hyksos out of Egypt. Since the Hyksos were Canaanite kings, they were probably lenient with the Israelites. But Ahmose I, being Nubian, and not willing to have the Israelites team up with the expelled canaanites, decided to enslave them and consolidate his power (Jubilees talks about this a bit too).

    Edit: Actually, Josephus says himself that the Israelites left when Thutmose was Pharoah. The high chronology makes his last year 1513, and he also had an eldest son who died. Thutmose I is most likely the Pharoah of the Exodus!

  4. Didn’t that pharaoh drown in the Red Sea ….
    Who recovered his body and took it back to Egypt …
    Wouldn’t he have been weighted down with armor
    And just sank .

  5. I have a question: would the Exodus pharaoh also be a second born son, since he also would have died in the 10th plague? Or did only firstborn sons with a Living father die in the 10th plague? Thanks!

  6. while this is an older Video, I have to ask. It is said that Moses wrote the book of Exodus, if he did write the book, how is it that he would not have known the proper names of the Pharaoh that he was adopted by, or his Egyption brother which became Pharaoh?

  7. If everyone is ready for some drama, I must ask about the 13th dynasty solution to this problem. I am of course talking about Tim Mahoney's Patterns of Evidence series and David Rohl's theory of moving the timeline out of the New Kingdom and into the Middle Kingdom for the Exodus event. I think they relegate old Manetho to one of a liar, but that meme seems to be common in some circles, so I can't say for sure.

    I will say this. The difference in dramatic interviews and theatrics between Joel and Tim is stark. I am not sure which is better, or whether they are on the same side or what. I would like to see what everyone thinks. This is one of those subjects that they seem to disagree, even if they went to the same places and studied the same things.

  8. EXODUS 15:4
    "Pharaoh’s chariots and his army He has cast into the sea; His chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea."

    So….IF the biblical account is correct, then it's IMPOSSIBLE to have his body mummified because HE DROWNED IN THE SEA AND SO DID ALL HIS ARMY! 🙄🙄🤔🤔🙄🙄. Unless, y'all want us to believe that someone found his dead body floating around with LITERALLY thousands of his host of military men and then dried him off, dressed him up & then mummified his soaking wet body 😂😂😂👏👏👏😂😂🎯👏👏👏🎯💯💯…. ridiculous

  9. The predecessor of the exodus Pharaoh does not have to have a reign of more than forty years. He simply has to have reigned 40 years prior to 1446. Considering Tuthmoses III began his reign in 1464 his father Tutmuses II was reigning in 1486. So you have arbitrarily made a test that is invalid. I suggest you check out Steve Rudd's site for a better analysis.

  10. According to Steve Rudd, Amenhotep II was too late to be the Pharaoh of the Exodus His reign didn't start until1431 or 1427. He has Tuthmoses III who reigned from 1464-1431 as the Exodus Pharaoh. I don't think the dating is as clear as you say. Even the Manetho quote is questioned.

  11. "Pride puffs up, but God gives grace to the humble". They refuse to admit that they are wrong, mistaken and rather than admit that they get on their high horses and spit insults at those who've discovered and speak the truth. Don't let them get you down brother "If you're getting flack you must be right over the target".

  12. Okay so I have some questions now, the main one being that doesn't the Bible say that Pharaoh was drowned in the Red Sea? If he did get swallowed up by the Red Sea like I had thought Exodus said, how did they get his "mummified" body from the depth that Pharaoh and his army drowned in?