The Empire of Mali – The Twang of a Bow – Extra History – Part 1

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The Empire of Mali – The Twang of a Bow – Extra History – Part 1

📜 History of the Empire of Mali: While the old Ghana Empire waxed wealthy due to taxes on trade passing through its lands, the new Empire of Mali born in its stead had expanded borders that included vast lands of gold…

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  1. In a tense battle over the fallen capital of the Ghana Empire, Sundiata's bow bends, the string twangs, and the arrow flies… or so the great epic of the Mandinka says. And from this battle, the Empire of Mali will be born.

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  2. Why didn't you say he went to north America? you clearly avoided that. Why is that???? I HONESTLY THOUGHT YOU WAS NON-BAIS -.- come on dude not all people will know where he went.

  3. of all history, the most tragic to me will always be african history and african american history. slavery is horrifying, what has happened to the continent of africa is horrifying, and the amount of atrocities merely forgotten about in a blur of violence that we now think of as normal for the region is insane. worse yet is seeing the flourish of life prior, the empires and kingdoms and wealth that was plundered from africa. the scramble for africa is the most frustrating thing that i ever learned of.

  4. Just to feed an idea about the exploratory fleet: What if their explorations weren't over the atlantic ocean (as far as I know the winds on the equator are mostly weak) than on the western atlantic coasts. What if the great river was f.e. the Kongo?

  5. i'm so grateful to this channel cos it has made my work so easy. i have a history paper in 3days time and Mali empire is one of the areas that will come. i was reading a book about Mali but it was lenghty and was worried i could not finish it before time. this video has simplified everything for me. the narration was simple and very interesting

  6. The lack of critical analysis definitely makes this video less "edu-" and more "-tainment". Mansa Musa's telling of his predecessor's voyage across the Atlantic appears in one Arabic text by al-Umari. No other oral tradition or historical writings talk about it. In fact, al-Umari doesn't even receive his story from Musa directly, rather hearing it from the governor of a Cairo district who befriended the Malian king. On the archaeology side there is, at this point, no physical evidence on either shore of a great African fleet or African engagement in South America.

    I understand that African history needs a fair shake and is vastly underrepresented in our shared human story, but winking uncritically at pseudohistory doesn't help. John Green also mentions this tidbit in his West Africa video, but correctly mentions the lack of evidence to help balance the historicity.

    (I'll stop being a downer now)

  7. I always love learning new history about Africa and Asia. One problemm though: Mansa Abubakari never existed. The most likely Mansa who disappeared into the Atlantic was Muhammad Ibn Qu, the 8th Manssa and the predecessor of Mansa Musa.

  8. Whenever a story ends with “and they were never heard from again,” there’s always only 2 possibilities: 1) they died horribly, or 2) they were having an affair an ran away with their lover to start a new life somewhere else.