The Downsides of The Carnivore Diet are HUGE
The Downsides of The Carnivore Diet are HUGE
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Your so right Doc. Loved it in the beginning but it gets Booooorrrrriiiinnnnggg!
Did he just say whole grains..
I recently went on carnivore diet, been a month now. I was on the diet he was talking about at the end, lean meat, veg, fruit, some whole grains….I almost died on this diet. Now I'm thriving on carnivore. Is it restrictive? Yes. But if it's a matter of living and barely living, one should be grateful to be able to eat anything at all and thrive. I know that's true for me.
this guy is a fence sitter STFU
Hello Mike, we also eat fats, seafood, chicken, bacon, chicken, but beef has the most nutrients, actually. I do it because I’m t2d, and keeps me away from losing limbs, going blind and so much more.
Beef chicken duck lamb pork fish shrimp clams butter eggs it’s not as boring as it sounds ….
I'm doing 250mg High Protein diet and High Protein Vegetable diet 250mg both from meats and vegetables I feel amazing
I’ve been on it since July. So far Feeling perfectly fine and fit at 59.
The real diet was the friends we made along the way
Even bears eat blueberries
Didn't list any downsides let alone a huge one (which there are). Just said "it's restrictive" dude, it's meat, go nuts. Terrible clickbait
Still going strong and over two months on it. It's easy. I'm not sick of meat. When i get hungry, I just want meat. I'm not in pain daily anymore. I don't struggle to lose weight.
I find carnivore diet to be the easiest to follow, personally. the rules are simple so there is no second guessing what I can and can't have.
A flexible flexible mindset is best with regards to carnivore. Its an incredible pathway to freedom in terms of giving the body what it needs to resolve pain and inflammation and break the cycle of carb and sugar addiction. Its such a great platform to then find out what foods are right for you ie maybe its berries or mangoes during the summer. It’s really a diet that allows you to experience what true satiation feels like in the body and presents and opportunity to take full responsibility for what is best for your bodies needs, and not give that authority over to someone else.
Saying meat is one food item is like saying vegetables are one food item
Well just meat is false, carnivore diet means it has to come from an animal.
NOTHING taste better than being and feeling healthy. No aches, pains, mental fog, feeling weak, tired in addition to low BF and tons of energy, yeah I think I'll personally take that deal for eating a carnivore diet until my last day.
I completely respect your opinion, and I find it truly enlightening to listen to you and take advice on different protocols for the body. Really appreciate everything that you do for us. Thank you very much.
Absolute crap,iv been carnovire 15 months its simple
I ate carnivor diet and after 1 year I felt better then after 2 years I git heart failure and my doctor told me I was stupid to try these.
That’s not true you don’t eat just one food group. You can eat other animal products not animal by products but other animal products if you want, you can add the proper kind of yogurt or the proper kind of cheese or the proper kind of milk. It is not a restrictive diet. It’s actually the only diet where you can just eat until you feel full other diets. Tell you you eat one leaf of lettuce and now you’re a fat ass so let’s just be honest and truthful about this. There’s a lot of lies going on about the carnivore diet and this is one of them I’d rather eat meat all day, long than cereal noodles, and all the other carbohydrate crap that our society is trying to shove down our throat to poisonous to death.
Restrictive is when you can't walk or have ill health because you're eating what he recommends. I'd rather have the steak, lamb, eggs, and cheese( which some can't tolerate on carnivore) than the brain fog, seizures, extreme fatigue that hamperl enjoyable life activities, etc. For ME (yes, for ME), those debilitating health issues are restrictive, not the carnivore eating. I'll stick with my carnivore lifestyle.
Besides, how do you quantify the "many" that are claimed to not be able to do it? Sentiment analysis, perception, real data?
best diet that has scientific facts behind it is the Mediterranean diet. cant imagine how many people on the carnivore diet that get gout. because most red meats part of their diet.
If Joe Rogan says something, it's probably tinfoil hat stuff.
A carnivore and a vegan walk into a room, who tells you first about their diet? 😂 extreme diets to treat extreme problems like he said and balanced nutrition for the rest of us.
i only eat foods that will make me healthy and happy and taste good
Keep trying. We aren’t going back. We found the answer to sickness and overweight.