The Discovery Of The Earliest Human Ancestor | First Human | Timeline

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The Discovery Of The Earliest Human Ancestor | First Human | Timeline

“Science doesn’t proceed or get better with established ideas. You have to challenge”

Recently a team of fossil hunters working in Kenya came upon a set of fossilised teeth and a series of bones. Their find set in motion a chain of events that ignited excitement across the scientific world, for if they were correct in their findings, not…



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  1. As they said, the fossilized bones couldn't be carbon dated and so they used the crystalline structure of the surrounding sand that picks up the earth's periodic pole shifts. But they do not have any clear idea of how frequent these pole shifts occur. Therefore the 6,000,000 year age they gave the bones was purely an assumption.

  2. Fire is an environment. Our ancestors were driven onto the ground and forced into the smoke for protection. We walk bipedal carrying firewood. It's more efficient than carrying wood with your teeth. We are still as dumb as a monkey who evolved with fire but we sure think we are exceptional. We lost our fur and have been burning each other ever since. Whoever burns the most fire wins.

  3. Sorry but there is just to many situations that could have happened to these bones that doesn't add up to
    facts to me as far as the age of the bones go

  4. On a different program, a geneticist says no, we are not from apes. As a matter of fact, we humans were close to extinction with only a few thousand of us left.

  5. Human and mankind
    Human are heru or Horus
    Mankind are neanderthal
    Human are hue
    Mankind are apes
    Human are black people
    Mankind are white Arab Chinese India and other people 😮😅😊q

  6. Why are you still portraying Lucy as a missing link when nearly 4 decades ago it was confirmed as nothing more than a chimp????? Given that every so called missing link has turned out to be a hoax I'm confident millenium man is another hoax!!!!!

  7. Earth had many liveforms coexisting together.Resemblance to each other does not prove evolution. God created Homosapiens to worship him. All the theories will be one day forgotten forever. Today scientists are busy claiming discoveries for their career growth. Too much theories without any proof based on some findings is not good for science. Look at medical science where majority of the research findings are falsehood.Cosmology is revolving around fancy theories in order to explain the unexplainable.

  8. We are called Muslims. We are not interested in these nonsense. There is no doubt in who we are, our ancestors and origin. We are from Adam and Adam is from clay or dust.

  9. 인류의 진화를 이야기할때 유골을 가지고 이야기하는 것은 무의미한 것이다 인류는 인 류에서 시작이다 꼬리없는 긴팔원숭이에서 시작되었지만 유인원에서 시작된 것이 아니다 다른 유인원보다 빠른 진화 뇌용량의 발달 언어 습득 능력등 다른 유인원보다 발달된 능력으로 인 류라는 고유의 종에서 시작된 것이다 인간이 식량과 영양상태가 좋아진시기는 산업혁명을 거치면서 녹색 혁명을 맞이 하면서 영양상태가 좋아진 것이다 영양상태가 좋지않아 영양실조에 시달리고 식인풍습에 근친혼 때문에 유전병에 걸려있던 인류의 진화를 이해를 하는것은 무리다 공룡의 진화를 살펴보면 알을 부화할때 온도를 유지하기위해 묻거나 품었을 것이다 그러나 공룡의 알은 더러나 있었던걸로 알고 있다 그러면 털이 있어야 부화를 할수있으나 현대 과학에서는 공룡의 복원을 한걸보면 털이 하나도 없다 이건 진화를 유골로만 판단하기 때문에 그렇다 진화란 생활관 식습관 유전학을 모두 대입한 결과 물을 가지고 하는 것이다

  10. We do not know for an absolute fact that we evolved from apes… Perhaps Apes EVOLVED from US!! Perhaps it OUR SPECIES that is totally primordial and brutish! The evidence so far points in that direction, we are the only creature on earth left that has done almost irreparable damage to our planet, we are the only remaining species that kills its own kind by the BILLIONS for the enrichment of a handful of our species that are extremely greedy and power mad and do not care what they do to achieve their goals!

  11. If we descended from apes, why are apes not changing into humans anymore because if they were, we'd still see different variations of ape/humans roaming the Earth. Did apes just decide that they didn't want to keep evolving?? LOL

  12. They got a fact wrong in the first 30 seconds of the video. Humans did NOT evolve from apes. Humans share a common ancestor with apes but evolved on completely separate paths from them.