The dark side of agriculture in Ethiopia (1/2) | DW Documentary (Farming documentary)

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The dark side of agriculture in Ethiopia (1/2) | DW Documentary (Farming documentary)

Across the globe, global commercial demand for arable land is on the rise. One of the most profitable new agricultural hotspots is Ethiopia. [Online until: February 4, 2019]
Part 2:

Farmland – the new green gold. In the hopes of huge export revenues, the Ethiopian government is leasing millions of hectares of land…



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  1. What doesn’t make sense is growing food for other countries while you don’t even have enough to feed your own people, and then you accept food aid. That’s what does not make sense to me. The government just wants the money. That’s all it is about. It is not about about helping the people.

  2. this is not easy, but Ethiopia is a country that is trying to develop. The population growth means that some things can not be done in the old ways. You can not make an omelette without breaking eggs. since this report was made Dr Abiy has been planting millions of trees

  3. This is not a problem with the Investors.
    They are working on a project as pre-agreed.
    If you don't want foreign Investment, just say "no" to them instead of accepting their moneys and harassing them to get something illegally.

  4. Interesting to see a foreign media company portraying african national government as this horrible machine against "the poor farmer" the second they decide to allocate its own land and use it to improve economy and create jobs. DW, please, do us all a favor and gtfo. Please and thank you.

  5. It is a drastic shame that the poor once again are being exploited…in the name of economics/profits… could they have land n now receiving "handouts"? Why are they AFRAID to speak? The actions of these govts towards the people are seemingly always that of INJUSTICE! Is that genetically grown foods? fertilizers? Or plain organic. There is an ORDER to everything…when it's not followed then there's CHAOS…STOP DISRESPECTING THE PEOPLES OF THE LANDS.

    The problem with Africa is that we sometimes call for foreign investors, yet don't realize that all they harvest is again taken back to their markets.
    What's the essence of calling for a an investor in agriculture in hope of eradicating hunger and and yet all his harvest is taken to Europe or America where you will in the end go to buy the same food he harvested on your land.
    In the end we remain with the famine and spend the little obtained taxes buying food at a high price.
    Forest cleared,more drought coming in the next centuries,more famine..

  7. DW, please, could you put back the voice-over translation for the non-English speakers in your future documentaries? I'm blind and the dubbing helped me a lot! I tried to activate the subtitles/closed captions, but it didn't work… it picked up gibberish… You might have some subtitle built into the video, but my screan-reader doesn't pick it up…
    I know there are a lot of people asking for the original audio, but that's not useful to them since the majority of them don't speak Ethiopian! They don't have consideration for the fact that for a small arrogant desire of theirs, they sacrifice the understanding of the essence of the documentary by the blind viewers!
    Just in case there are some ignorant or cave people that think that blind people don't matter all that much, I want to say that we can be very good advocates within society, for a better world! But we need to be informed as well!

  8. They just fixed it. Time to ruin it again.
    Greed . I really need a successful African country. The argument of some white supremacists that Africa is proof bothers me a lot.
    Can't accept he's right.

  9. Where the money goes to finance PBS program some one give to answer that it's all scam make to the all involved people and who take responsibility for the people any budy give answer for that

  10. Tell your politicians you do not have want to be used and driven from your lands so foreigners can come and make you work for them, they will destroy your family home life and never pay you enough to better your lives. Please keep your land, they have never colonised Ethiopia this is another version of taking all that Africans have. It will only benefit the rich greedy people in the west.

  11. Habitat loss is a major issue in out world. We should decrease the population of humans to save thousands of species of wildlife. Humans are thriving, ever other wildlife is suffering.

  12. This story has been replayed in every continent in the world. When this happened in the USA the army was sent it and simply wiped out the indigenous population. I am not saying it’s right but this is not unique to Ethiopia. Most of the products we consume in the first world countries came at the expense of indigenous peoples in some corner of the world.

    Additionally Teff is eaten in Ethiopia not rice.

  13. There is a reason why the world call Africans dumb. Is there no one in Africa who is not corrupt (well fed slave)? You're giving away the golden goose when you should be giving them eggs.

  14. The dark side of agriculture in …. Ethiopia, Mozambique, Madagascar, all over, this combined with climate change, will push lots of people to migrate to urban areas or Europe, and there will be conflicts.