The Curious Case of Fani Willis & The Failure of the Church to Hold Black Women Accountable

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The Curious Case of Fani Willis & The Failure of the Church to Hold Black Women Accountable

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis allegedly had an “improper” and “clandestine” relationship with the married special prosecutor who assisted in securing the Georgia grand jury indictment against former President Donald Trump, a co-defendant in the election interference case alleged Monday.

Ms. Willis, after the allegations…



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  1. You are an amazing human being. Thanks for being so dialed in on, not only contemporary issues but the human existence in general. Keep up the good work.

  2. its really so refreshing listening to your intelligent, well prepared, fully realistic and honest evaluation of these people who cannot see themselves for who they really are..

  3. You made so many salient points … it tells me you are one of the 'seeminly' few ppl whose brain developed abstract logic… far too many ppl are concrete thinkers… they can't see the forst for the trees.

    If we went into spiritual talk we'd say these ppl, who are being conned by a sociopath, have zero discernment… no vision (Proverbs 29:18-19 King James Version (KJV)

    Where there is no vision, the people perish), blind (Matthew 15:14 "Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.)" and cannot see, the scales (there are 57 Bible Verses about Scales Fall From Their Eyes) are still there and the veil has never lifted… according to the bible only the lord removes the veil for those who are 'in' him… suggesting that perhaps this is a synagogue of Satan, white washed corpses that Jesus railed against.

    Also, The Select Comittee on Intelligence held hearings on July 17, 1996 re: CIA's use of Journalists AND CLERGY in Intelligence Operations. I have the documents (anyone can get them) & I believe many so called churches are on the CIA payroll… they are propagandist for the government.

    Having said all that…I am no longer a Christian… When little, I loved winning awards for studying scripture. The ones on widom were my favorite… and most salient to me was 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." That lead me to the history of the bible being written – what an eye opener… I'll leave it with, what we are seeing today is Roman history & Bolshevik history repeat itself.

  4. Thanks for being a beacon of light and truth in this world. I’ve just discovered your channel a few days ago, and I’m very happy to see that there’s still some of us with a higher melanin count that have some sense and see through all this narcissistic trash. God bless you sister. You’re doing good work. Watching you from South Africa and Saudi Arabia 💕💕

  5. Miss Willis demeaner and how she presented herself is what scares any sincere, hard working, faithful brother. Here Daddy should of placed emphasis on her that a woman's 'greatest strength' is her femininity, not being competitive, confrontational and loud – that behavior confuses a man. 'What a tangle web we weave when we first practice to deceive.' – Sir Walter Scott

  6. All that work and tears and making $200,000 a year.. poor baby. Fanni also conveniently left out Car thefts have skyrocketed 61 percent, and reports of shoplifting were up 22 percent! I wonder why?

  7. 😂😅😂 THE SCREAM I JUST SCRIMPT at 12:42 when you asked Timber if he was cosigning what you'd just said!!! I hope the make-up I just put on doesn't start runnin', 'cause sis is CRINE-LAFFIN' over here!! 😂😅😂😂 Girl, it should be against the LAW how gut-bustin' HILARIOUS you can be!!!

  8. April, I watch your channel and I enjoy your teaching. I agree in so many ways. However, Fani Wilis's conduct outside of the courtroom does not change the facts of the case against Donald Trump.

  9. The church always says Amen 🙏 to anything our leaders say. Even when it is wrong. The Judge told her in code that this is only a math problem. The Judge told them all that all they need to do is write a check. It will all go away. The judge is telling them to write a check and gave them time using the stay of the Fannie Willis deposition. She is entitled to half that contract. Fannie will never be deposed. She will make Wade pay his wife half of the contract. The Judge was giving them time to settle their mess. He is helping Fannie. Fannie should not be using the AG office for her personal issues. She needed to hire a lawyer. This Is a personal problem. Taxpayers should not have to pay for this.

  10. This is one of the most important messages I have heard in a very long time. So much wisdom, so much insight, so much undeniable truth. Thank you, sister!

  11. Yeesssss April! Let's take it back to Sesame Street! Sing along gang, "One of these things is not like the others, one of these things doesn't belong. Can you tell me which one is not like the other before the song is done?"😂😂😂😂😂🤣(Old school) 😂😂😂😂😂

  12. At the end of the day, because she invoked the Name of God for her own personal gain, she is going to have to answer to God in a terrible way. She needs to repent QUICKLY!!! God is no respecter of persons. Whatsoever a person sows, that also shall they reap!!!