The Controversial Twist In The New Assassin's Creed Game

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The Controversial Twist In The New Assassin's Creed Game

The new Assassin’s Creed game is set in feudal Japan and features a Black samurai protagonist. As expected, this has sparked a large debate among fans online. Let’s get into it.

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  1. I find it crazy that a part of black history that i thought was concrete for so long was based on shaky sources and a historian (thomas lockley) who straight up lied about it and i see barely anyone talking about it . Besides keyboard warriors

  2. The African Samurai wasnt really a samurai. The person who wrote the book made up 97% of the content. Yasuke was a servant/retainer and not a samurai

  3. In Political Correctness, the activity is currently growing because whites once enslaved blacks on their own accord.
    However, there is absolutely no causal link in the history between blacks and Asians.
    Don't get Asians involved in the trend of whites defending blacks selfishly.
    Also, I have a real feeling about the current trend of Asians being persecuted, but don't you do anything to correct this!?!?

    We Asians Are Extremely Annoyed.

  4. Japanese are confusing to know how Yasuke has been described outside Japan in recent years. Because black samurai, black hero, etc. are only a product of western imagination with few historical evidence.  (including a famous book called “African Samurai”)
    It’s not bad to play with such imaginations, but problem is this fake Yasuke is already spread worldwide, mainly among not-so-intellectual people. We can hardly believe that they take fake Yasuke sereously. But they do. And they will never learn Japanese history, never know what is true. And they don’t ever know how this hurts the dignity of Japan.
    I’m sorry if my choice of the words are not appropriate, still I’d like to say to those people.
    It is you to build your people’s own history; and it is you to be a black hero. Please stop free-riding on our history. Stop being fooled and used, it’s enough isn’t it?

  5. I dont get the hate though. Yasuke was a real human being and he was african. Whether he was a samurai or not isnt a big deal. Japanese just wanted a japanese protagonist? Theres a japanese woman who you can play half the game as.

  6. 「弥助は侍だ」「弥助は侍ではない」どちらも間違いです


  7. Again, very intriguing historical figure, and I’m still gonna play the game simply because I love AC and want to know what they’re doing with these stories, but I can honestly say that brownie points is EXACTLY what I was thinking when this trailer dropped. In today’s political climate, they really would’ve been better off with an Asian man like Hattori Hanzo and the female Naoe character and leaving Yasuke to be a supporting role. All I can hope for at this point is that the depth of the story and character goes WAY Beyond just brownie points and that it ends up being as amazing as every other AC game before it

  8. See it would be cool if Yasuke was a member of the bad guys group and they all followed Under Nobunaga who was the bad guy, but having him be a playable character is just bad. Him being an NPC would’ve been cool. Like maybe a quest to talk to the other retainers to get a meeting with Nobunaga who if you do a quest for him then you get his sword or something. That would be cool as fuck.

  9. Every single AC main character was from the place it was set in.

    So now in japan we get a man whose background culture history family everything he has and has experienced, all of it is not truly japanese, a man from the outside, they had to pick the stranger ?

    Should have been a japanese character.

  10. life can be a game . somebody has to go to the Wilderness for a Game to catch a hunt
    to bring to fellow Hunters . Maybe a few catch in a given time so fellow Hunters not Question a Huntress .

  11. 3:54 so a lot of the asc games have been about outsiders not fitting in ezio who was Italian was also in Asia and he was one of the best characters 6:27 I don’t think they’re trying to represent Japanese people. I think they’re trying to write an outsider narrative which they are good at because of the fact that pretty much half of the games are about outsiders. 8:10 it would not be the same if they gave a a white dude Jin sakai’s storyline that would be entirely different but if they chose to tell the story of William anjin who was a real person that would be different Oh yeah, I also forgot to insert this. The second main character of the game is Japanese so you can’t make the argument that it doesn’t have a main character.

  12. check out metatrons vid on yasuke he was a samurai though that word had not come into use a retainer could still be a samurai infact it was thought at the time that nobunaga was going to make him tono or a lord

  13. Japanese government is investigated the guy who wrote the book for falsifying information and editing his own Wikipedia page under a fake name. He is banned from Japan and had all his works erased.

  14. The reason UBISOFT picked Yasuke as a protagonist is quite racist. They think Asian is unfamiliar to be a protagonist of the game, so they pick other race. Its not a 'stand with black' situation. Its 'no room for asian' situation.

  15. Pls do an update on this. Writer Thomas Lockley reference a wiki page reference his own book referenced his edited wiki page (Citation loop) trying to rewrite Japanese history. Pretty big stuff

  16. also if they say oh not enough black people in gameso r media in general…did they not watch afro samurai, one of the coolest anime shows ever? with the main character voiced by samuel l jackson and the cillain by ron pearlman? it was badass…but this is pathetic

  17. I am Japanese and have been a fan of your videos for a long time now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for addressing this issue. I hope the world will widely understand how we Japanese feel about it.

    BTW, the Assassin's Creed series has always displayed the message "This is fiction" at startup, but will the same message appear in this title?

  18. 弥助の話に関しては、日本人のほとんどは主人公が黒人な事はそこまで怒ってない。
    これに関しては碌に情報を精査しないUBIソフトもだけど、そもそもの原因のThomas Lockleyに対する怒りも私個人としては強いけど。


  19. I dunno i am excited af for yasuke he seems a cool and rich character …he is a black man IN the jappanese culture so the focus is still the jappanese culture .. i liked him as a black man myself and still dont forget about the jappanese assassin she is fuckn there man … i dunno its juts my opinion i respect all opinions tho

  20. since you did your video about this several things have come out :
    the auther of that book, went incognito and went to wiki and changed the original story about Yasuke, so that it was aligned with his own book.
    and its also come out that UBI have used chinese architechture instead of japanesse.

    and UBISOFT had it ALL served right on their foot : an assasin game in Japan. take a NINJA, that story just write itself. and you can even have it with a FEMALE NINJA lead char. and then maybe have it a lesbian thing going on (even though i that was looked down on also) and then you could make her a geisha also, and then have her assasinate white men that was mean to her (yes almost like Blue Eyed Samurai) .. EASIEST story EVER

  21. it's less about the race (once again, it's mainly USAnians being obsessed with it) and more about historical inaccuracy while claiming it to be historical. (chinese buildings, yasuka not being a samurai, wearing war armor in a village, all villagers bowing to a random samurai (Yasuke).. etc)
    they also had chinese subtitles on japanese exclusive trailers.. all in all, it came across really arrogant and disrespectful
    10:03 not only that, they (ubisoft) called the backlash (which includes japanese ppl) hateful and racist x:

  22. I do think the character of Yasuke is cool/interesting so if he was an important NPC for a quest line or you could call on him to fight alongside you and tank enemies I think that’d be pretty sick. Or just create a separate video game for him and call it Yasuke instead of having him as the MC of the first feudal era Assasin’s creed game….

  23. As usual, Asian men are not allowed to be heroes. Woke hypocrisy coddles blacks, gays, women, and trans but nobody cares about Asian men. Tell us you liberal turfs, do you not care about the racism that Asian men suffer in America at the bottom of the racial hierarchy?

  24. As Japanese, I wanted to play Japanese samurai but it’s okay.
    Many of Japanese people are pissed off but it is because of mistranslation of the interview. “We’re showing real historical figures such as – and a lot of events” was translated into Japanese like “We are showing historical figures and events accurately” and this is pretty much a reason why Japanese got mad like “As long as UBI says it’s accurate, we gotta make it right”

  25. I don’t see why everyone is mad at Black Americans for this? We didn’t ask for him to be put in the game is the white developers that chose to do it so I throw the hate at us? I seen a Japanese guy make a video on YouTube saying that it’s cultural appropriation but yet he failed to mention that in Asia, especially in Japan in Korea, they all appropriate and copy black American culture yet we don’t complain hell they even put perms in their hair to make it an Afro and no one ever complains about it I can understand being upset because the character is gay, which is obviously a woke agenda move, but any time a black character is placed in an important role in a video game or as the main character all of a sudden there’s a uproar. I respect the Japanese and the way they feel about it but at the same time don’t say that this is cultural appropriation when you’re literally doing the same thing with other peoples culture.

  26. Update on the situation:
    Thomas Lockley wrote a fanfiction story about Yasuke in order to sell that book he edited Wikipedia pages since 2015 to make his fanfiction book a reference to the Wikipedia pages he personally edited. truly a white devil moment altering real life history to sell a fanfiction book.

    Thomas Lockley read the same thing as most of us did, Yasuke was on briefly mentioned by toyotomi hideyoshi after nobunaga's death it was [that thing(Yasuke) is not a human he is not allowed to die like a samurai] during the time all of nobunaga's bodyguards were to commit seppuko due to they're negligence. then Yasuke was returned to the Portuguese slave traders. it did not even mention of Yasuke being one of nobunaga's retainers.