The cobalt challenge – The dark side of the energy transition | DW Documentary

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The cobalt challenge – The dark side of the energy transition | DW Documentary

To ensure that driving continues to be possible despite the climate crisis, the automotive industry is relying on electric cars. But many of their batteries use an extremely problematic raw material: Cobalt.

Heat, drought, floods. The climate crisis has arrived in Europe. To ensure that driving remains possible while the CO2 footprint is…



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  1. Do you know what's worse than global warming? Global cooling…. humans might have even stayed off an ice age with carbon emissions. People should be more worried about microplastics, brake dust, and tire particulate.

    I do respect that these people seem to understand the complete contradiction of what the climate agenda is trying to accomplish. Once the Congo is dried up, it will be left in the ditch in the name of "progress"

  2. Kudos to you for not telling anyone how you figured out what he looks like. @icloud__boss1 As a former law enforcement officer, it drives me crazy when the LE agencies tell the media how they caught someone and then the media reports exactly how the bad guys got caught. Granted, some bad guys will still be suseptible to being caught using those same investigative techniques but many are smart enough to pay attention and not make the same mistakes.

  3. Kudos to you for not telling anyone how you figured out what he looks like. @icloud__boss1 As a former law enforcement officer, it drives me crazy when the LE agencies tell the media how they caught someone and then the media reports exactly how the bad guys got caught. Granted, some bad guys will still be suseptible to being caught using those same investigative techniques but many are smart enough to pay attention and not make the same mistakes.

  4. Stop calling it f%$^ing 'Artisanal'. The word 'artisanal' makes it sound like a quaint little stone oven bakery in Tasmania. Those people are slave workers being exploited to provide all the EV batteries so virtue-signalling nerds in inner city Melbourne or Sydney (or pick a city), can tool around in their EVs feeling good about themselves.

  5. EU catching up to china in materials processing and mining, investing rivers of billions of our tax money, we all know how it will end, history always repeats itself. EU just can't stop digging its own innovation grave…. we have never been so far from the US in innovation and now we are behind frekin China!! in innovation. these incompetent EU leaders innovation policy makers must be stopped before they destroy wts left of EU dignity and economy

  6. Cobalt Kindergarten. It's good for education because children get too much screen time these days. it's funny that they keep asking for more electric cars with this going on in front of your face. they're getting you to ignore child or slave labor by making you think of global warming. It's almost like they knew there would be environmental issues with electric computer controlled cars and wanted global warming to be an issue. electric cars are not a rational singular solution.

  7. Genius!! Cut down "several hectares" of trees to build a plant to make batteries made from materials where more trees may have been cut down…this is an environmentally sound plan?

  8. These people need to stand up for themselfs, the west got to be how it is becouse our workers actually had self respect and forced regulation and human rights.

  9. We don't need nuclear war to destroy the earth the big mining companies are doing it for them. They won't stop, and they cover up and lie so much you can't believe anything they say.

  10. The West has been promoting EVs for decades. Now that they see they are losing the market to the Chinese, The strategy is to convince people that it is a dirty tech instead of a clean energy source that had been prompted for decades.

  11. This documentary is an eye opener, that in the "West" we feel great about our activities to transform to a low carbon economy, ESG principles…but the reality of who we are is found on who we truly build our economy on the backs of.

  12. Greed of China and the West is heart breaking. Everything they do it is always by exploitation and abuse of other people and devastation of the environment. We want less pollution in our countries but by doing it we polluting and destroying other countries. Superiority and greed of China, Russia and Western countries are shocking and because of the money that can buy everyone nothing can be done to stop them from hurting people and our planet.

  13. These people should be the wealthiest people in the world. but absolute greed & corruption is leaving them – well you can see it for yourself & I do not know what the answer is as these people have so much power. They have eg, 20 million in their bank account & a penthouse in every country which they only stay a few weeks in every year, they will never spend it, yet they want to add another 20 million & another 20 million & you know what is going to happen. They are going to die & NOTE – The last millionaire that died, you know how much they left behind? ALL OF IT!. They could build these poor people a nice house each & NEVER miss it, "pocket money to them, they spend more on a weekend party.. Although having said this their life span here is only a micro second to the stretch of Eternity.. They may hope there is no God to meet, big chance to take? It will be a long Eternity. Even those who do not believe in the hereafter acknowledge the universe has a LONG, LONG time yet to go. The majority of these will say it is very possible life has taken hold on other planets, equally it is extremely possible a spirit being has evolved, large enough, "To hold the whole world in his hand" If this spirit being is out there who was able to build & rebuild it in the past, has the knowledge to keep building it, they are in serious trouble!

  14. 1st off Nobody asked for the Energy Transition… it’s been a waste of money Triilions of dollars gone to green energy for 1% of the supply… meanwhile more fossil fuels are being consumed & demand is very high …. The recessions & wars will be stopped & Russia would collapse along with Iran if the US makes enough Oil

  15. and just because Finland has the bigger fresh water resources, it's ok to have the so called great first world countries still pillage, and ransack Africa, and no one in those countries bare the consequences of their selfish actions. This insanity of so called green tech needs to stop. Greenwashing is a lie, an outright lie, that still destroys the earth. We cannot sustain industrialism, capitalism and constant growth. Humans need to wake up and realise you cannot have it all without there being any real consequences. As a South African, and an African living on this most precious continent, we still live with the scars of the colonialists who started the great exploitation and ruination of the African wonder, the African dream. And the pillage and plundering continues, and our governments allow this spectacle to continue. This world has reached a level of insanity that is almost irreversible.

  16. Blessings in an abundance of the faith. I salute you. 🌈😘🙏Grace and peace be unto you and to this place. Thank you. God bless you. 💙Will you believe and receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and personal saviour??? I do. 🌈

  17. I love how the west abused China for years, along with other colonies. But all of a sudden, China breaks free from the cycle and now every abuse in the third world is mysteriously their fault.

  18. Dan Gertler the Israeli billionaire, with Joseph Kabila’s help sold out the Congolese people. Corrupt African leaders are the primary vessels for Foreign actors in Africa.

  19. What is wrong with our Black leaders?. Why do they keep giving mineral rights to foreigners for a measly return?. Africa continues to be the most exploited continent. The Chinese are doing the same thing white folks have been doing. Why do we continue to allow ourselves to be used?.

  20. EV'S are Toy cars Also it harms the nature more then gasoline ran engines. think about the waste- After covid people who took vaccine went dumb

  21. Cobalt can be 100% replaced by a different cathode material: Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4), also known as LFP. NCM and NCA cathodes can be 100% replaced with LFP. It is already in use by Chinese electric car manufacturers and by Tesla. There is a slight penalty in energy density with LFP batteries, but it is insignificant. It is up to governments to ban Cobalt use in batteries, just like they did with Mercury years ago in household batteries.

  22. Imagine 15 of the 19 minea are owned by the Chinese. The other 4 are owned by the Swiss. The acid seeps into the waterways and affect the crops – vegetation is affected as dust blankets the plants. You cannot drink the water. The price of progress. Who truly suffers. The workers are paid $2.00 per day. I'm sure with all that dust there must be health challengers. Another form of slavery and exploitation.😢😢

  23. The Democratic Republic of Congo is like the Saudi Arabia (oil) for cobalt in terms of quality and quantity. The cibalt is being removed from deep down in the earth with a type of pick axe tool (primitave) and carried to the surface on the backs of humans and being cheated of the true value. So sad.

  24. This really opens your eyes. Our governments and environmentalists are pushing for electric cars etc while people are worked in the worst conditions and extremely under paid for the work they’re doing and from a young age yet people are silent

  25. The richest continent in terms of natural resources but the poorest people. Someone tell me how in the world that makes any sense! This is just sad 😢

  26. 21st century slavery at the hands of Tesla, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and many more. The injustice that has gone on in the Congo since king Leopoldo is sickening. The Chinese are to blame as well. If Your watching this on a phone or tablet then your device has cobalt most likely from the Congo. A CEO from one of those companies makes $3,000 per hour. Pure inhumanity

  27. DW finds the dark side of everything…how stupid. Ppl stop using EVs then DW will come out: Dark side of oil. Ppl stop using oil for transportation and uses hydrogen. Then DW will come out: Dark side of H20 emission from pipes…this channel is all about talkin and not doing.