The Blue Turtle Bay, Lomé Togo. #BlueturtleBay #Restaurants
The Blue Turtle Bay is our next stop of the places to visit this summer in Lome Togo series. #Restaurantsinlome #blueturtle #blueturtlebay #togo #Lome
ONLY those who don’t go out or have money says there is nothing interesting about Lome or Togo.
Stick and stay to this channel as I bring more places about Lome to light this June through to…
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Africa to the worldAgbodraforbaybeachbeach sidebest places in togoBlue TurtleBlue Turtle Bayday in togolife in togoliving in togolomelome togolome togo 2021lome togo beachlome togo citylomé Togo nightlifelome togo vloglome togo west africanorth shoreoahuRestaurants in LomeSummer funTogotogo beachTogo beach lifetogo vlogtortoisetravel to lome togoturtleWest Africawhat goes on at the togo lome beach will shock you!
Beach vibes make me cringe mhern … goddamnit …
Nice one!