The Best Homemade Chicken Suya and Akonfem (Guinea Fowl) You'll Ever Make!

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Kwankyewaa's Kitchen

Joined: Mar 2024
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The Best Homemade Chicken Suya and Akonfem (Guinea Fowl) You'll Ever Make!

I always say I miss Home (Ghana) for many reasons, but food is definitely not one of them. Why? Because if I crave it, I will most certainly find a way to create or improvise…just like I have done with this recipe. Suya, or chinchinga is kebab in Ghana and very popular ; in fact a big deal! I’ve always loved suya and have many funny memories…



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  1. Lol, I'm the same way !! Sharp knives scare me so bad, especially those crazy meat cleavers 😳, no way !! Haha, I never thought of using the back of my rolling pin to help chop. Thnx for the tip. Just bought Suya spice today FRM a new store I found and I CnT waittt to try. This looks amazing, iv never had it before but it already looks like a winner. Thnx for the upload

  2. Hello there… Lol please I believe that was a gas grill right. My hubby always disturb me with charcoal grill. Do most of the grill in the oven. I am also a fun of yours in Ghana. Don't know how I chanced on you, but since then I have been following you closely. Any apple sauce recipe?