The American dream of African immigrants • FRANCE 24 English

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The American dream of African immigrants • FRANCE 24 English

Africans make up just 5 percent of immigrants in the United States but represent the fastest-growing immigrant group. For many of them, America is the land of opportunity. But the reality is sometimes more difficult, as Africans are confronted with various challenges. These include a form of racism against them – somewhat ironically, from…



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  1. You fled your homeland because you failed to build it up. Now you're here, where FBAs are thriving, and you think we're jealous of you leeching off our benefits and resources. You Africans have a lot to learn.

  2. Black Americans arent jealous of broke Africans😂 This wite lady from France seems upset about our lack of intrest in Africans. I bet she was hoping the US woulf offload so.e of those showing up there.

  3. I have never met a Black American who was jealous of Africans. And Black Americans know where we come from too. We have been in the Americas for centuries, even long before the transatlantic slave trade. Not all black Americans were sold from Africa as slaves. I personally love Africans and have many friends from Africa, as a child and now as an adult. I love everything about African culture. But I also love my black American culture and don’t not feel any jealousy towards Africans.

  4. What I see is, that the people on the continent must focus and come together and make the Continent ONE, push all the Colonizers OUT, crackdown on corruption then they have no need of the West!

  5. The only difference I see between AM and Af is some let the colonizers get into their ears and tell them to stay away from AM, and when some come they silo into their own groups, but as for me when I went to the continent I was trying to connect with the people of the land.

  6. This is the second time I listened to this video. I'm an African American. Let me mtke some corrections regarding the ignorance of this video: First, we are not jealous or envious of our brothers and sisters from Africa. Our culture is imitated across the globe even in Africa. So, for any person like the sister who was getting her hair done, spewing that ignorance and stating African immigrants had to come to America and fight, we, African Americans have been indulged and engaged in a fight since we were brought here. In fact, what she enjoys in America, what any people enjoy in America is because of our struggle. It was our labor that laid the foundation for America, the destruction of our families and constant attack and we did not run from or leave another country seeking refuge, we fought where we are, we had no choice. I sugges people with her ignorance read a damn Ameican history book before they spew the ignorance. The first person to die for America's independence was an African American, while our ancestors were enslaved and we have had to fight for every thing, they recognition of our humanity to sitting where we wanted to on a public bus. We fought in every war America had and collected less. When you wagea a battle in your country against the corrupt leaders America propts up, until then, I suggest you keep a lid on it.

  7. I envy no one, because as an African American, i know where my forefathers are from… just bc one may not know due to slavery doesn't mean we dont know. My family is from South Carolina and Florida. To say that we dont know where we come from denies the contribution of African Americans in the US, who practically built this country. That's a wrong statement to make about Afro-Americans not know where they come from.. a group of people who have been in this country since the 15th century. We've suffered in this country from slavery, to Jim Crow laws, to segregation, the Civil rights movement, until today where we continue to receive racism due to our names and skin color!! Stop with this wrong connotation!!

  8. I am an African American 🇺🇸 born to a African French speaking mother and a African Juba Arabic speaking father. Was educated in special education in the public school system.

  9. Theres no issue with acknowledging identity. However, there is a obvious disconnect between us. Additionally, Africans make it obvious that they do not want to have anything to do with us. So we just manage without them unfortunately.

  10. Hmmm, in nyc we're black first then our backgrounds. Also, African Americans have historically been extremely proud of claiming their heritage/ancestry, etc. Maybe growing upin nyc is an exception but I've met so many proud people.

  11. They can dream all they want of living here but they're not going to stay not one of these illegals is going to remain in the country president Trump once in office is going to sign executive orders to have every one of them deported immediately

  12. Everyone coming to America should remember and give respect to Black Americans who paved the way with their blood sweat and tears, and show much respect to them. Thank you all Black America you are Awesome!

  13. Come on let’s face it. It’s all about what you look like and the shade of your skin. Even if you’re from Africa, if your skin is light, and you don’t look “black” like the first woman interviewed on the screen at the beginning of the documentary, or you look like that Tunisian man managing a restaurant, it’s most likely that they are gonna be successful in America. They are also more likely to associate themselves with whiteness as that Tunisian man said while sitting on the bench- he’s proud to have a “blonde” with him.

    If you don’t look lighter skinned, you just might struggle more. Sorry but it’s an observatory inference.

  14. You fled, you're not strong. There is nothing to be jealous of a runner from their own land that couldn't stand on their square to make their lives better on their own land.

  15. The lies im this is outrageous…how about France worry about paying reparations…and africans stop fleeing and stop fleeing their motherland and build it up…?? Theae same ppl sold us then running to the ppl they sold…

  16. What changed with her tourist Visa that she obviously overstayed and has been in this country for several years. You never said what the circumstances were am curio((us to know.And her daughter plans to go to Harvard?Has she become a US citizen? Was she born in the US? Were is the father?

  17. If it's too expensive to live where she's at, perhaps she should move to a less expensive area… I was in Nashville and used lyft and out of the 14 trips. Only one was originally an American. They drove nice cars and were glad they came to America.

  18. This country HOPES they incorporate with so called African Americans, and they also hope this happens to launder the people so the crime of stealing this land and giving it away to foreigners goes unpunished. It won’t. It’s going to backfire!

  19. It’s very horrible for this article to state that for African Americans friendship is superficial , but for her, an African, friendship is sacred. The Nerve! We don’t use that word, friend. That is for quakers. They are fiends! Here we consider friends a different name. That term is #Niiji.