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Murad Merali

Joined: May 2024
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  1. I think being famous is no longer the goal because you get abused, molested and violated just to be on tv both in the film and music industry

  2. I admire and love Thandie Newton. I think she is a great actress. She has a voice and she should come out now and tell her story so she could help those who doesn’t have a voice. Those monsters who abused her and other victims should be exposed.

  3. She and Nicole Kidman were in one of their 1st Films together back in the 80’s. Playing young school girls in Australia.. I can imagine that Because Nicole knew Thandie from time.. she felt comfortable with her playing Love interest to her Husband Tom in MI:2 and most likely “Strongly” pushed for her to get the part. Have always thought that since I first saw the film

  4. Tom did not do anything to her he did not touch, abuse or harass her that's her me a understand abuse,but as a grown woman.if she wants to talk about this after she dies please take it to the grave.that so coward, what a loser STfU.

  5. Hollywood is full of pedos , she won't expose them because look at people who did try to expose them and died mysteriously ?? That's why she is waiting for her book but if she dies and exposes them will they try to stop that from coming out ?

  6. Why say something if your not gonna say anything. STFU if your not going to expose these "monsters", they want us to be "attentive to thier needs" fuck all actors they're just that, actors! Women who get "raped" but fail to expose the person who did it because they don't want to ruin thier career or whatever are just as complicit as the rapist. Smfh. Or u can just wait till your dead so they can't kill you WTF? STFU AND SIT DOWN YOUR AN EMBARRASSMENT TO THE WOMEN WHO ACTUALLY HAVE THE COURAGE TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE PERPETRATOR OF THIS FOUL ACT. I'm done giving attention to those who say "oh poor me this happened, but I don't want to say who did it. Because it will ruin my career which is more important than speaking up so other women or children don't suffer the same fate. Plus I'm still a part of the Hollywood filth and I'm not ready to give that up yet." #FuuuckYooouuuU!

  7. With all evil pedos and un Hollywood freaks going on wtf she’s gonna release the info when she dies what good is that gonna do let’s expose these evil bastards . I’m afraid that she’s afraid to lose work in the evil industry she’s chosen to be a part of Evil prevails when good ppl do nothing to expose it your either part of the problem or part of the solution

  8. You have the correct idea !! But coming from someone that's made all the mistakes you can think off)… the thing is most people maybe lived through 2/4 horrible times ( in their lifes).. so they dont know how to healed!! But you can definitely heal and use each bad situation, to become more conscious/aware !!!.. after you hit rock bottom a few times ( get back up and learned a lesson out of each time )… you will become stronger and stronger each time!!! So for people that are to afraid cuz of their" hard lifes".. be thankful to god ,that we are blessed enough ,to be able to work on our traumas!!! The person that has all the basics covered!! And chooses not to work on their trauma ( learn to love themselves)… well they are just lazy and I don't feel bad for them!!! Cuz they have lil girls ,that need to take cared of their families, so they never have the chance to do "the work ".. and still live a happy life !! Its all on our heads ,mind over anything!!! That's how they keep most humans on a leash !!! Cuz they are only worried about what they can see,instead of learning about energies, vibrations, waves .. shit we can't see ,but can't see the enemy, unless you learn about getting your BODYMINDSPIRIT on a higher vibrations !! They will controlled y'all without anyone's knowledge..