TB Joshua bbc news today. Details of how TB Joshua Allegedly Raped And Tortured his Members

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TB Joshua bbc news today. Details of how TB Joshua Allegedly Raped And Tortured his Members

bbc t b joshua. bbc africa eye tb joshua. TB Joshua bbc news today bbc tb joshua documentary,
Dive into the depths of controversy surrounding the late televangelist, Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua, in this eye-opening documentary by the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Africa Eye. Uncover the untold stories and scandals that have…



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    It's sad how many Christians are celebrating the BBC 3-episode documentary on late Senior Prophet TB Joshua, without first going to the Holy Spirit, and waiting to listen from both sides, or even asking themselves some simple questions, before making hasty conclusions.

    I went to the Holy Spirit for the truth and also did my research. What the Holy Spirit confirmed to me, coupled with findings, totally nullify the stories of everyone who spoke in the so-called BBC documentaries.

    I don't expect you to believe. All I ask is that you ask yourself certain objective questions.

    Questions like:

    A. If one lady by name Bisola claims to have been supplying the Prophet with virgins at least 3 to 4 times every week;

    1. Where and how did she meet these virgins, to the extent of convincing and bringing them to SCOAN to come have sex with the MOG?

    (I know for a fact that a virgin is a lady who has, by strong values, been able to resist the urge to succumb to external pressures – money, etc, and give in to sex.

    So for the lady to claim to supply the MOG with 3 to 4 virgins every week, what charm did she use to hypnotize the ladies into quickly agreeing to go to SCOAN and sleep with the MOG for money?

    Even ritualists who use virgins for their blood sacrifices pay people to search and kidnap such virgins before getting access to kill them. This is because they know that the reasons the ladies were still virgins is because it is not easy to use words and money alone to lure them into accepting to compromise their values.

    Also, we all agree that at least 95% of virgins will only give up their virginity when they feel or are convinced they are in the right loving and promising relationship, NOT when someone else tries to convince them to go meet a strange person for sex, in return for money.)

    2. Why haven't any of the virgins she claimed to have supplied the prophet weekly over several years come out to testify to having been brought in to have sex with the Prophet, over all these years?

    (We are talking of at least 2000 virgins, if we do a rough estimate, based on Bisola's claims of supplying the Senior Prophet with 3 to 4 virgins every week, over several years?)

    3. Why didn't BBC seek to look for and interview a couple of such ladies and have them testify to loosing their virginity to late Prophet TB Joshua?

    Wouldn't this have added more credibility to the sleeping-with-virgins accusations?

    (BBC, being one of the biggest media houses in the world are experts in investigate journalism, would have sought to contact some of these ex-virgins and gotten them to testify to loosing their virginity to the MOG, if this accusation was true and they truly were out to unravel truth.)

    B. If some of the ladies in the documentary claim to have been raped by the late Prophet on several occasions over several years;

    1. How come were they able to live there for several years without ever letting others know what was happening to them?

    2. With the liberty the ladies had to go out of the Synagogue to go do shopping and even visit their families during their time at SCOAN, how come were they not able to report the MOG to the authorities for rape then, or even expose him and such deeds to their families during some of such outings and visits?

    2. How come they kept returning to and staying at SCOAN for many more years, in spite of being repeatedly raped by the MOG, as they claimed?

    Does this even make sense?

    (By GOD'S Grace, as a GOD-Ordained Peak Performance Coach, I've been privileged to counsel and help transform, by the Spirit of GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, several ladies who have been raped and suffered domestic violence. So I can tell for a fact that rape is one of the greatest things that destroys a woman's world, especially mentally: Those ladies who have truly been raped, especially repeatedly have a specific body language pattern they display unconsciously – especially with their facial expression, shoulders and head positioning, etc, when they finally get to narrate their ordeal.

    Unfortunately, I saw no such patterns when these ladies were narrating their so-called rape ordeal.

    Moreover, I know for a fact that there's no way a woman can act submissive to a man who has been consistently raping her… Rather, she tends to disrespect and disgrace such a man even publicly, especially in her countenance – mostly without knowing it…

    Also such ladies then to be very uncomfortable and uneasy, whenever they find themselves in the same environment with their rapist.)

    3. So how come the same ladies who claimed to have been raped repeatedly by the late Prophet, were able to submit to, travel with, assist and happily praise the Prophet during their time a SCOAN, without any reports of disrespect or discomfort?

    4. How come the lady from South Africa who claimed to have been raped by the MOG was able to be in contact with the MOG shortly after leaving SCOAN and even take her kids to go visit SCOAN?

    (No woman who has been raped several times by a man will accept to visit the man, much less taking along her kids – even when the man offers to give me money)

    How do I know this?

    Watch these videos and hear her narrate her story after she left SCOAN, and even how she was having sex with the camera guy and did 4 abortions during her time in SCOAN.




    Never for once did she talk about having sex with the MOG, much less mentioned being raped by him.

    So my questions are:

    4i. If you were truly raped by a man, would you ever want to take your kids to go visit such a man?

    4ii. Why didn't she talk about being raped and was instead talking with excitement, how she was enjoying her sex marathons in SCOAN and having abortions?

    4iii. Why the sudden change of story and acting during the BBC documentary?

    Furthermore, we all know for a fact that if a lady is repeatedly sleeping with the boss in any organization, including in the Church, it tells in the way she acts towards the boss, as well as with others within the same organizations: Such a lady most often becomes stubborn, rude and doesn't submit to the leadership within the same organization, as a result.

    And knowing the discipline that Prophet had instituted in SCOAN (I've been there at least 13 times since 2009 and can testify to this, as a result), there's no way these ladies would have lasted for the number of years they did, as a result such stubborness, rude and unsubmissive character.

    D. If abortions were being conducted in the health facility in SCOAN all those years the ex-SCOAN Disciples were at SCOAN;

    1. How come no doctor or nurse who worked there has come out to expose such, after all these years?

    2. Better still, how come BBC, being the investigative journalism experts they are, didn't seek to interview and get any of the doctors or nurses who have work at SCOAN health center to testify to these abortions?

    Can we see the cracks in these so-called exposures?

    I could go on and on with the questions and explanations. But I choose to end here and have enclosed videos for you to watch and discover how this so called BBC documentary episodes have just been one of the greatest attacks on the legacy of the late Prophet, as well as on the Church of Christ as a whole.

    Watch, be informed and save yourself from hasty and wrong conclusions.







    If you truly take the time to watch the above-mentioned videos, you shall no doubt confirm that these so-called BBC exposures are simply attacks of Satan on the legacy of the late Prophet and the Church of Christ, as a whole.

  2. Guys don't be spiritualy blind these are lies works of devil's, has scoan changed manifesting the power of God after TB Joshua died please guys don't, stop carrying the works of devil.dont alow the devil to use your mouth big man be careful of what you are publishing