Stunning photos show the Sun like never before | BBC News

Stunning photos show the Sun like never before | BBC News

Award-winning solar astrophotographer Eduardo Schaberger has shared his stunning photos of the Sun.

He took the images using a hydrogen-sensitive telescope which has revealed textures and details usually invisible to the naked eye.

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  1. You know the sun's color is not actually yellow or red. It's white because it has all spectrum. I don't know why they color it just show us as is.

  2. The Messiah is Coming. Repent and Turn away from sin.
    The Messiah is Coming. Be Holy. Stop sinning.
    The Messiah is Coming. Time is over. The signs are clear.
    It is not too late. You still can receive Jesus and be saved.

    Hell is eternal, but the LORD wants you to enter heaven. Make the right choice.
    The Messiah is Coming.

  3. Wtf is the sun. What’s it’s origin story. Is it really a big burning ball? How did the fire start? In a way if not actually fire, it didn’t start how we think, it’s a living thing.

  4. One of dots on the sun is entire earths size. Then there are stars that make our sun look like a spec of dust. Then there are stars that make those stars look like dust and so on. Wild stuff