Study Reveals Black Americans Aren’t Descendants of Black Slaves But Hidden Native Original People!

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Study Reveals Black Americans Aren’t Descendants of Black Slaves But Hidden Native Original People!

Study Reveals Black Americans Aren’t Descendants of Black Slaves But Hidden Native Original People!

Who are the ancestors of African Americans? Well, most African Americans believe that the majority of their DNA has roots in Africa, while the remaining has roots in native American tribes and Europe. This is often backed by genetic studies…



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  1. If you’re Black you better unsubscribe from this channel because this is more lies lol. A lot of us have been awaken to the truth. African Americans are God’s chosen along with tha Natives and Hispanics. That’s why the south is having all these hurricanes and destruction because judgement has reached America!

  2. We are the original inhabitants the aboriginal this is our land that was stolen that's why they don't wanna pay reparations because they know a lot of us know this our land and we gonna want land tax free

  3. Native American tribes from Europe??????? WTF?! So we’re starting this video with lies already??? Why do we constantly have white voices telling melanated peoples history? When are we gonna stop allowing this bs,m. I’ve heard enough already, I know my roots are native and from here it’s why my skin turns red and hair turns white not grey!💪🏾 ✌🏾.

  4. So you are Saying African-Americans were originally in America, then sent to Spain (🤣🤣🤣) then from Spain to Africa (for African resources🤣🤣🤣), then back as slaves! Sounds like money laundering. We might as well call it identity laundering. Did they do this in groups of 20, 50, or 100's? The only person who would believe such a ridiculous story is a needy, approval-seeking, extreme self-hater.

  5. Can anyone explain the castles and histories in West Africa? Elmina, Gorée Island, Cape Coast, Fort Metal Coast, Bunch Island and others?
    It is well known that Africans were here around 1320's. But it can't be supported that millions of Africans were not enslaved and brought to the Americas between 1500 and at least 1840.

  6. I can't believe how people can spend such big amount of time in something they can find out in minutes and is called DNA. Unfortunately, must of this people claiming native American don't believe in DNA, isn't that strange, the tool that can tell you the truth is not a good tool for afro Americans claiming native American. They said that, not me.

  7. Everyone seems to forget that the slave traders carried Black Peoples from Africa here and carried Black from here to Africa.
    This kept ALL Black People involved mentally incapacitated as to where they were going or where they were from. There is no way of knowing where you are going in the bottom of a boat without windows.
    It made absolutely no sense for a trader to bring a product and then return with an empty ship. The same was done by the transatlantic slave traders.

  8. Well I don't know who agrees with this .yes it's true my family Ohio Indians and the serpent mound is my family . But that's on my grandmother side. How ever my grate grandfather on was aberiggenies. From Africa true Hebrews and I'm very proud of that to and there also indian. So this is not all true.

  9. Indigenous copper colored peoples of Turtle Island the Niiji misclassified as African American are the original inhabitants of the Americas and the Caribbean and are of Afro-Asiatic peoples.(Ham through Cush; Cushites; Ethiopians and possibly Put; Phut; Libyans and Japheth.
    (Gen 10;11:1-9).

    The transatlantic slave trade has been debunked and told in reverse. The transpacific slave trade and white indentured servantude (slavery)took place. The dark skinned Asians were reclassified as black and the light skinned Asians were reclassified as Indian.

    Ref:1828 Webster's dictionary and The New Oxford American English dictionary definition for Native American. The Library of Congress

  10. All mankind originated from the "east" in the lands now known as Turkey where the Garden of Eden has been reported as having been geographically located; Noah's Ark landed on the mountains of Ararat in the Caucasus mountains; Jehovah God confused man's language at the Tower of Babel in the lands now known as Iraq/Babylon/Shinar to get the people to spread all over the earth and they took with them similar characteristics and beliefs wherever they settled in the world.
    (Gen 1:1,26;2:8;3:20;10;11:1-9; Psalm 83:18; Matt 24:14; Rev 7:9,10)

  11. One thing to be made clear there were not literally millions of Africans that were taken away to america it was tens of thousands and most of them that got brought by the ships their manifests had documented Black Europeans the First and Second Migrations can help the first from Africa to Asia and then from Siberia to America. the Asian Indians Warred with the Copper American Aboriginals Tamerikaan/Timucuan!? Either way the Americas includes the Caribbean, South America North America