Stanford Keto Study is Revolutionizing Mental Health

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Nicholas Norwitz PhD

Joined: Apr 2024
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Stanford Keto Study is Revolutionizing Mental Health


* Minor corrections
– In the MetS pentad there is a typo where “low” TG should be “high” TG. Kudos to those who were paying attention and caught this. I could say, “it was a test and you passed,” but in truth it was just a typo introduced by the editor that I…



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  1. I do feel better on keto, my depressive tendencies have vastly improved. But i do worry about the environmental impact a lot 😢

  2. I can really relate to the fact that metabolic health equals mental health. Keto helped a lot and also "low" dose lithium (10-30mg range) which I call more optimal dose and iodine (12-50mg according to Dr. Brownstein). Lithium can be a gamechanger for brain inflammation and hormonal regulation and the thyroid, that needs much more iodine than recommended, is a metabolic master regulator.

  3. Keto diets are only for sick people, like for autoimmune disorders and epilepsy and some mental issues. But more and more studies show that it increases all-cause mortality for the average population, ie skipping carbs kills the normal human.

  4. Thank you for sharing this! It also seems plausible that people are being diagnosed with these mental health disorders because they are eating ultra processed foods and sugars etc and exhibiting the related symptoms. If we see metabolic and mental health disorders on the rise correlating to the introduction of these highly processed products we should be investigating what's happening.

  5. so, a fair amount of bipolar and schizophrenia might be treated with a high-protein, low carb diet? I do not see western medicine prescribing rib eye steaks and grilled salmon any time soon.

  6. I'm on a quasi PSMF for a while. It;s basicallly keto with less fat for weight loss. As usual my mental sharpness is has increased. I was at the supermarket the other day frustrating my wife who is eating carbs and notiiced something I had not noticed before. Whole isles just have NOTHING to eat for keto people. I hit the health food isle, I wanted some kind of cracker to go with a meatcheese board… nothing. We spent 10 mins just checking each product.
    IMHO, this is why these diets are demonized. The whole food system is just a carb delivery machine.

  7. Funding doesn't go towards preventative care, unless you can consume it in a pill, because that would eat into pharma's bottom line.

    It's way more profitable to have a perpetual cycle of our food industry pumping you full of sugar and pharma raking in on all the side effects that come along with it.

    Pharma and the good industry are like 🤞

  8. Big Pharma knows it can't patent a food lifestyle. Heard that on a video earlier today and it sure fits! I went carnivore two months ago at the age of 80. Have not had this much energy and positivity in years! My belly is half the size it was two months ago. I stay amazed!

  9. This story correlates with my own undocumented mental health turnaround.

    My lifelong narcolepsy had finally left me in my 30s after I integrated the habit of occasionally fasting into my spiritual life.

    On my 40th birthday, i went on a long, celebratory carb binge. One week into the binge, I was back to battling against the old one-two combo of narcolepsy and brain fog.

    I did a couple one day fasts a week apart, and the narcolepsy has abated a bit more than half way. It's like the results one gradually gets as a prescribed medication slowly builds up in their system.

    I have other mental health battles i used to keep to myself which had finally been improving alongside the lifting narcolepsy. I literally slowly became less of a conceited jerk. This study correlates with my own undocumented improvements.

  10. We are force feeding the human genome with industrial foods (including our pets & animals). Human Genomes are still built to the function of our Hunter-Gather ancestors, well before our agricultural era. So it makes sense that a Keto diet would be more beneficial to the human brain. I have had many dogs throughout my life; primarily fed them basic dog food to really expensive 'healthy' dog food…they all got cancer. My current remaining dog is a 12yr old pug..she has had seizures,she has masses on her..but a year ago, I had to have all her teeth removed..I took all that I have learned about food and applied it to my pug..she is on a fresh food ketogenic diet..and her seizures have not returned as of today..her masses have not enlarged and she is more energetic in her senior years than she has been throughout her life AND she has become a cuddler..never before did she want to cuddle. If we knowing or unknowingly feed ourselves, essentially poisoned dysfunctional food, we will become poisoned dysfunctional creatures. ❤ 🌎 ✌ Thank you for your content Sir.

  11. This is a fascinating video, but there are two questions I'd like to ask.
    Do you think this would work in the long term?
    Are there other factors involved?
    The keto diet eliminates many foods, especially UPFs, so could it be that these foods were causing the issues to begin with?

  12. While I am medically trained, I have been mentally ill. Metabolic treatment is very important. One problem I encounter is reducing all sugars. My body will produce dull headaches when my sugar wants are neutralized by strict controls, however… for the most part, I have removed a lot of added sugar. For nutritional and emotional benefit, I will have a glass of milk. In comes a form of sugar. I have tried milk alternatives and they leave me wanting in taste and they have a psychological effect ( it's just not from a cow ). My emotions and body run better since I freed myself from the brainwashing. 3 meals a day hypocrisy. I live a quiet life nowadays and eat little accordingly. I have fat that I am still using up as an energy source,until I get down to my realistic and ideal weight, topping up with suppliments, almonds, pumpkin seeds and berries. Fish occasionally.

  13. the entire concept of 'mental illness' and the labels bi polar etc are not facts in nature or 'diseases' to not understand this is instructive – the reasons for early death with people so labelled are many – most so labelled are poor, working class, the drugs used to crush the symptoms cause a range of harms to body and brain hence reduced life expectancy.

  14. I'm surprised you haven't read the book "Brain Energy" by Dr. Christopher Palmer….or perhaps you just forgot to mention it? He stumbled on this diet to mental health link long before this study. I hope you get a chance to read and review the book. it was quite eye-opening!

  15. Interestingly enough, schizophrenia and epilepsy can be comorbid illnesses, and it is not uncommon. It's not exactly common either, but there are plenty of cases where someone has both. My roomate's son has both, and he has a very carb heavy diet, but because his income is almost non- existent, he pretty much refuses to try keto-the cost-he says is the problem. I tried explaining that you don't eat nearly as much food on keto because you are way full for MUCH longer, so he most likely would not spend more than he currently does on groceries. I really enjoy hearing about studies like this, the incidences of mental AND physical health issues HAVE dramatically increased since processed food became the norm. If people would put those two things together, I think we could resolve a boatload of health problems plaguing society today. All it takes is restructuring your diet and realizing you have a very simple choice: you can FUEL your body, or you can POISON your body…

  16. It's wonderful that the ketogenic diet, as promoted by Dr. Christopher Palmer at McCleans Hospital (Harvard) and as studied by the Stanford group, offers hope to clients with serious mental illness. However, it is well established that almost every medication used to treat bi-polar and schizophrenia causes metabolic syndrome –including obesity and type 2 diabetes. The ravenous hunger and weight gain is one of the reasons that people suffering from these conditions don't stay on these medications. So unless the Stanford group studied patients who were never on these medications (or who have been off them long enough to no longer suffer from metabolic syndrome) one cannot attribute causation of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bi-polar disorder to metabolic dysfunction. It's a "cart before the horse" issue.

  17. I wish they released data on their lipids. When these people are getting healthier, metabolically and mentally, how are their cholesterol numbers?

  18. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Even on a CPAP machine I was recording around 10 hypopnea episodes per hour. A YouTube doc said keto diet could help with apnea. I did it and at the next visits with my pulmonologist my hypopnea score went to 5, then down to 3, and most recently down to 1.6 per hour. Of course, breathing involves signals from the brain. I also feel and think much better on the keto diet.

  19. Thanks for sharing this video.

    Everyone needs to know this.

    So many are suffering!


    Sugar is toxic!!

    Stop eating garbage, stay in ketosis to get yourself healthy again.


  20. We have been tricked into eating this junk lifestyle.

    Dumbed down and endlessly trapped into sickness and illnesses.

    Try carnivore diet for 90 days and your life will change forever

  21. There are many many people working on these revolution. I suggest, we overthink the names of this diseases. They are more like labels, than a diagnose. Great video, it really helps to spread the news that "the world of René Descartes" comes to an end. Finally: Matrix unloaded.

  22. Im just now 67 and experiencing depression and anxiety due to being a victim of battery inflicted by my next door neighbor. Compound that with very recent results of my brain MRi w/wo contrast. Recent sudden death of a friend, serious discord with my only loosing it. Pretty much for the first time ever. Drs have tried to put me on lots of different meds and they all have horrid side effects . I have declined all except lorazepam, which i take once every 3 days or so as needed.( like when this neighbor and I meet in the hallway of our apt building. .its very triggering.)

    Since June 2021, ive been doing Keto off and on and took off 35 lbs.
    I most definitely WOULD be willing to become one of the Study participants in the Next Study Round. I live within 30 miles or so of Stanford Campus and have plenty of free time to participate
    . I already AM doing a decent dirt version of Keto..I could go Full Blown "Clean Keto "without much effort.

    If these comments are being monitored, I most definitely would like to participate in the next round.
    I NEED relief but im not going to take cocktails of dubious drugs to achieve it. Contact me HERE in the comments..I will be monitoring for the next month ( May 2024)

  23. ive been trying to preach about food being connected to mental and physical health for so long. Its nice that there is a small minority of the public that is starting to become aware of this, and that much of our food supply is terrible for our health

  24. Keto fixed my ADHD, crippling allergies, acne, sleep problems, after-lunch fatigue, and weight gain. At this point I have enough evidence from going on and off my diet for short periods over the years that every study which doesn't support keto as a solution for these issues is another piece of evidence that the scientific establishment is corrupt.