SPIRITUAL Tik Toks That Will Wake You Up and Raise Your Vibrations! | Reaction

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SPIRITUAL Tik Toks That Will Wake You Up and Raise Your Vibrations! | Reaction

In todays video we will dive into some of the most godly spiritual tik toks that are out there

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  1. This isn't a compilation of spirit-you-ality (ality meaning "having the properties of" or " relating to") this is a compilation of person-" ality." Wake up to that innerstanding!! You first of all wanted to share, everything all "melanin" based on spirit-you-ality, why? What are you outside of your meat suits? Surely NOT melanin, that is person – ality!! The division needs to stop, not all of us identify with our meat suits, that is being spirit-you-al, what you are doing is person-al!!

  2. Interesting about the Blue Kachina in spiritual sense & frequencies & thinking about Hawaii & Chile & I think Texas & stories about the blue not burning, because it holds a different frequency & Biden saying something about someone having the right color roof, because it was the only house left standing. 🤔 Interesting!!

  3. What about children of the Earth 🌎🥺? (Had to Google what sun vs moon kids were… For anyone like me, Per interwebs:

    Moon = half male half female
    Sun = fully male
    Earth = fully female

    Haven't researched further…)

  4. Wright : learn from an old guy, old white guy. Little Brother, you could gain more followers if you work some White People in. I have been a fan. I have to go now, check back another time to see if you prove love by showing equal love.

  5. It doesn't matter who was here first, how do you really know who was here first and we all weren't designed and created individually by race, colour and creed.
    You want to be spiritually right stop going on about colour white this, black that end of the day we're all children of one god.
    It sounds like these days it's a black man's world and pushing race contently, it don't matter how aligned you think you are spiritually any god will cast you out to hell and not into any ascendance if you constantly hate on other races, colours. Y'all are delusional if you think your going to heaven or ascension if you constantly listen to those pushing white man this and that, not all white man are evil and just for your info plenty black men of evil out there. You will be accepted if there is any higher gateway if you stop racist card and push hate on others who ain't black. Target those of evil intent of all race and that will bring out the purity in you, if can protect those you love, a stranger, a friend and who needs it around you no matter the race your mpving into a better being, if you cant do that you will be cast out to burning embers of hell, those of pure mind are the ones that be chosen, sit and think about your life no matter what you have done to be come spiritual have you lived your live of purity, our answer is to raise our children to be purest for the next future and correct our wrongs because we aint going nowhere so stop kidding yoursekfs and use that energy on the next generation, the best part of us to not commit evil because 99% of us ain't going nowhere no matter how much you pray, beg or meditate.

  6. How many Africans die from lack of responsibility and abortion, gtfo of here with that BS, I have no animosity toward melanated people in fact, I have discovered through ancestry DNA that I have 7% african DNA, 3.5 sub-saharan and 3.5 north african (Arabic dna) and the sun has never been a problem, none of my ancestors have gotten skin cancer. I would also like to fact check your data, nothing personal, just on a scientific level. BTW, skin cancer is one of the most survivable cancers. Did your African spirtuality protect you from hypertension or diabetes or getting shot in an alley?
    Are you just counting how often white people die and extrapolating that to further your belief, honestly curious. In lighter climates, lighter skin tones let you get more Vit D so obviously it was more beneficial to people living in Northern climates. The point of all of this is that none of it is derived from the word of God or the design of God. We are one people, stop this divisive nonsense, please, asking your for real.

  7. Let me ask you people when we going to stop this nonsense. I don’t care what your skin tone is,we sit here and fight each other while the governments of the world sit back and laugh as they continue to divide us as a people.

  8. Please educate yourselves. Blacks are not the closest to the divine.
    Everything is one so no aspect is greater than itself.
    History is wonderful if you can find real history.
    Before the flood whites were blacks, they hid in caves to hide from the catastrophic events unfolding at that time. But over many generations they were trapped within the earth. When that black generation came out of there ‘bunkers’ they were technologically advanced, extremely white with bluish eyes.

    No, not enough. What colour was Noah??? Book of Enoch anyone???
    He was whiter than white.
    And we all came from Noah supposedly.
    So take your racist shit elsewhere. You aren’t choosen as you say if you still judge DNA within man who is god by its colour.
    DNA is activating all past lives.

    Sooo, all you black only choosen ones, you do realize you were white in past lives amongst other colours right?? I. Your DNA right??

    Start showing the world true unconditional love, kindness and respect and stop judging aspects of yourselves, all is one, as inferior.

  9. The red sun that’s now here is the prophecy of kachina. Saw a video when it comes near it appears red but when it heads away from us it looks blue.
    Anyone’s thought??

  10. The red sun that’s now here is the prophecy of kachina. Saw a video when it comes near it appears red but when it heads away from us it looks blue.
    Anyone’s thought??

  11. to me goose bumps are the holy spirit happening.
    downloads: if you ever have been in a situation and suddenly know everything about it, that is a download. keep your receptivity up and on, and they will happen outside of emergency situations. all people know but had no word for it. for full effect be still afterwards to let the subconscious absorb and connect to it.

  12. I had a very vivid dream about an anaconda size snake a few nights ago. It was me and some other people running in the dark, in what looked like the woods by a summer camp. We were terrified that the snake was going to kill us, but figured out it was going for the dogs. We ended up in an old house, and gathered in a room with the dogs, trying to keep them safe. Somehow the massive snake got into the house and went straight for one of the dogs. Me and another person tried our best to get to the dog. We could see the snake winding around inside the whole house, that's how big it was. I saw the snake lift its head to grab the dog in front of it, and as soon as it shot forward, I woke up. It was very wild.

  13. She deff ain’t lying bout that spiritual thing when you don’t know what you’re doing you be playing with the wrong spirits 💯…. Type shit 😅

  14. I have noticed that people or tribes WHO ARE SUPERIOR don't have to make desperate claims that they are….because reality through observation proves if they have achieved superior accomplishment. When a group or tribe is weak and inferior, they have to constantly verbally claim the thing they WANT TO BE because the self evidence DOES NOT EXIST.
    You don't see a secure person going around telling everyone they are this and that….there is no need or desire to do that.
    Now what I've said is absolutely self evident as truth in the micro and macro….so let's look at what groups are so very desperate to prove they aren't what they clearly are by every action both historically and in the present. They try to talk and persuade their way to what they see others ACTUALLY ARE .
    Crying and screaming " I'm really special and everything you see about my people is not real. My claims are really who we are. "
    The superior groups see this as it it is….DESPERATE TO MEASURE UP TOTHE SUPERIOR.
    The path to becoming more starts from admission that your present state is inferior. You came from inferiority but desire to be more. Humility.

  15. I couldn't have said it much better than the beautiful sister said about people thinking their spiritually ascending. Cause if you're not doing the inner work then all that other stuff is just a fade. Inside of every human being there's an entity that's screaming out to be released from the vices and chains you put on yourself due to the way you view life or the circumstances you have been through. Always remember there is no spirituality without having a relationship with GOD and yourself. May HE for WHOM who has loved me, love you.

  16. Ladybugs, dragonflies, cats, and crows are all around me on a daily basis lately.

    I hear owls at night.

    I’ve been seeing Alot of baby lizards the past week.

    As a surprise this week I’ve been around goats, chickens, pigs, and a big tortoise Named Franklin.

    Oh , a neighborhood dog fell in love with me. (Well, of course I fell in love with it too but that’s not what I’m talking about.)

    What was I talking about?

    …..Well, whatever i smoked is legal now and we all should be celebrating still…….
    Oh… wait…. Jeesh – i flopped right into a parallel universe or something for a moment there. Just a glitch I’m sure .

    Anywho- the list of the animals above is accurate and updated.

    Wait… why was i doing that? Why was i listing the animals……?

    Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean you should do it.
    Use discernment

    Sponsored by the Global League of Discernment , with The Galactic Code of Justice and Reconciliation Commission, and Jedeye productions.
    2024 copyright

    Our mission -eliminating idiocy one lesson at a time.

  17. Might I recommend everybody to go in like themselves on the secret covenant of the Illuminati and as you're reading about it or hearing about it thinking about where we are today in society sound crazy I know but you know it sounds more crazy that was a man's journal what man you might wonder oh I don't know part of the elites it starts with R