Southern Europeans Are Going Extinct

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Southern Europeans Are Going Extinct

In this video, I analyse the reasons for and the consequences of the long-term ultra-low fertility in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece.

– timestamps –

00:00 – Introduction
02:34 – The Impacts of Southern European Authoritarianism
07:38 – Why Is Fertility So Low?
20:28 – Immigration
26:29 – Conclusions

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  1. En los años 60 se decia que íbamos a salirnos de la gráfica por arriba. Ahora dicen que nos extinguiremos 😂 Es absurdo coger una tendencia negativa o positiva y prolongarla en el tiempo ad eternum para sacar conclusiones catastróficas. Yo no he cagado en dos días, ¿si sigo en esta tendencia moriré por estreñimiento en un mes? Es absurdo. Cuando los estados lo consideren necesario, promoverán la natalidad de verdad y se acabará el problema.

  2. Late stage capitalism, they pillage africa, Asia, eastern Europe and south America. Then thier allies(lesser European countries- eastern European… Then Greece, Italy, Spain), then thier poor(cost of living crisis), thier middle class(cost of living and AI) and now themsleves. All of this while blaming blacks, immigrants, gays, women, Jews, space aliens etc. Can't make this shit up 😂 good riddance

  3. State pensions cause birthrates to plummet because it removes the subliminal "care in old age" incentive to have children, in addition to women having to work to contribute to thst tax base. Replacing the tribe with the "government" was a bad idea.

  4. Spain is lost. Every time I walk in Madrid it reminds me one South American Capital, and in Barcelona one Morocco City. Even in the small cities that usually had a very good quality of life things are changing very fast

  5. This is interesting, in geo class we learn this and we do associate its graphics with each other, but its never seen as something really serious by other ppl

  6. The US was united by killing the south and E.U is uniting by also killing it's south

    it's our fault we southerners of europe should join Russia and China and leave the west forever they always hated us anyway .

  7. Right wing BS. Oh population is declining. Oh no! Game over for the whole civilization. 😱
    Abduls and Mokebes are going to replace us 😱

  8. I would suggest you to explore the idea that , as these countries become poorer – due to old population and unskilled immigrants combination-, they would become less interesting to economical migrants. If that is true their economical pain would much more acute, but it would also save the local native population until, eventually, these countries start healing.

    Love your channel. Cheers.

  9. When Cristobal Colon sailed to the New World the population in Spain was around 5 millions and nobody was considering going extinct. The Roman Empire in its apogee had a population of some 60 millions ….there is no extinction on the horizon whatsoever only a more than necessary human population adjustment that, don't know why , is given way to a bomb growth of Karen's population within human population. That's the real issue no one tackles.

  10. Why do you have to make stupid jokes about siesta and debt? It is untrue. Spain works more hours than Germany and we were idiots when we entered the EU and scrapped our industry. And then burdened with the debt of private GERMAN AND FRENCH BANKS THAT HAD INVESTED BADLY. Please have some respect.

  11. This makes me sad. The media and institutions have slowly manipulated us. They have taken moral foundations away, our love and natural desire to protect our people taken away and feminism has destroyed our birth rates. We will be no more. The end of an era in the name of liberal, individualism. Something that has done nothing but destroy rather than create. If it has made anything that is mass insecurity and mental illness. But again that only destroys in the end. A Europe-wide weimar in the form of the EU. I love all these cultures. To see them going is a tragedy. This unsustainable model that the media has pedalled will have us replaced with an actual ethnic group. Such as the Arabs, Africans etc… Its hard to stay positive but we must continue. For giving up will not get us anywhere. Stay strong fellow European natives.

  12. Spain is being conquered by hispanoamericans; they are turning back the history XD Sometimes walking in Madrid I have to wonder myself if i'm not in Bogotá.

    Related to family policies; I'm not precisely a Franco's supporter, but it is true that many policies were destroyed by democracy. For example, there was a student's public saving that allowed my father studyng from his little village until ending university; the State payed housing and even clothing for the student. That money dissapeared in just two elections. Something that allowed my father to study more than 20 years was banished in less than 8 years of democracy.

    Maybe data says housing it is not related with birth rate, but at least my experience between friends and colleges is that housing + uncertain labour future makes impossible having children. We want, but we can't.

    Lastly, the religious population in countries like Spain, Italy or Portugal is a little bit fake. Many of us count as christians because we were baptized as a family tradition; but we don't practice or belive in any religion.

  13. Ive 4 chikdten all in their 30s and no grandchildren .
    Women think all men are untrustworthy and will cheat on them plus verbally abusive and aggressive or on the other side they are just soft complete mummy's boys who cant even boil an egg.
    Men think women will just divorce them and the family court judge will give everything to the women .
    Young people have even given up on sex and use Porn instead which is far more reliable for satisfaction without any complications .

  14. I'm French, and immigration is a serious issue, ever since it was allowed, violence increased, felonies increased. to be clear, they are mostly part of african and muslim background. I'm afraid for the future of france with the current BS president.

  15. Years and years of subversion. Being told kids are bad, there’s already too many people on the planet, the environment, all kinds of stuff led to this. All by design

  16. how is housing unrelated to having a family? it'd make complete perfect sense, at least in counties where people don't live in multi-family households, like Spain (which is where I live). baffling

    in addition, the graph at 14:12 where it's pointed out that most of the Spanish population lives in flats, is no surprise, due to the rural areas' population decline from the last half a century, most people reside in citys.

  17. It’s almost funny how you all fail to see the problem and are unable to get it: female hypergamy+ female emancipation= no couples=no kids

    Nordic countries are NOT doing better. They are just more filled with fourth worlders ignoring stupid female emancipation hence reproducing like crazy

  18. Seeing people talk about the spain population decline is like…. fucking funny to me tbh, study one course of spanish history and you see this territory has like 20 different cultures mixed into one and it just keeps coming, even from the start of the records about the iberian penninsula, theres always been immigration from other place and a culture fusion through it, and thats not bad by any means, its not bad to have the opposite of that as well, its just funny that people go around saying 'theres no longer a true spain its now just pure immigrants!' As if it hadnt been so for the past millenia

  19. As an Italian I think that the main reason for our low fertility is what you start discussing at 15:10 and, with this respect, I'd like to add that in more traditional societies partner choice was mediated and arranged by families: singlehood was therefore a rarity. What has been happening in Italy for the last decades is a transitional phase from a fully traditionalist society to a modern one, where women have not however fully emancipated. Unlike 50 years ago, women have the power in partner choice but are unable of using it well because of the aforementioned transitional situation we've been experiencing: generally speaking, Italian women embrace some modern aspects but at the same time do not reject some traditional ones.This attitude creates in us young males a huge confusion, as we don't know how to navigate this complexity. Such situation is even harder for introverts (like me, lol) who, for obvious reasons, have lower chances of meeting people, potential partners included. As Italy is generally known to be an extroverted country, Italian introverts have a harder time when having to deal with extroverts, and this is the also the case for partner selection, which just doesn't happen or miserably fails after many attempts. If you want to find out more about what I said, you can check Apostolou's work about "involuntary singlehood".