South Africans Furious Over 'Whites Only' Student Accomodation Rental

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South Africans Furious Over 'Whites Only' Student Accomodation Rental

Naledi Mfoloe reports on alarming trend of discriminatory rental practices that exclude non-white students from accessing accommodation in Cape Town South Africa



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  1. Is THIS why them folks are going to Africa in droves, to exploit the lack of civil rights laws? Are there civil rights laws there? Was there ever a need? 🤔

  2. To Naledi Mfoloe:
    We have to ask ourselves an important question: Why are we in Africa a continent that belongs to black people and we are enduring discrimination and racism from European invaders and foreigners who are not even supposed to be in Africa? Those issues in Africa, speak volumes about how black people are not vigilant toward the infiltration of non-black immigrants and colonizers in Africa and how black people in Africa refuse to establish anti-immigration and anti-colonization laws that will prevent the presence of the bigots who are creating those publicitties.

  3. Africa is now feeling what we go through or went through in America. Our ppl fought for us to get that shit out the way. Y'all better study what our ancestors did to beat that shit. 😂

  4. I blame Africa kick all white people out your countries, you won't have that problem, make it hard for them to get land,resources citizenship in your countries,,this is one of the main reasons black people don't want to move back home to Africa, we don't want to see or deal with wyt people, we can stay in the United snakes for that

  5. Does South Africa not have anti-discrimination laws? Do you guys know what anti-discrimination laws are? Have you not demanded your government to enact anti-discrimination laws. In case you don’t know anti-discrimination laws make it illegal to discriminate in housing, employment, transportation, schooling, and public services like restaurants, stores, entertainment venues, based on race. If the law is violated the establishment is fined and/or shut down. In America we have anti-discrimination laws. Having the law does not mean people and establishments don’t discriminate, but at least there is a mechanism to shut them down. We are only 12% of the population in America. It is very difficult for us to understand why Blacks in South Africa (and Africa on the whole) cannot rule their own country when you are more than 80% of the population and don’t give us that “colored” bullsh@t. You seem to be waiting for white people to one day not discriminate against Blacks out of the kindness of their hearts. Are you crazy? It is not going to happen. Racism is ingrained into their culture. You are not going to reason it away. You must have hard laws against racism which MUST be enforced by shutting businesses down, fine them into bankruptcy, and if necessary locking them up in prison. What the hell is wrong with you and your governments?

  6. Why do y'all even care? All you do on this channel is "we need our own….." whatever. So you want everything for just you, but how dare other races do the same thing? The hypocrisy is mind boggling.

  7. How can S Africa a majority Blk/ African country. Let a minority rule with so much injustices. Especially after Apartheid?!🤔🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

  8. If i had a black American woman that spoke as soft as the African woman in this video i would be married and wouldn't have had five different fiance's and yes i've had white women too they're just as crazy with un-necessary emotional acting!

  9. I don't feel bad they make up 82 % of the national population and the yt people feel that comfortable about disrespecting them let's me know they are the weakest black people in the world

  10. There shouldn’t be a white only anything in Africa or anywhere it’s ridiculous. The gull of these people the entitlement is infuriating. The problem is they think their gods like they’re some gift to the world which is really laughable sad because they’re the only ones who think like that. No one believes they are but them which is pathetic. I’m truly embarrassed for them

  11. Africans are weak asf to keep letting these people disrespect y’all in y’all own country. If it says whites only apartment build a bigger one n put black only sign on it. Is that so difficult to do or do Africans hate their own people that much that they’ll just let it slide?

  12. This is the result of NOT knowing who you REALLY ARE. There's a saying that goes, "If you don't know where you are coming from, you will NOT know where you are going to". The Bantu Africans in South Africa don't know who they are because they don't know where they come from, and as a result, they have absolutely no clue about where they are going to. The saddest thing about them is that, they start arguing when one shows them the direction. They believe they know it all. They are Hebrew Israelites (Negroes and Bantus (haplotype e1b1a (biological and genetic descendants of Jacob/Yashar'el))). As such, we the Hebrew Israelites, don't have a religion. We have a CULTURE given to us by Our Heavenly Father Yahuah through Moses and the Prophets in the form of the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and other Scriptures, and through dreams and visions. Our culture prohibits IDOLATRY and ancestral worshipping. Our culture prohibits homosexuality. Our culture prohibits bestiality. Our culture prohibits profaning the Commandment of keeping the Sabbath day holy. Our culture commands us separating ourselves from the pagans especially the strange flesh (watch here on YouTube a video by Danny Vendramini titled, Neanderthal, profile of a super predator, but, Lo and Behold, our Hebrew Israelite brothers and sisters are crying demanding to mingle with the descendants of the Neanderthal apes that also have some DNA said to be of UNKNOWN ORIGIN, terms probably used to hide the DNA from the FALLEN ANGELS spoken of in Genesis 6:4. This mingling with the hybrid people has resulted in the government legalizing the abomination of same-sex marriages and bestiality. If they knew who they were, they would have changed their constitution through the National Referendum a long time ago and write a new one derived from the Torah, and not compromise their being the chosen people of Yahuah. They allowed their country to be a secular state instead of a THEOCRATIC State. The former apartheid oppressors are still in charge in that country and they are so lost they even butcher their own Hebrew Israelite brothers and sisters in what is known as xenophobic attacks. It's high time they opened up their eyes and know and accept the fact that they, the Bantus, are Hebrew Israelites and start acting accordingly. Praise be to our Heavenly Father Yahuah The Most High Elohim of Israel, the Elohim of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our Elohim. Shalom.

  13. Will you put up with it everyday in America yet we are the absolute minority and can I make significant changes that would create real peace real Justice and throughout the news we are cut down every day and subjected to Injustice.. we have many African-Americans that help continue this layout of Injustice therefore would make it almost impossible to rid this systemic behavior. We have a fighting Spirit that's endless for peace inequality. But I'm willing to say it will and cannot exist here for there's a system in place that is working the way it was intended that the majority is comfortable with keeping the minority in it's place that will continue to impact African-Americans for centuries to come. Which I have found we all are connected with this global problem for people of color world wide in majority populated countries have not overcome those who have continue to rule others in a way that they would not choose for themselves 🌄🦍☮️❤️

  14. Black people/Africans we have problem and the solution is by applying logic, calm mind and not emotion!

    In America the regular white supremacy, but also other groups from Asians to Latinos have low opinion and do push policies and practices against AA, where they can.

    In Africa, be shameful example in South Africa or recently the Chinese built mall, where they say no Nigerians allowed to enter only Chinese or where Indians in Kenya built housing only for Indians and the thousands of exploitative contracts we hand to Europe, US America, Chinese, Indians, Arabs/Turkey (buying land for their citizens and countries in East Africa), let alone the French in "Francophone".

    In short, whereever there are black people worldwide, they are ALWAYS at the bottom of that society, including in Africa. Even where they have no citizenship like in South Africa, they can come in and be instantly treated like kings. Our most beautfiful women will throw themselves to them anytime of the day while the young men would take old foreign women (from Jamaica to The Gambia) and when we travel to these places we face the most hate and discrimination.

    In short, it´s a black / african world wide problem, we can only solve it when we go back to our real liberation heroes like Malcolm X, Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko and the likes and not those whose who cozied and sold our souls. And, unite against oppression. Tired of us giving this person is fault, this country is that. Nonsense.

    Look at how the others once oppressed did it, rinse and repeat (Chinese/Asians, Indians, Middle East). It´s not rocket science. Invest and focus only on us, ignore/isoloate them. Close the ranks (we deal inside with ourselves). It´s high time, bc black men you are on your own as Steve Biko and them heroes said!

  15. The mindset of a lot South Africans is awful. They prefer to fight or kill their fellow Africans over jobs opportunities, but ignore the minority whites that owns over 70% of their lands and controls their economy, in their own land. I was shocked when i saw that DA, a political party of South Africa which is predominantly whites with white presidential candidate, taken second in an election pole. If this is true, considering what they went through in the hands of these white people (not so long ago) then this is madness. So how do you guys expect them to be respected by the white people?? Tell me. This is their own doing, so, they reap what sow

  16. This isnt a white issue but a black one. My Black SA Bros & Sis STOP LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH PREJUDICES/RACISM ON YOUR CONTINENT! They are only doing what they are allowed! Put ya'll foot down and stand up to thee minority in YOUR COUNTRY!!!! COME ON!!!