South Africa threatens to arrest dual citizens serving in IDF

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South Africa threatens to arrest dual citizens serving in IDF

Shaun Sacks analyzes South African Foreign Minister’s announcement on Saturday, stating that the country would arrest dual nationals who have served in the Israel Defense Forces upon their return to South Africa




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  1. South Africa sides with Iran, Russia, China and North Korea, and Hamas, unfortunately, all these are terrorists and terrorist linked countries. Therefore, South Africa is a terrorist nation. God bless and protect Israel🇮🇱and IDF.

  2. Of course South Africa, you have a "deep connection" with Palestinians, with Arabs.
    They were the first people to own you African as slaves!
    Even up to the early 20th Century!
    The joke is on you Pandor!

    "Soon after North Africa was occupied by Arab Muslim armies in the late 7th century, black Africans were traded over the Sahara, and bought by Arab merchants as slaves – a practice which continued down to the early 20th century."

  3. And those people who are going to fight for the Palestinians??? And who would come back to S Africa if you could stay in Israel.. The ANC are the absolute pricks. They are slowly killing this country

  4. Talk about a rainbow nation what a joke has this S.A. government became They call themselves a liberation movement that is exactly why they are in bed with Hamas and Iran the instigators GOD BLESS ISRAEL 🇮🇱 🙏 ❤

  5. "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
    Genesis 12
    Beware Naledi Pandor and ANC!!!!

  6. The White South Africans are the Racist.. they forget their past.. Israel are not racist..they are totally against Terrorists.. there are many Arab Muslims living in Israel and dont face discrimination.. unlike the Blacks who faced genocide at the hand of these white supremacist..

  7. The SA government has much bigger problems than this. Nothing works in this country. There are 400 SA citizens fought for ISIS who are now back in South Africa.
    I am humbled and proud to say I served with Magav in 1994-1995

  8. Criminal activities/state capture within the cANCer government and daily murder/rape the norm in the country do they interfere with other countries? SA is ruled/robbed by the biggest circus brigade in the world with the stupidest clowns in the top 10 in parliament. Pathetic!!!

  9. How does a rotten the anc forget who was fighting for them while they hide in the bush in other countries it was. Jews where was moslems the president of the anc got is billions from. Jews we knouw he was a traiterto I'm former for the apartate. Government it's smameful

  10. South Africa is GUILTY of Ethnic Cleansing of all GOARS CAUCASIANS in that country for 10 years. So South Africa has blood in its hands hence their claim is NULL & VOID! No one even wants to travel to South African backward country.

  11. It would be advisable for every Jewish South African to move themselves and their family to Israel immediately. Any Marxist/Globalist Government can NEVER be trusted, they are compulsive LIARS.

  12. It was weapons to Russia lies everytime south Africa try to stop killing of children accused of something this channel was also one of channels spreading lies I think USA must take them to court as they did before bcz South Africa know if they can send weapons they will lose case this countries did have their problems the time support south Africa even USA support ukrain while facing huge problems is not relevant we know exactly lies about race between Israel and white south Africans I think it's time to realize the fact we are Africans we support each other as west do no matter what they do wrong all the comments are based to uplift lies to support the bloodline on which is not true it's your ancestors who have relationship with them you are foreigners or Africans in this countries if Africa be destroyed you have no home or land eg south Africa went to Ukraine and ukrain undermine them and told them it's not the problem can be solved by them but Russia explained themselves lead South Africa to support them 2nd I don't know whether what Isreal did took the land on which has nothing to do with them arrived as refugees and treat people of that land also took other areas it's rite thing to do and I know you won't want to see happen to your house person who doesn't have home and be kind and give room next undermine you and took other rooms by force what will lead you be friendly you lie to your children we don't need this as youth of this generation in south Africa orthodox bycot everyday supporting Palestinians those are citizens of Israel and they are prosecuted and arrested shows the is no freedom of speech corruption is worse in USA than South Africa

  13. Hahaha 🤣, don't go back to SA, its not worth it, there's nothing in SA, no electricity, no water, no justice, no jobs, no law and order but lots of corruption…. 🤪🤪 They're like the Titanic, sinking with the heavy load on deck…

  14. What a sad sad place south africa has become. I feel sorry for the south africans i went to school with. They've been there since the 16th century and now supposedly they are livinh in someone else's land. Sick woke world, getting worse day by day