South Africa Elections 2024: Zuma faces resistance from MK party founder, Jabulani Khumalo | WION
South Africa Elections 2024: Zuma faces resistance from MK party founder, Jabulani Khumalo | WION
Former South African President Jacob Zuma is facing attempts to remove him from leadership posts in his new party, state broadcaster SABC said on Tuesday, three weeks before an election in which he is likely to receive considerable support. Watch to know more.
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Long live Msholozi long live
This Khumalo is wasting his time
Oh people of South Africa. Your government is working hard to stand with the Palestinian people and stop the war currently taking place in Gaza. This is a beautiful thing. But regarding the war that is taking place in Sudan in general and Darfur in particular, it has a dangerous nature. You do not know what is happening in Darfur. There are tribes that claim Arabism and are the main component of the Rapid Support Forces in proportion. (95%). The Rapid Support Forces and the Janjaweed (Arab tribes) are killing African ethnic groups in Darfur, then forcibly displacing them, raping women and girls, and killing males of African ethnic groups. Now they have been able to control 4 states completely. They are also trying to control the last city in Darfur, El Fasher, which has become a refuge. The last for the African tribes.. Therefore, you, as Africans, must put pressure on the Rapid Support Forces and the Arab tribes allied with them before it is too late, because the African ethnicities are in dire need of standing with them.
Zuma my President please lead us and the more they hate you is the more you become a hero , unesiphiwo MSHOLOZI futhi uligagu , unegazi elihle ebantwini, uyathandwa , iqiniso mabavume ukuthi uyayithela induku , long live MSHOLOZI long live ✊✊✊✊
This guy is a waste of time and selfish. Instead of our country creating jobs and housing the poor. We must read about things like this everyday. We don’t care
My President 😅
Zuma is a master of disaster
Lets wait for concourt decision tomorrow the 10th of May 2024
Zuma is the president of MK Party, the President of South Africa from now until he dies, may be after 30 years. May God spare Zuma, may God bless him according to His riches in glory. AMEN.
Waze wakude u29 May, sikhathele kukhulunya ngalo Zuma ekuseni, ntambama, azisekho ezinye izindaba tjoooo
We are ready for anything , that Khumalo better be protected.
His not a founder of mk party,he was just asked by President Zuma to register mk party.
Zuma is trouble where ever he is
That party was not formed by him, he was asked by Zuma to register MK. HIS TOOOO 4WRD
Our President Zuma has already won that one as usually
Khumalo his the one that put Zuma in charge, so his just bluffing because his a friend of ramaphosa….
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