South Africa Defying The West, Israel Taken to the ICJ by South Africa over Conflict With Palestine

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South Africa Defying The West, Israel Taken to the ICJ by South Africa over Conflict With Palestine

Like many times before, South Africa is defying the West again. When nobody dares to speak for fear of repercussions, South Africa has stepped up and is Heading to the International Court of Justice. Ondiro Oganga tells us more.



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  1. "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Revelation 3:9

  2. I cannot speak much on these matters but I will say is what Israel is doing to Palestine could easily be done to Africa. Until Africa has a formidable military to back up it's economy it will continue to have to participate at the dog and pony show.

  3. Israeli spokesman living in UK, he is having luxurious life and blind what is happening in Gaza and Palestinian land, zero knowledge about Gaza and Palestinian genocide in Palestinian land by Israeli apartheid regime.
    Germany kicked out Zionist from Germany, Germany is the responsible for holocaust, Zionist ran away barefoot in Palestinian land, Palestinian kind enough to gave them shelter, now ungrateful Zionist doing genocide to kick them from their own land.
    Zionist kicked out from Germany, now Israeli must go back to Germany and fight for your own ancestors land in Germany but not in Palestinian land.

  4. People of the world will remember that South Africa stood up for humanity and dignity; and stood against racism, apartheid and genocide!
    Thank you! <3

  5. The truth of the matter is that politicians in the West and the US, Israel including Australia (Australia which is psychologically totally confused and suffering from an identity crisis as it thinks it is "west" when the reality is that it is geographically part of Asia!!!), are still stuck in their mental capacity and attitude in the glory days of "empire" 5-6 centuries ago. They may have learned to wear Gucci suits nowadays but nothing else seem to have evolved in their psyche and consciousness from their barbarian days. Instead of recognising their sordid past and history , they celebrate their delusions like "Thanksgiving Day" which the Native American Indians rightly and clearly remember and commemorate as their "Day of Mourning" being the beginning of the murdering, genociding, plundering, stealing, raping and ultimately, OCCUPATION , of their land uninvited, without any due compensation even till today. But these thieves and robbers take a lot of pride in the stories they tell themselves and sell to the world how great their "founding" was!!! Same stories with the "Empire" where the sun never sets. Australia with the Aborigines. New Zealand with their Maoris. The African continent with all those Europeans……… goes on and on. This is the 21st Century , for chrissakes! Grow up and come out of that sick and primitive mentality of never ending desire to dominate, control and subjugate. The zillions of dollars spent on wars and "defence" and the other zillions being hoarded by the 1% is more than sufficient to provide every human being on the planet a very decent and never anything wanting life on this planet with the healthiest and cleanest environment. And we pride ourselves as being the only creature on earth with the intelligence, consciousness and capacity of free will and choice. And these sick politicians choose never ending squabbles, tensions and wars!!! Go figure.

  6. South African government is bunch of hypocrites. Why didn’t South Africa do this when the Arabs were slaughtering black in Darfur? In fact South Africa refused to arrest former Sudan president Bashir when he came to South Africa. So I don’t care what this corrupt government is doing.

  7. Crickey, I have never read so much rubbish in me life. You all speak so much rubbish that it is like a TSUNAMI of crap flooding the net. 99.9% have not got no clue as to what you are all saying. What a joke ya all are.

  8. Right Madam

    May I please ask a question?

    The Brave South African government ANC are pointing 👉 fingers at Israel.
    The 2023 statistics
    43 037 woman and children raped
    27 272 people murdered in 2023
    The genocide of Palestinians in Gaza 23 000
    Am I missing something. Why do you on your channel don't address these facts Madam. And please do the fact checks PLEASE 🙏

  9. One thing about us South Africans is that we will not be intimidated. We fought these people with bare feet and spears when they had guns and horses……✊🏾🇿🇦

  10. Thank you, South Africa for supporting the innocent Palestinians. I hope the Zionist regime and the US are held accountable for the atrocities carried out in Palestine.

  11. Personally I think this will have a negative impact on South Africa. Black ppl have no business getting involved in these ppl problems. South Africa should be getting involved w/ Ethiopia and Somalia’s current situation